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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 2 hours ago, reefatoon said:


    He has to be. He was going on about Tubes a couple of days ago. He’s been gone for donkeys.


    He’s had about 30 accounts on here :lol: Has he ever left? Anyone who had browsed the forum for even the last 12 months would know all about tubes.


    2 hours ago, joeyt said:

    Convinced Fantail Breeze was a previous user. Similar posting style to Figures 1-0 Football



  2. 5 minutes ago, Nobody said:

    So what are you doing about it? 


    Not attending matches. Packed in my ST after not missing a game for many years.


    Attempting to join in whatever protest/movement that is available.


    Encouraging protest, hopeful that one day NUST will listen to their fans and grow a backbone.

    Refusing to purchase anything from the club shop (or where known, any of Ashley’s tat shops), although I may accidentally due to his wide ever spanning portfolio.


    Let me know if I can do anything else, I’d be delighted to.

  3. 5 minutes ago, TRon said:


    As if Ashley gives a fuck. If you think fan protests would make Ashley double his transfer budget you must have missed the last 15 years.


    The only way we get decent players through the door is if the takeover happens. 


    Seems to have worked for Man Utd. When have we ever tried something as significant as they did? 


    7 minutes ago, Stifler said:

    Knowing and accepting are two different things, even you aren’t stupid enough to not know that.


    Do me a favour and put me on your ignore list. I can’t be arsed with you mentioning me in topics I’m not active in and I can’t be arsed with you quoting me and putting words in my mouth.

    What a complete overreaction. You clearly missed the point. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, Stifler said:

    Where have I said that I’m accepting this?

    All I am saying is this is the situation as I see it, and I don’t think there is going to be any movement until August, hence why we probably haven’t really started discussing anything with Arsenal over Willock yet, or why we haven’t signed Ajer despite the fact that it was pretty much a done deal in January going by reports.


    Hence the word ‘accepting’.


    There should have already been signings. It’s pathetic that there hasn’t been. We survived last year because of individual quality and one of them isn’t even here anymore.


    Accepting that there won’t be any movement before August is part of the problem. There should be hell on. There isn’t. Great result for Ashley.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Stifler said:

    They club will delay making any transfer decision until the arbitration has finished. If we fail in it then we will have a small budget and be trying to get loans and freebies.

    If we are successful then everything will be left to the new owners.


    Ashley must weep with joy when he sees fans as accepting as this.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Collingwood Street said:

    Are you two separate, or do you come as a double act?


    Far to eloquent to be tubes. Welcome :wave: 


    Stick to the opinions of the forum clique (i.e. don’t have any opinions) and you’ll get on fine and dandy. 


    Your welcome pack will arrive in the post.

  7. Fuck me :lol: This’ll be the worst summer yet.


    Good job Mike is on our side though. Don’t worry about the squad, manager or facilities because he’s fighting for a takeover that is probably already dead.


    Like ignoring your house burning down because you want to save the lottery ticket in the garden that you don’t even know if it’s a winner.

  8. Sadly that was the result of a good manager vs an average to poor one. I’ve defended Southgate a lot this tournament and admit he’s done well to get us to the final, but his tactical limitations were there for all to see.


    His in game management is atrocious and it cost us again.


    Sadly the overall performance in the tournament will keep him in a job/even earn him praise.


    On a side note, football once again bringing out the utter morons. Idiots attempting to break into Wembley followed by other idiots positing racist comments. Thick as pig shit, stop associating yourselves with football because you’re not part of it.

  9. 17 minutes ago, Rocker said:

    None of us (apart from WM), give a shit about Keith here.


    The bloke has been shat on in both threads for a while now, so coming on here and sticking the boot in and trying to get a rise just comes across a little one dimensional. At least try and mix the shithousery up.


    Fingers crossed arbitration goes out way because right now I need two positives Lynn, one to cancel out the negative and one just so I can have a positive.


    This is where you’re totally wrong. I couldn’t give a toss how people react to my posts, as I’ve said countless times, there is an a useful ignore function if people can’t stop getting so worked up over someone else’s opinion on the internet.


    That part of your post also contradicts the first part, if people didn’t care for Keith - they wouldn’t feel the need to be so defensive and get so worked up.

  10. 7 hours ago, Manxst said:

    Lolz. You pair are hilarious. No really. Quite the double act. Whilst true fans are patiently waiting for any news of the potential takeover, you pair of muppets are yet again raising the bar with your inane posts and jibes towards the fanbase of our club. 


    :lol: Are you a child? Not a true fan because we think Keith is a muppet? 

    If this takeover happens (which I’ve always been very clear is exactly what I want to happen), it’ll have absolutely nothing to do with Keith. The bloke is a fantasist.


    If anything the bigger ‘crime’ would be purposely sending out false information to fellow fans and pretending you know more than you do, to raise your own social media profile. 



  11. 4 hours ago, Robster said:

    100% Completely agree. I don't know if it's zero interest or they are scared of whoever is the driving force behind the PL.
    That Oliver Dowden, man. His whole being screams useless, ineffective and pathetic. I wouldn't trust him to get a take away order correct.


    I can’t imagine the other owners would be impressed at the Government forcing through a takeover of NUFC.


    Some of those owners who also spend millions on the areas of their clubs. They might get a (much needed) cash injection to Newcastle, but lose many others in the process.

  12. 2 hours ago, Joey Linton said:

    "A personal feeling is joining the Trust or standing for the board if you want to influence its actions is another important step. They are democratically elected and continue to lobby for transparency." 


    A rallying call for the Trust too.


    I’ll be there with my acceptance speech. I heard you get a free season ticket and subscription to Flannels if you are successful.

  13. 3 hours ago, gdm said:

    Can’t get past the white line on the black stripe that makes up the 4 as other people have said. Such a shite design flaw 


    Can someone point this out to me as I can’t see it? :lol: 


    Edit - nevermind. I can see it now.

  14. We’re clearly desperate for a CB, despite it being about the only position we have decent depth for*

    *Until Bruce flogs/loans out our better CBs because they’re too good with the ball and not a thick, slabheaded, rough and ready CB.

  15. 57 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    I like him and think he’s good enough for our first team at least, which probably tells you all you need to know. He’s decent enough IMO.




    Both statements are correct, which is the problem.

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