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Fantail Breeze

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Everything posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. I know it massively plays into a stereotype, but Portugal players so often preferring to throw themselves to the floor when in good positions Such a crap thing to do, especially when they’re in a good phase of play.
  2. Fernandes proving once again he can only play well against minnows.
  3. If he tweeted it was 19:38, I’d have to check the time to be sure.
  4. Brings a bit of light humour to the usual mix of miserable sods. He’s much better than most.
  5. 9,000 followers and I don’t think I’ve ever seen them get anything right.
  6. Would rather the goal was incorrectly given (although the lino may have raised his flag anyway as they’re told to keep them down for tight calls). Rather than the whole celebration happen followed by a three minute delay. It’s rancid.
  7. I was going to post the same, but we’ll probably manage to outshit them.
  8. Absolutely dreadful decision by him to go there. Hopefully his first piece of business is a new goalkeeper.
  9. That’s not what @Joey Lintonsaid. He said: “When i said it was nonsense yesterday people instantly disagreed and said there was no way of knowing it was untrue? Hopefully one of them will reply.“ Which is exactly what those posts say.
  10. Here in lies the problem gdm. People don’t want it to be recognised when a bullshit rumour/fake itk turns out to be bollocks. It’s okay to discuss them for days, but when they’re proven wrong, apparently you need to pretend it never happened. If you do try and point out it was wrong, the same folk come bundling in crying about it and claiming you’re the problem This forum cannot deal with non-positive news, in either thread. It’s completely and utterly weird. Unless you want to fall in line and not challenge/discuss anything, you’re not welcome to post about the takeover. They have their own thread for their weird conspiracy theories, but still come in here to whinge and moan on a daily basis whenever they see a post they don’t like. Then all of a sudden it’s my fault, or Joey’s fault, or someone else’s fault… because they can’t help but react for no reason whatsoever.
  11. Not sure what page you were looking on, but took me two minutes to see the three posts he was talking about.
  12. Not posted this in the other thread to prevent the softies getting all upset… Isn’t this a load of bollocks and the jurisdiction challenge will have a hearing/outcome? I thought the legal eagles on here confirmed that. I mean it’d be totally out of character for Keith to be wrong, but it sounds unusual that there would be no output.
  13. I don’t think either Kane or Grealish have been hasty in their moves like. Both have been linked away for years. Grealish was linked away to a top 6 club from Villa when they were relegated. They’ve both given a lot to their clubs and it wouldn’t be a surprise at all if they felt they deserved the opportunity to win major honours. We’re not talking about players who have broke into the first team for a season - they’ve been top players for some time. Both of them are talented enough to be starting every week too. They’ll also have faith in their own abilities and I doubt either of them are signing on expecting to be on the bench.
  14. There are about 5 pages on this forum about it. Are we not allowed to mention it now?
  15. Completely agree. VAR has also caused more issued than it prevents imo, as most predicted: - Contact = foul now, no matter how slight or ridiculous. - Handball rule being completely fucked about with to the extent it’s a load of bollocks and ruining the game. - Offside; see point two above. Football decisions are subjective and are very rarely definitive one way or another. That’s why VAR is pointless. Goal line technology does work however, because it is definitive. Any number of people can watch the same tackle and all have a different interpretation. There is no place for VAR. Use the money to train referees and you’ll get a similar output with less interruptions and bullshit confusion.
  16. £4.3m? Ffs, do you want us to do a Leeds?
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