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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Just now, Beren said:

    Pickford looked like a non-pro trying to save it. Not really diving as such, but jumping sideways and flailing an arm out.


    It was almost central :lol: Should’ve been saved like. He’s looked like the usual loose cannon all tournament with his wanking kicking. 

  2. Two years of being a squad player before we realise he’s pony, we can’t sell him and he spends the remainder on loan at Sheff Wed, Rotherham and Southend before a final year at Bursaspor. Perfect.

  3. 1 minute ago, reefatoon said:

    I wouldn’t entertain him @Manxst the last few pages have been decent with some canny chat. It will just descend into the usual filth. Let’s just keep it all about the latest news :thup:


    Oh aye. The page after page of GB News conversation has been an absolute delight.


    3 minutes ago, Manxst said:

    Except this time, the letter sending is on ‘our’ side, as opposed to from Hatice Cengiz? 


    Oh it won’t be long before there is a crap letter landing somewhere.

  4. As a side point, recent developments also show all of the ITKs to be full of shit…


    Arbitration didn’t start last week, there doesn’t seem to be anything deal breaking in NUFC’s case vs the PL otherwise there would be no need for all of this and did Staveley not phone Keith today? Or did he not see this statement because Kennedy didn’t?


    People should stop giving these idiots airtime who are milking a shit situation and dragging people along.

  5. 1 hour ago, Joey Linton said:

    He doesn't say that. He says it could either be seen as confident, confrontational or a little desperate. 


    Mad how people don’t actually read what he says properly and just criticise him incorrectly :lol: Yet the same people bend over backwards for Keith to ram his random (and often illogical thoughts) down their throat.


    Anyway, my thoughts which I know you’re all desperate to hear… 


    It’s positive in one sense, because it seems to indicate PIF are still there (otherwise Staveley wouldn’t be). It also shows the continued fight from the consortium to get this through.


    However, the reported best outcome for the takeover was an agreement outside of, or through, arbitration. All of this very public slagging off doesn’t suggest that possibility is on the table.


    Although it could be seen as a positive. Maybe NUFC have seen the PL’s case and/or disclosure and it contains something very detrimental for the PL (but not quite enough to win CAT or arbitration). By trying to force the PL into a corner, they may reluctantly fold and make a deal.


    It now seems the only way we’ll get this takeover is to back the PL into a corner they don’t want to be in. It’s a risky game, because the PL don’t have any obligation whatsoever to make arbitration public. This absolutely needs government involvement to force the PL, or a public CAT case (although that’ll probably take too long to ever happen).


    Do I feel slightly more optimistic it may happen? Yes. Would I bet on it happening? No.

  6. I’ve been very critical of Southgate in the past, I don’t particularly like the style of football that we play and think we could be more expansive with the players we have - but he’s taken this England team to two major semi-finals in the last two competitions.


    Other major nations; Portugal, Germany, Belgium have all faltered despite having relatively similar teams in terms of quality.


    He is defensive minded, but at least the team look organised and have a clear plan. He does get it wrong occasionally with his in-game management (Croatia at the WC and Scotland in the group stages), but hopefully he can learn from situations like those.


    We have a great chance of actually winning this and we look better than we did at the World Cup.

  7. 4 minutes ago, gdm said:

    Aye I wasn’t criticising anyone for doing it. Just unsure why it’s being done for a 3rd time. This was step 1

    If only we had a committee of supporters with a huge membership and large amount of members’ money in the bank, with the press at their fingertips, who could coordinate a well thought out process of piling the pressure on.


    @Gregdo you know anyone?

  8. I do like how the Chronicle have managed to make up their own rumour after seeking out someone who worked as Ben Arfa’s translator for 12 months :lol:




    Up next: “Rondon’s previous gardener tells us why he might rejoin Newcastle”.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Scoot said:

    Your typical NUFC fan. Do absolutely nothing, but critisise those that do try something. It's part of the reason we're still stuck with Ashley.


    We've got a fanbase full of them unfortunately.


    I don’t think @gdm was criticising anyone, or I certainly didn’t read it like that.


    If people want to write to their MPs, great. But it has been tried before to no avail.


    Well done them for making an effort, but we’ll also need something new and much more coordinated.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

    Why would they need to post things like this if they were positive about winning?


    Just have this awful feeling there’s something else we don’t know about which has caused this sudden public cry for fairness


    They wouldn’t.


    It’s quite clear now they’re trying to get as much pressure for the arbitration to be held public, hoping it’ll force the PL’s hand into negotiating.


    You never know through, it might go our way.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Espio said:

    Do I want it to happen? Yes. - Do I think it'll happen? Hopefully, but not sure. Judging by how things go our way, I'm cautiously optimistic as I think the majority are.


    Your sense of "realism" isn't that, it's just optimistic delusion and you're attacking anyone who thinks different. There's no way anybody outside of the actual case(s) know what is actually going on, everything that's said publicly is pure speculation. We've got some amazing firepower on our side trying to make this happen, and I fucking hope that the PL fold and give in but judging by our luck in the past, I wouldn't bet my house on it, maybe the kids, but not the house.

    We're all here for the same thing, we love the club and we want it to succeed but attacking each other because someone thinks differently is just fucking idiotic.


    What a very sensible and accurate post.



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