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Fantail Breeze

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Everything posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. It’s their statement of purpose isn’t it? Jump on the back of a storm ->do nothing Just have to sit back and wait now until the next uproar (probably arbitration not going our away) and then Alex will think of his next crazy scheme to try and benefit himself.
  2. Weird how that works. A rival bidder comes in and they secure the rights at a cheaper right. Then I realise it’s UEFA and I immediately understand it’ll be due to the backhanders and Saudi hate.
  3. Well at least we can probably buy the mackems with the current pot.
  4. Blimey. How far down the list was he for Spurs?
  5. Player valuations are so random these days. No sense to them whatsoever. Wonder at what point they’ll have to stop being so ridiculous.
  6. Sounds ideal to be fair. Sign a young player with potential who needs proper coaching and development to work under Steve Bruce. Signing him would be a mistake if your assessment is accurate. Bruce can’t work with players who need actual coaching and needs the ready made products to bail him out.
  7. Imagine idolising Cattermole ffs. It wouldn’t be so bad if he actually contributed well. But he was their captain through their demise and put in pathetic performance after pathetic performance against crap opposition.
  8. Good to hear positive noises (albeit through MA’s favourite PR wagon of Sky). Seems like the thoughts that both sides will start leaking positive/negative noises ahead of arbitration was a correct one. It’s a full on soap opera. I’m assuming if arbitration is now expected to start in June rather than July, documents etc. have all been submitted (or will be submitted shortly) without any further requests for delays. Great news that we’ll finally get closure.
  9. I’ll repeat for the 1000th time. If you feel the need to get all upset, so much so that you’re posting childish gibber like above, just put me on ignore. You won’t need to worry about a ban then.
  10. Amazing. Wonder if Sky etc. will all be totally outraged by this and calling for toughing sanctions? Maybe a tweet or two and then it’ll all be forgotten. Still can’t get my head around how this has just been waved through with none of the other 14 clubs seemingly (or publicly) outraged. £3m each May as well have asked them to not bother. If we were going to go down the route of fines, £20m each would be more sensible. The £120m could then be distributed down the football league ladder to support clubs in the way they refused to 12 months ago.
  11. Ignore him. He doesn’t recognise that people can change their opinion as the information in front of us changes.
  12. Weird how a positive PR piece always seems to come out directly before or after a stonking bit of news.
  13. This is why I ultimately think it’ll fail. I have no doubt it’s been done incorrectly and fucked us right over - but I think they’ll be too good at covering their arse. Would be amazed if they’ve left themselves open to CAT succeeding. Our only hope, imo, is that we win arbitration… somehow.
  14. Well their statement has been damaging to the club’s case, that’s the whole point. See above.
  15. Wrong. Again. The PL does need to be satisfied the correct people have been tested. F26. No Person may acquire Control of a Club and no Club may permit a Person to acquire Control of it until such time as: F.26.1. the Board provides confirmation that all Persons that are required to do so have complied with the process set out in Rule F.24.1.1 and no such Persons are liable to be disqualified as a Director under the provisions of Rule F.1; F.26.2. the Board provides confirmation of its satisfaction with the information provided pursuant to Rule F.24.1.2; and F.26.3. the Club and Person proposing to acquire Control have acceded to any powers and/or accepted any conditions imposed pursuant to Rule F.25.
  16. I mean the discussion was absolutely fine until the normal group of delusional folk came in with their ramblings, which they have their own thread for.
  17. No they didn’t, their own public statement says otherwise. Hence why it was damaging to withdraw and issue that statement. Arbitration “wasn’t the answer”… but a year later, it is? We could have gone through arbitration a year ago. It’s been explained to you many times, including on this very page. But you’ve got your fingers in your ears and refuse to listen. You’re on the wrong thread, again.
  18. And your legal qualifications to make that determination? I’m fairly confident the PL (you know, the people who wrote the rules) and their lawyers will have the edge on you here.
  19. You’re forgetting we blindly believe the journalists who post positive things and completely refute any journalist who posts something neutral or negative.
  20. That doesn’t apply though, does it? Because they never agreed on who the test was going to include. That’s the whole point, that you seem to be missing… over and over again.
  21. You’ve still not answered the question. Why would the consortium pull out and blame COVID? How can you not see how counter-productive that is to their argument? The PL have acted in accordance to their rules, there is no time limit on making the determinations that they did. If the consortium had waited it out, we’d also have had some form of decision by now and the court action would have been sooner. Both sides have caused delays.
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