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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. There was no way the Joelinton figure was £40m upfront btw, creative accounting as always by Ashley. More likely to be £25m with add-ons that’ll never be achieved because he’s not playing as a striker.

  2. 9 minutes ago, WillingtonMag said:

    Seems like a mix of Henry and Mbappe.


    Which is much better recipe than our previous signings under Ashley who contained mixtures of Shola Ameobi, Luke Chadwick and Grant Holt.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Gazzaschicken said:

    Wow shit has moved quick this morning only logged off for an hour and came back to ekitike and Targett. 


    What do the all the doom sayers from a week ago say now? Disorganised and clueless were some of the words thrown around. 


    I say that we’ve managed to make a signing we could have made three weeks ago in Ekikite, allowing the player important time to link up with the squad.


    I’m not fussed by the Targett deal, I don’t think it improves us. Still think we’re criminally short at CB and DM to oust Shelvey from the team.


    My thoughts on Wood remain, but we’ll see how he gets on.


    Overall it’s been an acceptable window (largely by the Bruno and Trippier signings that are excellent), but hopefully we’ll have a proper structure in place by the summer.


    Lingard plus either Botman/Carlos/any other quality CB or DM and it’ll have been a great window.

    Still think we’ll go back in for them, for some unknown reason.

  4. 13 minutes ago, xLiaaamx said:

    Sounds like they could be going for aN00Tv.gif


    Made me laugh, I tried to find the odds on the next manager and barely any bookies are offering it :lol: They’re so irrelevant.

  5. 6 minutes ago, PlymouthGeordie said:

    If Targett, Burn and Ekitike are sorted early I can definitely see us going for a big name CB or CM on top of trying for Lingard.


    Think it’ll be either Botman or Carlos.


    One of those, plus Lingard and the other three and we’d have done well. Still worry at CM and DM atm.

  6. 1 minute ago, Rich said:

    I am shocked by this take.


    It’s bang average, but addresses an area of need and means we can go back in for a priority target in summer without too much of a short-term hit to the finances.


    I would rather play Lewis there and see if he could develop if we’re not signing a new LB now.


    Manquillo would be adequate cover


    I’m pleased the deal is only a loan for the above reason you’ve stated though.

  7. 1 hour ago, Whitley mag said:

    He definitely hasn’t got a link to Mandy.




    Why? He was spot on. Targett on his way in and we’ve turned our attentions to Ekikite after being told Nketiah isn’t available.

  8. Think based on the price this is much more likely than any other striker at this late stage.


    Doesn’t sound like we were too far away in valuation either, just the add-ons they need to sort.


    Get him in.

  9. 3 minutes ago, et tu brute said:


    Problem is, they think they have a team full of players that are way above any of the other teams and the simple fact is they haven't. 


    They’ve got the top scorer in the league but their defence is awful. Sat third but they’ve conceded three more goals than the team in 18th.


    Whether that’s down to the players being shit or the manager being tactically inept I don’t really know because they have a team I’ve never heard of.

  10. Would be surprised if we sign any more than three tomorrow (incl Burn).


    Hope we don’t just sign people for the sake of it, without actually improving ourselves; Targett, Nketiah etc.


    Would rather we just try all out for a decent CB, CM and/or striker tbh.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Disco said:

    Senegal 3-1, Equ Guinea running out of steam. Been a good game though.


    Love how every game has a few rows of seats just dancing throughout the match :lol: They must be knackered by the end of the game.

  12. To be fair, they were only heading one way with him and it wasn’t for promotion. Not surprise he’s been booted at all.


    Sad really because they have an opportunity for a new manager bounce and get back into the race for automatic.


    Interested to see who they’ll get. Tragic timing though with the transfer window closing. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, Happinesstan said:

    I did edit to say I can't remember exactly as I've tried my best to erase the memory, if you think that audio recording was traumatic, we were treated to a full video display.

    As to the Police and CPS, they are both assuming a conviction, or it wouldn't make the court, but neither  barrister or judge referred to them as victim, I think either their name, or simply the witness.


    That’s not what your post said. You said it was premature to call her a victim, that’s not true.


    Even if he is found not guilty, or charges are not applied, it doesn’t stop her being a victim - it just means there wasn’t enough evidence.


    The court will identify them as a witness, as the whole role of the court is to be impartial during trial and referring as a victim may set prejudices.


    Appreciate the horrific evidence you probably had to listen to and hear, can’t have been easy.


    6 minutes ago, Manxst said:

    Of course the judiciary don’t refer to them in court as ‘the victim’- that’s more than a little demeaning to them! The police and CPS don’t address the individual purely by that title either, but legally, that’s what they are. 


    Sadly, they do call them a victim quite routinely (not in court) which is wrong imo.


    Same as social care referring to people as ‘service users’ or hospitals calling people ‘patients’. Aye, the term to describe a group of people isn’t too bad but when speaking about a specific person, you should use their name.


    I hate people being referred to by a title and think people have names for a reason.

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