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Everything posted by RobsonsWonderland

  1. I feel this lad did not join the club with a clean slate and there are people who will never give him a fair crack of the whip. Howe likes him and in the behind the scenes video said he had been after him for a while. That's good enough for me and I'm sure he fits into the long term plans and tactics.
  2. I do think further down the line these 8 year contracts will come back to bite them in the ass. It's not like these will be there forever players and will need to be replaced when the next manager moves on. There will also be players who will lose motivation to improve or play for a new improved contract?
  3. What is the maximum you can go to in any stand. The Nou Camp is probably the closest to the max but that is awful when you get to the back. I just think everyone would love a 100k capacity as long as they are not the ones in the Gods
  4. I wonder when the likes of Frazer and Hendrick and the likes will start to depart? Don't think the likes of Luton and Sheff Utd will do a forest and look to pick people up
  5. Its a strange world where we manage to keep everything secret pre deal but then everyone knows the exact detail of his contract and how much money we have. Think our accounts guy must be Dom Joly screaming at the top of his voice
  6. We are going to sign all the wonder kids from the tournament and bring them back on the plane!
  7. I know I sound like an old timer but we need to be more Keegan... People quibbling about selling Maxi or Miggy would never had coped with his ruthlessness for improving the team. Quinn, Kelly, Cole, Ferdinand to finally nailing Shearer. Everyone a massive fans favourite but he somehow got everyone onboard and believing in him... Even though he broke my young heart when he sold Cole!
  8. So how do we know we are not packaging the deals like Chelsea, just not as extreme? I'm still not 100 percent confident how it works but are people working out our 75 million based of the full fee or phased amounts over the various years? Because I'm sure the club will know what it's doing on the money side more than a few local journalists
  9. In all seriousness... Part 8 is going to go down in history! Come on you beautiful, beautiful thread!!
  10. Dirk Kuyt or Erik Peters still being scouted?
  11. People have to remember we are no longer buying from the equivalent of the yellow sticker aisle in Aldi. Clubs do not necessarily want or need to sell the players we are targeting.. which means we have to pay top end or more. Even Maddison is not going to go cheap as Leicester know they have other saleable assets so can hold off until the end of the window to see who blinks first
  12. Always wondered what the beef was between Bruce and Hope... So apart from the obvious bust up, it's the fact he looks like his secret love child!
  13. Might be rose tainted glasses but I do think our way of building slowly with the right players is far better then the Chelsea chaos of buying anyone who was available without a long term plan in place Not to say it wouldn't work if they had a strong manager but shows that you can't just chuck money at it and expect it to work instantly
  14. Do we not? I think it was more a tipping point and the panic would have kicked in if we hadn't signed anyone by then. I can relax now... Dan's in Milan !
  15. Will we make our first proper summer signing this side of 1000 pages and a fresh rumours page? To be fair I think we need to rename it the Mctominay years, so I know never to ever go back in and read it!
  16. "Have you ever seen Dan Ashworth in Milan? "
  17. He might have a champions league buy out clause... You never know what they had to do to get him to sign lol
  18. That's Hope ticked off my transfer Bingo, surely Ryder will not let me down!
  19. So off the top of my head... Craig Bellamy. Scored 7 goals with Coventry who finished 19th. We signed him and he transformed our team and way of playing. Sometimes the right player and the wrong club fails and then comes back to life at his next club
  20. Last time I checked he would spend most of his time on the big green flat part of the stadium? Im hoping it's the atmosphere generated from the stands that would make the difference and despite what some people say...ours is better
  21. In hindsight... I think I would struggle to find a team with more players I hated in one team. Even Barry wound me up more then he should have... still have nightmares of him being outpaced in the Germany game
  22. That's why this deal opens up the opportunity. Every other deal was an end of contract or a deal that made sense due to the player / high wages. This is the first one I'm aware of that breaks this model and includes a ridiculous transfer fee. And I'm sure a lot of players will have their heads turned when they see the wages on offer.
  23. If true... Really think this a game changer for us and the league. It is way over budget and once complete there will be nothing anyone can say if Maxi or Miggy went for an inflated 80 to 100 million bid. Or even lesser players for 10 20 million... Honestly feel they have found the cheat code
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