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Everything posted by RobsonsWonderland

  1. Me too but you guys seemed to know about the goal a minute or so before me?
  2. And maybe the second goal... But then he shouldn't be playing as a CB in a back three
  3. The bizzare thing is we should have maybe had a couple of goals as well? But my God this could be a anything
  4. What's the panic? Three games this week in the heat. We are going to make mass subs so it's a mix of the first 11 each half. It's about minutes in legs at the moment
  5. Strange one with Zaha... I can only think he thought clubs would be willing to pay the salary he wanted or at least use one or two to bid against each other. Seems he has either priced himself out of the moves he wanted or maybe left it too late in his career to get a top six team
  6. A miss but maybe not as much as previous French wingers I've loved and lost... Robert HBA Ginola Maxi And.... Nzogbia Obertan
  7. Personally think it's journalistic shit stirring... He has been waiting to use it ever since SA started buying players. For a start it's not even out of the market value for this summer.
  8. Any idea of the colour of the shorts and socks?
  9. I had in my head that it looked like Wimbledon FC in their premier League days so had a quick look back. Only to find that they originally played in black and white stripes?
  10. I think Barnes will help Gordon out...as I'm not sure if the haters are allowed to focus on more then one player at a time.
  11. You know what will be weird is that in four, five years time we will be like man city selling multiple title winning players, with fantastic stats for 35 million or less and not even batting an eyelid.
  12. Must admit I prefer end product and goals.. If Maxi had this to back up the skill he would be up there with Robert and get a lot more slack for not tracking back
  13. Whoever it is, you would think they would have twigged by now that he can't keep anything secret lol ?
  14. I don't necessarily mean Felix but the idea in principle. Didn't PSG sign mbappe on loan at first to get around FFP? It's all part of the wheeling and dealing we need to do... Harry redknapp would be in his element nowadays!
  15. But only for that one year.. so might be a better option if we know we want to spend big the following season on a perm move for someone else.
  16. We were going for dodgy nobody wants them loans under Ashley.. what we need is one of those big money club loans like Felix.
  17. Whatever way this falls can we just do it quickly...
  18. Did someone say if we sell him for £40 million it allows us to buy 3 x £40 million players? If that's the case just buy him back as one of the £40 million pound players in a few weeks time... Hell let's just say £25 million buy back for laughs and giggles!
  19. Must admit i never knew he could hit a ball that well!
  20. Preferred him under Bruce. And too be honest I think the negativity got to him last year.. be it not being fit, being benched, not fitting into the style of play or the fans turning on him. I guess the boo boys around me will just need to find someone else to criticise...
  21. Not expected... So if he does travel does that mean its not true ? Or will they spin it around to say it was a goodbye to the fans. Honestly can't stand Hope and his negative spin on every post
  22. Sure his dad is contacted to the academy and the lad is a year older then the story.. little things but I now know Romano is not 100% accurate with his updates
  23. Buy cheap, buy twice... Even more saw with free transfers on big contracts. Hendrick, Frazer etc But If we end the summer in this state I will agree with you
  24. I'm convinced this is because we know who we want and trying to get deals across the line for what other clubs see as unobtainable or settled players. It would be easy to buy 'any available' player to simply fill a squad place but then you end up needing to replace them and buy twice. Let's see where we are in a few weeks time and ignore the likes of Luke Edwards screaming the sky is falling!
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