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Everything posted by christ

  1. I’m the same. Favre seems to have marginally more pedigree at the very top level, and even if he does lose his way after a few years he does seem to be able to get teams performing well and getting results in the shorter term. His stint a Monchengladbach is very similar to what’s required here.
  2. We’ve been so disorganised for so long I’m completely at a loss as to how good our players actually are. Defensively we’ve been absolutely wank for some time and age is always a factor, but it’s virtually the same line up that Rafa managed to get a tune out of. I wouldn’t surprise me that someone coming in and imparting some pretty simplistic tactical instructions makes us look a lot more solid.
  3. Managers are always going to stick up for one another in situations like this. There but for the grace of God etc. Still though, one of the most important managers for 100 years
  4. Dutch is a ridiculous language
  5. Let’s be honest, every single one would be a vast upgrade on the fat slug that currently occupies the dugout.
  6. I think it’s more just trouble making, considering we can basically spend as much as we want in January due to our current financial position regardless of sponsorship.
  7. You’re going to see this sort of thing a lot over the next few months. The clubs are going to act out, stamp their feet and generally make a massive amount of noise. Realistically though this is shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. They’re very limited as to what they can do to have any sort of meaningful, longer term impact on our ability to compete.
  8. Yeah, and I’m interested in bucking Rita Ora.
  9. I trust your brother. I bet Dummett’s dad is a wrong’un though.
  10. We defend like none of our back four know where any of the other three are.
  11. Bruce really showing the new owners what he’s capable of.
  12. I’ve never known a game get stopped for a medical emergency in the crowd before.
  13. It’s like derby day, but without the hours of pant shitting buildup.
  14. He spent a fortune at Sunderland. Funny how that’s excluded.
  15. Sounds like bollocks. Nee lass would get in a car with him.
  16. He’s no where near as hateful as Pardew like.
  17. I support anyone’s right to protest, but why does it have to be coordinated by the biggest, most hypocritical centrist melts? EDIT: It’s a Khashoggi thing obviously, because the people that find that particular thing reprehensible are actually pretty ok with the bombing of Yemeni people with British bought arms.
  18. What an odd man Perfectly positioned to leave with a load of glowing articles about how the new owners didn’t give him a fair crack but he decides to go in two footed on the media.
  19. Do our players like him? Feels like over the last 18 months there’s a steady stream of leaks about him falling out of various squad members.
  20. He’s absolutely fucked and he’s made a fortune. If I were him I’d be spending my days downloading garage music off Bandcamp and fishing too.
  21. I’ve never liked this approach. It blurs the lines too much. It’s the reason Mourinho didn’t come here when SBR said he was going to it.
  22. Anything that stops Burnsie from logging on - even a prison sentence - is fine by me.
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