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Everything posted by christ

  1. Useless bastards. Even Ashley was able to hire a fucking manager from time to time
  2. Charnley’s had the heating on full belt for the last 4 years.
  3. christ


    That forum is the embodiment of the cry laughing emoji.
  4. christ


    They’re playing in the first round of the FA Cup marra.
  5. Basically where I’m at. Not positive, not negative but more curious to see whether he’s English football’s great white hope.
  6. I wonder what holiday allowance he negotiated? Bruce was on two day weeks by the end.
  7. This is either going to be an absolutely massive success or a massive failure. No in between. We’re either qualifying for the CL or going down.
  8. He’s an accountant though marra
  9. I’m okaying this on the assumption we’re getting relegated.
  10. And he had Lukaku, unlike Moyes. I’ve watched enough football. There’s nothing you can say that can talk me round here. He’s shite.
  11. He did at Everton exactly what Bruce did here - floated along in his first year on the back of the very well organised defence of his predecessor then ruined it. Wigan finished 11th the year before Martinez arrived, then we’re in a perpetual relegation battle during his reign. That FA Cup win was a massive fluke and means nothing. He’s won bugger all with one of the most naturally gifted national squads in recent history. He’s an absolute fraud. If we employ him he won’t last the season and we’ll be playing in the Championship.
  12. He’s absolutely not, like. Martinez’s record is bang average, masked by a fluke FA Cup win.
  13. If it’s Martinez I am done. He’s a complete fraud
  14. He wants an international job so he has more time for rallying iirc
  15. If we appoint Howe then along with Ritchie and Krafth we’ll be the most Aryan looking team in the whole division.
  16. It’s a bit sus that his agent basically puts his name about for every vacancy going.
  17. Howe would be an interesting appointment in the sense that no one really knows whether he’s good or not. Spin the wheel.
  18. The leak is the issue. The way it arrived it looks to me like it was being put about by the club in some capacity. Things haven’t been anywhere near as advanced as was briefed and the leak itself appears to have killed any chance we had of getting Emery. We’ve now got a situation where the new guy, whoever it is, is publicly known to be our second choice which not only knackers his authority to no small degree but probably puts off some prospective managers who may until yesterday have had their hat still in the ring. Fans have had their expectations set high, so are bound to feel disappointed. When you’re in our position you need someone to come in and get the entire club behind them, instead it looks a mess.
  19. There’s been a lot of pant pissing around the Bruce sacking and time it’s taken to find a successor which I think is unjustified, but this carry on doesn’t reflect well on those running the club. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say they’ve mugged themselves off here.
  20. It could all be lost in translation but I read it as we don’t have structures in place yet, things are probably going to change as we spend/grow so he thinks there’ll be a high turnover in coaches. It was forward looking rather than a comment on what has went previously.
  21. McParland is meant to have a role but it sounds like that hasn’t been formalised. Fair enough really, as it’s not clear what he’s be doing once we have a DoF and wider structure in place. It probably does mean they’re going it alone though. And that’s fine. Emery is/was a good choice. Based on that alone they can identify good people. However they’ve dropped a colossal bollock by leaking anything to the media when talks were at such an embryonic stage.
  22. If you’re a journalist you don’t put your credibility on the line and report the stuff about Emery for bantz. They were briefed.
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