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Everything posted by Gaztoon

  1. Didn't city have Thomas cook for a year after the takeover ?
  2. Kellaher could be looking for a move If your in a klopp squad you're decent.
  3. But they don't favour anyone ??
  4. Not losing sleep over missing out on botman.
  5. I thought the sponsor looked photoshopped.
  6. Gaztoon


    I'm not even a mackem and I feel offended ???
  7. Gaztoon


    Think I'll watch a comedy tonight instead of England.. this RTG looks good.
  8. I'd want prime George best with ronaldos work ethic all rolled up into one for that. ?
  9. Gaztoon


    Hope they buy Middlesbrough ?
  10. Darlow,lascelles and money for Spence or Johnson.
  11. Remember when koulibaly was going to be our first signing.. what ever happened to that ?
  12. Be very happy with ake myself.
  13. If it is him stalling then I'd give him another week then move on.. It's not mbappe we're talking about here
  14. Who partners VVD in the Dutch defence?
  15. Gaztoon

    Fixtures (2022/23)

    Got a feeling the first game will be arsenal at home.
  16. The one player I wanted from the prem ?
  17. Then we'll take it to court on the grounds of restriction of trade .. and win in the space or two hours.
  18. Medicals can be done during and contracts can be signed digitally now.
  19. It would be ripped apart in court anyway.. imagine a growing business being stopped from making the same money as a market leader .. wouldn't last two mins
  20. Gaztoon


    ? imagine being more of a freak than burnsie
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