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Everything posted by WillingtonMag

  1. The point is that Bruno is better than Joe Wilock at end of the day. Not changing a winning team is nonsense anyways and small time as fuck. If Manquillo has a good game when Trippier is back fit he still gets dropped because Trippier is better and we are more likely to win with him in the team.
  2. Its mental disagree with the starting line up and it's like your up on charges for treason.
  3. Obviously he wasn't gonna start Bruno because of the maxi injury they will have been working on a system all week so a straight swap makes sense for that. I'd just have him in the team over Wilock anyway though.
  4. Man few injuries and our line up looks pretty poor again on paper like, hopefully the change in team mentality helps us today.
  5. I've been wanting Bruno to start since he signed still no fume towards Howe though.
  6. He looks like he's picked up a knock every game I'm convinced he's going off then next thing he's running past opposition players haha
  7. Aye was thinking Murphy probably most likely candidate, just got to hope he steps up.
  8. One of main reasons I was confident today was Maxi like so be a big blow but still think we can get something if its true.
  9. This been reported anywhere else and is he normally right in what he posts?
  10. Was thinking that too but not sure he might just put Murphy or Almiron in as a straight swap. Only thing he could do is change it and play Wilock like a 10 but then that changes the formation not sure he would do that before kick off obviously be working on a system all week.
  11. Just heard the Maxi news not as confident if he's out like.
  12. Burn has to start like be criminal to leave him out after his last performance, pretty sure he's going to start him.
  13. We will fuck these, biggest win of the season in coming.
  14. Love him just listening to his press conference gets me up for the game so it's no wonder its rubbing off on the players. Said we're going there to win and can compete with anyone in the league at the minute ?.
  15. Just don't think he's good enough unfortunately which is a shame because he's very likeable and his attitude is spot on.
  16. Can't see anything other than a comfortable Newcastle win.
  17. Man United winning last night is a good result for this game I think added pressure to win for them to get back into 4th, think we might cause an upset here.
  18. No, it looked bad the way he landed and he was clearly struggling he should have been subbed off straight away he risked damaging it further or giving a goal away due to no fault of his own.
  19. I did aye he'd be one of the first names on the team sheet for me though.
  20. I've just never agreed with the argument that you should never change a winning team, think its a bit of a small team mindset. All the good teams change and rotate as each opposing team poses different challenges which different players might be more suited to deal with. West Ham are different to Everton and Villa with a better midfield I see no problem what so ever dropping some one to start Bruno, especially as we've all got to be pretty confident in him being the best midfielder at the club.
  21. He's out for the season basically isn't he think we're kidding ourselves otherwise.
  22. Tiote with Sir Bobby? Liked him and heart breaking what happened but hardly a club legend is he.
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