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Everything posted by WillingtonMag

  1. Man would absolutely love Leeds to go down.
  2. We are an injury or two from being up shit creek like but suppose you could say the same about any of the teams near the bottom. Maxi is already struggling with niggles and an injury to Wood could leave things looking grim.
  3. We've said it a lot this season but this game really is absolutely massive like win and we're looking really good, lose and we are back In the shit and possible back in the bottom 3. Nervous already.
  4. Thats really pissed me off tbh how do they go from the city performance to that.
  5. Burnley are staying up just got to hope some one else gets dragged down instead of us, real bad time to start picking up injuries. Saturday is absolutely massive.
  6. Still last thing we need is Burnley going on a run and picking up so many points, win their game in hand and they go above us. A lot of added pressure already for our next game, If we lose we could be back in the bottom 3.
  7. Fucking spurs was hoping they be up for this after the City result
  8. Really fancied us in every game lately but for some reason got a dodgy feeling about this one.
  9. Aye don't agree with getting rid of Manquillo or Shelvey this summer like maybe by the following season but need to keep some squad players around too.
  10. I'm wondering if that's the only reason we didn't make it permanent that we knew he was good defensively but Howes long term plan is to have offensive full backs? Still hope we sign him think he's great just not sure why we didn't.
  11. He isn't playing gash though he's performed well since he came in he just hasn't scored. Hasn't had that many chances too either. Honestly think he's played a big part of our recent success give our full attack shape and allowed the likes of Fraser and Maxi to get involved more.
  12. A lot of bars that showed them got threatened with big fines about 2 seasons ago and packed it in. Not sure if any have started again lately mind.
  13. Guess you've never been to Leeds away ?. Scummiest fans in the country.
  14. Leeds and Everton going down would be brilliant but can only see one of the current bottom 3 changing.
  15. Be brilliant if Leeds and Everton went down like.
  16. Brilliant beat Brentford next weekend and could go above them Leeds and Everton.
  17. Was just typing leeds will get something then they've scored 2 in 30 seconds
  18. Commentators trying to make excuses for Ronaldo missing an absolute sitter.
  19. I couldn't even watch us on the tele under him haha.
  20. God I hate him that interview is awful.
  21. Everton getting beat is more important to us now man we're on the up.
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