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Everything posted by sushimonster85

  1. This would be huge. Unfortunately I just don't see it, especially at that price and especially in Jan. Napoli have a huge shot at winning the league this year and he is one of the main reasons why.
  2. Hate that all the players where Under Armor type thing under their shirt spelled the end for the long sleeve top. Used to love seeing them, and always tried to get the long-sleeved version of shirts back in the day.
  3. Hey, in my defence it was early. Guess I will just have to (seaweed) roll with the punches.
  4. Nah, he wouldn't justify the massive wages he would want. Don't get me wrong, legend in his prime, but asking him to play as part of an intense pressing system at this stage of his career would likely mean he'd need a lot of resting.
  5. Yeah, feels like a bit of a waste seeing as we're not getting either, but I agree Rice is better than Phillips. That being said, I wouldn't rate Rice as one of the best in the world in his position. He's good, but not quite that level. Bruno for one is a far more accomplished/well rounded CM.
  6. Where has all this Rice talk come from? Feels like it's been going on a few pages now without any real concrete link/source.
  7. I feel like that £40m was the pre-world cup price. Surely it would be up closer to £60m now.
  8. Yeah, I know they got compared a lot during Longstaff's breakthrough season under Rafa, and back then it may have been closer, but today Rice is a much better CM than Longstaff. I like Sean Longstaff. I'm pleased he has really kicked on under Eddie, and I think thanks to being from the academy he will likely be in the squad for a good while, but lets be realistic with his level. Rice would be a huge step up. Even Kalvin Philips who was linked to us before he went to City would be a decent step up.
  9. No way, if he isn't going to sign a new deal, they're not going to pass up the chance at getting £80m+ for him, which they will only get in the Summer 2023 window. They shouldn't be letting him get anywhere close to the final 12 months.
  10. I actually think he looked alright, it was more there was clearly no/very little cohesion built up with the rest of the side, which was understandable given how new he was. He had some really nice link up touches that others like Fraser & Almiron just weren't on the same page with.
  11. Maybe this season, but not long term. That Waugh piece for The Athletic today suggests they didn't buy him with the idea of him being play out wide. Was always meant to challenge/be the long term successor to Wilson.
  12. Aye, or if you want to get a little crazy it could also apply to Lautaro Martínez
  13. Personally think a 2018 final rerun is now inevitable. Croatia find ways to win these big games, and I feel like France will be an upset too far for Morocco. Would love to see Croatia go on and win it, but it's hard to look past France, as dull as that will be.
  14. ASM is a weird one. His style suggests he would be perfect impact sub, but any time he comes off the bench he always seems a little underwhelming. Feel like he is one of those players that needs to gradually grow into a game.
  15. I'd think so. Certainly think it means a wide forward for the right hand side has slipped down the priority list for Jan. Personally think Jan will now be a young player or two with an eye to the future. Ashby and that Argentinian lad.
  16. This is the debate my partner and I had that prompted me to think about this a little more. She reckons I should at least be wearing a nice shirt. I'd be fine with rocking up in toon top over a hoodie.
  17. Yeah, can see them winning the initial decision and being granted a legal mandate. They're still going to meet the same resistance the first try did though. The English teams are never going to be able to join, and without them the value of a 'Super League' drops drastically. There's a reason why the American owners of Man U and Liverpool are now looking for a way out.
  18. Going to the Leeds match on New Years eve and the Wylam Brewery New Years Eve bash thing. The missus and the rest of our group have a taxi booked from ours for 6:15pm. Should I: A) Go to the match in some sort of weird hybrid outfit fit for both occasions & stay in town and just walk over to Wylam Brewery to meet them. B) Leg it to the metro on the final whistle to get back to North Shields hopefully with enough time to change before the taxi arrives. VOTE!
  19. Used to work at Benton Park View. Don't think it would work for stadium location. Site is likely big enough, and a couple Metro stops, but parking would be crazy. It's surrounded by small estates all with permit parking.
  20. Yeah, been saying this for a while. Player who will absolutely improve our starting 11, can play in all positions across the front 3, and thanks to his contract situation would likely be available for a cut price in Jan.
  21. Don't want to be a downer, but there's no way Felix happens. Both us and Villa being used as bait to draw out other offers. Don't get me wrong, we're only a season or two away from being in a position to have multiple players in the squad on £200k a week (Bruno is bound to be the first when his contract is extended in 2023), but we're not quite there yet.
  22. If Howe is looking to keep him it likely means he is now seen as the full time number 2 over Darlow? Which would make sense, I know he had a major wobble, but it terms of both talent and experience he is way ahead of Darlow.
  23. Can confirm. He became a Newcastle legend in my FM save last year.
  24. Exactly this. What's the point in rushing him back, it's already been reaggravated once. Give him the time he needs to make sure he is 100%. For the record I still think he will likely play some part (from the bench maybe) at Leicester, and be back properly as we get into Jan. Personally can't wait. He looked the absolute business vs Liverpool. And was clear he the rest of the lads were still getting used to each other in the Palace and Bournemouth home games. He had some lovely link up touches that people weren't quite on the same wavelength for.
  25. Would be interested to get an idea of just how much his value increased over the space of 90 minutes last night. In the Summer it sounded like £25m-£30m would get it done. Imagine you could add at least another £15m on to that now.
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