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Everything posted by dorty

  1. Trossard looks like someone off Rentaghost.
  2. I wasn't overly impressed with mankies today, they got the job done but leeds wasted some decent chances. I hope HM starts the final 
  3. dorty

    Players in public

    I pulled out of a service station on the A1 in Yorkshire on Tuesday afternoon just as the Fulham team coach was pulling in. Gutted I didn't get to wish them and Mitro good luck in beating the scumbag mackems.
  4. dorty


    Oh dear, mackems are out, there's always next year...Meanwhile, in Newcastle, tell me ma, me ma...
  5. dorty


    Mitro: "I'm a Geordie boy..." love it ?
  6. I'm gonna be watching it in the town, hopefully open air and no rain!
  7. I'm not sure, I think I have a problem with my settings. Apologies, its annoying.
  8. I'll be in the town centre, I reckon the atmosphere will be electric.
  9. Misplaced tackle, a couple of inches lower it would have been top of the foot and a yellow. I don't think it was malicious, it didn't help that the Southampton player' feet were all over the place as well. Had he not miscontrolled it in the first place Bruno wouldn't have put his foot it.
  10. dorty


    The mackems will be ferociously convincing each other that we'll get hammered in the final. The truth is its 50/50.
  11. Fuck man, I was a bairn when we lost the 76 final, would love to win it and erase that memory.
  12. dorty


    The Saudi's must have a monopoly on soap the way the filthy mackem bastards avoid it.
  13. dorty


    The amount of times I read: "I live and work amongst them..." In that case, it's simple, just fuck off back to where you cam from!
  14. dorty


    Their levels of saltiness is reaching new levels...they must be sick to death of us and its only gonna get worse.
  15. Was at the Theatre Royal tonight for the panto (booked ages ago). Spotted my mate some distance away, moment of the night when I signalled to him we were two up. GTFI 
  16. Ffs, I'm at the Theatre Royal tonight for the panto. In town now and it's getting busy with black and white scarves.
  17. dorty

    Nobby Solano

    Someone I talked to a while back said years ago, while playing for us, Nobby would turn out for a five-a-side team in Gosforth, just for the love of it
  18. dorty

    Nobby Solano

    I saw him at an ATM on Chilli Road, Newcastle years ago. "Donde esta la trumpeta? I asked him. He just laughed.
  19. Fuck, I went there twice in the 80s before the disaster, Hillsborough was an accident waiting to happen. The first time I went in 83 it was jam packed behind the goal, had to move to a corner. Of all the grounds, you'd think they'd learn.
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