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Ashley Young


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Noshitalicious. ;)


I'll be honest, I thought he was overpriced when Villa got him, but he's looking better and better. Very impressive, and as you say could fill that problem position we seem to have had for years now. :thup:

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I said this elsewhere tonight, but every time Young gets the ball, the whole ground are on their feet, every time. I love watching players like that.


In the first half today he was absolutely untouchable, he really was.


9.65m is a lot of money, true, but you won't find a Villa fan who doesn't think he was worth every penny of it.

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I said this elsewhere tonight, but every time Young gets the ball, the whole ground are on their feet, every time. I love watching players like that.


N'Zogbia has occassionally had that effect on us. :nods:

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Trouble with Cole is that he doesn't really have a defined position, he's a bit like Dyer in that sense. Needs to move clubs too I reckon.


If only we still had Roeder to persuade him to come here :(

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Hes looked a good footballer from day one after signing for Villa, caused us a fair few problems despite it being his Premiership debut.


O'Neil deserves praise for forking out a massive amount for an unproven player and then developing him well, especially from those who have been mocking him for signing Harewood and calling him a clueless manager.


Hope Young is sensible too, and stays with Villa for now as opposed to falling for the trap of higher wages and the lure of more potential silverware or CL football. Hes at a club where he can develop comfortably and establish himself as a top player, surrounded by good players and a decent calibre manager to help him along. Given his pace and ability, as well as his versatility (possibly a perfect wide forward for a 4-3-3) it shouldnt be long before the likes of Chelsea are knocking at the door, and it would be a shame if he goes down the same route as someone like SWP, a promising and explosive talent wasted away on the bench.


I like how some of the [upper] mid table Premiership clubs have one or two top class players who raise the level of their team, players good enough to play for CL elite sides, yet wont be sold to them. Everton with Arteta, Villa with Young potentially, Spurs with Berbatov, Bolton with Anelka - makes the Premiership more interesting when talented players arent all concentrated entirely at one end of the table, which was the fear a few years ago when Chelsea were buying most of the talent up left right and centre.

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Young Left, Cole Right.


Although Cole's lack of crossing and line hugging irritates me.


Swap Young and Cole to the opposite wings and I reckon England would be a dangerous side.


If only Mr Constipated had the balls to do that.............!

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I hope those on this site who spent their time knocking O'Neill last year are now ready to eat the same sized slice of Humble Pie that the Head of Aussie Rugby, John O'Neill, is devouring this morning !


Although he has a year start on Big Sam, can you honestly see us being able to go to Spurs next season, and get into a 4-4 draw after being 4-1 ahead, let alone turn over Chelsea by 2 goals?

Young has been a great signing for Villa, and they already have young players like Agbonlahor too - they have far more pace in their side than we do, and those who claimed O'Neill played boring football should have the biggest slice of humble pie; they've been quite attack-minded in all their games and definitely have a pattern of play which we currently don't.


Well - who is going to be first to the table..!??

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I hope those on this site who spent their time knocking O'Neill last year are now ready to eat the same sized slice of Humble Pie that the Head of Aussie Rugby, John O'Neill, is devouring this morning !


Although he has a year start on Big Sam, can you honestly see us being able to go to Spurs next season, and get into a 4-4 draw after being 4-1 ahead , let alone turn over Chelsea by 2 goals?

Young has been a great signing for Villa, and they already have young players like Agbonlahor too - they have far more pace in their side than we do, and those who claimed O'Neill played boring football should have the biggest slice of humble pie; they've been quite attack-minded in all their games and definitely have a pattern of play which we currently don't.


Well - who is going to be first to the table..!??



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Don't get the impression that everything in the MON era has been sweetness and light.


We still have only one full back of any description at the club, Mellberg patching things up at RB, and still have probably the smallest squad in the league. His tactical substitutions cost us two points at Spurs - if we'd not let 4-1 slip, we'd be 3rd now. He also signed Harewood, a puzzling signing at best, although Knight is looking like a decent one, against the odds.


The thing I do like is the pace he's assembled in the squad, plus the fact that yesterday we had four lifelong Villa fans in the side, Agbonlahor, Moore, Knight and Gardener, and one more on the bench, all except Knight having been brought through the academy.


For all his faults - and every manager has them - we've had to be patient and allow him to drop bollocks every now and then, and have faith in him moving things in the right direction, which he appears to be doing at the moment.

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