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Great article from Joey

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Barton's Toon & country


By Simon Bird 23/10/2007


Joey Barton says he wants to relaunch his England career, because his one and only cap was ruined by his "fear of failure".


The Newcastle midfielder is ready for action again after missing the start of the season with a broken foot, and is targeting a breakthrough into the England side "not just the squad, I don't want to be an also-ran".


The controversial £5.8million midfielder still has to negotiate a criminal trial, as he is accused of assaulting Manchester City's Ousmane Dabo, which he denies.


But on the pitch he wants to unleash his frustration and become a favourite with Tyneside fans and add to his one England appearance against Spain in February.


Barton said: "Will it be the same Joey Barton? I hope not. I've come to improve. That's why I joined Sam Allardyce at Newcastle.


"I want the manager to take me to the next level - European football every week, and competing for a place in the England side.


"Not just the squad. The last time I was in, it was a bit daunting. I was too scared of failing and didn't appreciate it until I came away."


Barton, 25, has been described by Allardyce as a "nuisance in a good way" for the effort he has put in to get fit after his injury.


And Barton added: "When you go to a new club, you want to get out there and say to the fans: 'This is what I'm about'. Because of the delay, expectations have risen and people are really waiting to see if I'm up to it."


Barton also told this week's Zoo magazine: "It's sink-or-swim time - especially at a club like Newcastle and a ground like St James' Park. It's like a coliseum. If you don't play well, it's like Roman times - thumbs down.


"Newcastle is like Liverpool, football mad. Manchester is a bit metropolitan now. A bit la-di-da. A bit like London. In Newcastle, you get off the train and there's the stadium, bang.


"In Manchester, it's all about style and everyone is bothered about what they look like. The girls are like peacocks. In Newcastle, it's all about the black and white jersey. This place isn't about fashion, this city is about football."


"I went for dinner after a game with my brother. I could hear fans talking and despite the fact we'd won, they discussed where the team had gone wrong. Imagine what they're like when we lose!"


*A full version of this interview is in ZOO magazine, out now.

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especially at a club like Newcastle and a ground like St James' Park. It's like a coliseum. If you don't play well, it's like Roman times - thumbs down.


that bit is pretty precise imo!


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Shame he can't pass eh  :laugh:

Shame you seem so bitter about him, eh?


The only bitter person in this thread is Joey Barton. "Manchester is a bit ladida". "City fans should thank me". He can't shut up about us!


And if he's gonna carry on talking shite about my club and my City, I'm gonna carry on slating him. The cunt.  :knuppel2:

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Shame he can't pass eh  :laugh:

Shame you seem so bitter about him, eh?


The only bitter person in this thread is Joey Barton. "Manchester is a bit ladida". "City fans should thank me". He can't shut up about us!


And if he's gonna carry on talking s**** about my club and my City, I'm gonna carry on slating him. The c***.  :knuppel2:


The truth hurts, doesn't it, mate?  ;)



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Guest elbee909

Shame he can't pass eh  :laugh:

Shame you seem so bitter about him, eh?


The only bitter person in this thread is Joey Barton. "Manchester is a bit ladida". "City fans should thank me". He can't shut up about us!


And if he's gonna carry on talking shite about my club and my City, I'm gonna carry on slating him. The cunt.  :knuppel2:


I think anyone who claims Manchester is a bit 'la-di-da' is obviously taking the piss. ;)

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Guest scousertommy

If this guy stops assaulting people I would be delighted for him to be our captain. Proves there is such a thing as an intelligent scouser.


I find that funny on so many levels! blueyes.gif

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If this guy stops assaulting people I would be delighted for him to be our captain. Proves there is such a thing as an intelligent scouser.


I find that funny on so many levels! blueyes.gif


Care to expand on that?

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Guest scousertommy

If this guy stops assaulting people I would be delighted for him to be our captain. Proves there is such a thing as an intelligent scouser.


I find that funny on so many levels! blueyes.gif


Care to expand on that?


O.k. Firstly, the jibe about "intelligent" scousers is just a lazy, ignorant unfunny attempt at humour by playing on prejudices amuses me (almost as much as when your fans sing "sign on, with a pen in your hand" without any sign of self awareness for the social deprivation on Tyneside).


Secondly, the person held up as "intelligent" recently stubbed out a cigar in someones eye - but that's alright because as long as he stops assaulting people then he should be your next captain.


You (or many of you) slag off Owen because he dared to say that he wanted to sign for Liverpool instead of you and yet a man that has played a grand total of half an hour is held up as the type of player that you want at your club. As an outsider looking in, it seems that as long as players/staff talk about the "toon army" being thew best in the world, or newcastle being a "huge" club then they are allowed to take the p*** (Shepherd/Hall/Bellamy/Dyer/etc) but when you have someone that doesn't want to play that game (Owen) then he should be ejected from the club asap.


That, is why I smile..

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If this guy stops assaulting people I would be delighted for him to be our captain. Proves there is such a thing as an intelligent scouser.


I find that funny on so many levels! blueyes.gif


Care to expand on that?


O.k. Firstly, the jibe about "intelligent" scousers is just a lazy, ignorant unfunny attempt at humour by playing on prejudices amuses me (almost as much as when your fans sing "sign on, with a pen in your hand" without any sign of self awareness for the social deprivation on Tyneside).


Secondly, the person held up as "intelligent" recently stubbed out a cigar in someones eye - but that's alright because as long as he stops assaulting people then he should be your next captain.


You (or many of you) slag off Owen because he dared to say that he wanted to sign for Liverpool instead of you and yet a man that has played a grand total of half an hour is held up as the type of player that you want at your club. As an outsider looking in, it seems that as long as players/staff talk about the "toon army" being thew best in the world, or newcastle being a "huge" club then they are allowed to take the p*** (Shepherd/Hall/Bellamy/Dyer/etc) but when you have someone that doesn't want to play that game (Owen) then he should be ejected from the club asap.


That, is why I smile..


I agree with a lot of what you say, but this Owen thing is rubbish. You said it a few times now and there's no basis for it. There's the odd dickhead who wants him out, but the vast majority want him to stay as he's easily the best player in our squad.

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If this guy stops assaulting people I would be delighted for him to be our captain. Proves there is such a thing as an intelligent scouser.


I find that funny on so many levels! blueyes.gif


Care to expand on that?


O.k. Firstly, the jibe about "intelligent" scousers is just a lazy, ignorant unfunny attempt at humour by playing on prejudices amuses me (almost as much as when your fans sing "sign on, with a pen in your hand" without any sign of self awareness for the social deprivation on Tyneside).


Secondly, the person held up as "intelligent" recently stubbed out a cigar in someones eye - but that's alright because as long as he stops assaulting people then he should be your next captain.


You (or many of you) slag off Owen because he dared to say that he wanted to sign for Liverpool instead of you and yet a man that has played a grand total of half an hour is held up as the type of player that you want at your club. As an outsider looking in, it seems that as long as players/staff talk about the "toon army" being thew best in the world, or newcastle being a "huge" club then they are allowed to take the p*** (Shepherd/Hall/Bellamy/Dyer/etc) but when you have someone that doesn't want to play that game (Owen) then he should be ejected from the club asap.


That, is why I smile..


How does the 'social deprivation' on Tyneside (which one, north or south?) compare with other parts of the country?

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Guest Synthespian

especially at a club like Newcastle and a ground like St James' Park. It's like a coliseum. If you don't play well, it's like Roman times - thumbs down.

So it's not a goldfish bowl then! [;)]
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If this guy stops assaulting people I would be delighted for him to be our captain. Proves there is such a thing as an intelligent scouser.


I find that funny on so many levels! blueyes.gif


Care to expand on that?


O.k. Firstly, the jibe about "intelligent" scousers is just a lazy, ignorant unfunny attempt at humour by playing on prejudices amuses me (almost as much as when your fans sing "sign on, with a pen in your hand" without any sign of self awareness for the social deprivation on Tyneside).



The figures reveal the biggest number of long-term claimants are in the constituency of Liverpool Riverside, where 5,490 have been on incapacity benefit for more than five years.

...one in four of working age is now on incapacity benefit.

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Guest scousertommy

So if you lost a leg in an accident, would you still take this p*** out of someone that had lost their leg and a couple of fingers just because their that bit more disabled? Pretty stupid if you ask me.


Newcastle are a huge club, but don't you ever sit back and wonder what the role of the fans has been in keeping you unsuccessful?

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So if you lost a leg in an accident, would you still take this p*** out of someone that had lost their leg and a couple of fingers just because their that bit more disabled? Pretty stupid if you ask me.


Newcastle are a huge club, but don't you ever sit back and wonder what the role of the fans has been in keeping you unsuccessful?

The last sentence is a load of shit but I agree with the sentiment. 'Liverpool slums' is fucking cringeworthy and I hate it when we sing it? When did we start taking the piss out of people for being poor? Have a look at Tyneside for fuck's sake. It's more in keeping with arsehole southern fans (and I don't include all fans of any club in particular in that, but a fair wedge of some London clubs etc. think their superior to what they perceive as 'the working class North').

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Please explain how our fans have made us unsuccessful. Give us a run through of the players we've hounded out who would have brought us trophies? Our lack of success has been down to an awful board (80s, majority of 00s), awful managerial appointments (everything post-Keegan bar Bobby) and the team / manager choking (Keegan era). The only thing that could be pinned on the fans there is putting pressure on the team under Keegan, but what fans wouldn't have expected the title from that situation? It's only now we seem to have the makings of a solid board / manager / team combo.


The people you have listed as allowed to 'take the piss' weren't treated in any way as heroes - Shepherd and Douglas Hall are pretty much universally hated and although I personally still rate Bellamy as a player he was shipped out as was Dyer.


As for the 'recent' cigar incident - it was 2004 when the guy was 22, it was stoopid but he was just a lad and made a mistake when he was drunk. He's got a temper, he acknowledges that but more often than not he uses it in a positive way (i include the Dabo incident in that as if I had to play with such a shower of s*** week in week out who didn't give two fucks about the club i'd want to give him a damn good hiding too).


We like Barton as he seems pretty honest - whenever he's screwed up he's put his hands up and admitted it and he has been willing to do things such as go to counselling to try and sort himself out. He's come from a pretty tough childhood so hasn't had the best upbringing and so has a tendency to get in trouble but if he can cut that out there is no arguing he's a damn fine player - one i was very pleased to see us sign

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