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Egghead - Move Premiership games to the US


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West Ham non-executive chairman Eggert Magnusson says the Premier League should consider switching games to the USA to boost its global profile.


American football's NFL is hosting a competitive fixture at Wembley on Sunday and the Hammers chief says the Premier League should follow suit.


"I can see that happening sooner rather than later - it would be good for the game," said Magnusson.


But a Premier League spokesman said there were no current plans for a move.


"I just don't see it happening," said the spokesman.


"With the way the league is structured - on a one-home, one-away basis - you would damage the integrity of the competition by fiddling with the dynamic of the League."


The Premier League has become home to several US-based owners, with Manchester United, Liverpool and Aston Villa all in American hands.


American billionaire Stan Kroenke has a 12.2% stake in Arsenal, and believes that the financial incentives of breaking into the USA market will eventually force the Premier League to act.


"There is probably a good chance of getting a game to go over there because both owners could agree to it," he said.


"I think there is a reasonable chance it could take place in the future.


"If the Premier League agreed to it you would have it done. It's something that would have to evolve over time - it would be great if it could be Arsenal."


Sunday's American football match between the Miami Dolphins and the New York Giants will be the first competitive NFL match played outside the Americas.


But NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said he was not concerned about English football as a serious rival to his sport in the USA.


"We have a number of sports played in the USA and the strength of American football in the USA is extraordinary and we work to strengthen that every day," he told BBC Sport.


"We're very comfortable that our fan base will continue to be loyal to us and will only get stronger. We just want to increase our interest outside the USA.


"David Beckham is not a worry, but he's a great player."


Meanwhile, American billionaire Robert Kraft - who came close to buying Liverpool in 2005 - said he is still interested in buying a Premier League club.


"We do still have an interest in playing in the Premier League," he said.


"It's a wonderful and global game. I love the passion of the football fans here in the United Kingdom.


"People in the United Kingdom and London especially are really avid sports fans. We'd like to close our deal and then talk about it. It's still something we have an avid interest in."



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This is the most stupid idea I have heard since all that bollocks about getting rid of draws in the football league or whatever it was, was branded about! Complete nonsense!

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It's a ridiculous idea to go and play important games in front of a neutral set of fans, it goes against everything the domestic game is about but if the money is there then there is always the possibility it will happen.


Considering the top Premiership sides can play up to 60 games in a season, I'm not sure they would want their players flying over to the states and back during a hectic fixture schedule. It would all depend how badly they want/need the money.


In the foreseeable future it would it would seem to be too unpopular an idea to get going, but the way things are going this isn't so unlikely further down the line.

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Any clubs that did do it would make an absolute fortune tbh. For that reason alone I wouldn't rule it out in the future.


How would they make a fortune? Americans don't care about football.


They'd probably lose all the money they would make due to a large number of fans giving up on the sport if this happened anyway.

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I'm agree tbh.


One or two a year would do no damage.


I'm sure Man Utd are game.

Are you CRAZY...This is CRAZY...And what the F*** is NFL doing in Wembley...This is a disgrace...What a SH*T thing called NFL...They call that a game :lol:

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I'm agree tbh.


One or two a year would do no damage.


I'm sure Man Utd are game.


seriously man no way

if this happens i think this will mean the end for alot of proper fans


Indeed. A lot of changes have been made to British football, but at places like St James' you still have fans going to watch the same team play on the same pitch that has been the team's home for over a century. Terrace culture may be a thing of the past, but this really would be selling the soul of the English game for a quick buck and to possibly the least caring audience in the world.


I don't see it happening any time soon but you never know in the future.

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Maybe a few games can be played in Afghanistan instead at least that might keep the talabans busy and stop fighting...Something money can't buy :lol:

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Any clubs that did do it would make an absolute fortune tbh. For that reason alone I wouldn't rule it out in the future.


How would they make a fortune? Americans don't care about football.


They'd probably lose all the money they would make due to a large number of fans giving up on the sport if this happened anyway.


Do you honestly think it would be played in an empty stadium? Do you think they'd attract more fans.....who would buy more merchandise and pay to see their new team play either online or via PPV?


Wonder if they could sell the TV rights and have it broadcast...hmmmm.

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Charity Shield would be best game if any to be moved like was done with the serie A equivalent i think it was a couple of years back between Juve & AC.


Be suprised if it didn't sell out as most pre-season games over there sell out and average MLS gates are 15,000 for what is a poorer standard of football.

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Do you honestly think it would be played in an empty stadium? Do you think they'd attract more fans.....who would buy more merchandise and pay to see their new team play either online or via PPV?


Wonder if they could sell the TV rights and have it broadcast...hmmmm.


I doubt any of the major US channels would show it because nobody would be bothered, a bit like the NFL that's in London that 99% of England doesn't care about or even know is happening.

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Do you honestly think it would be played in an empty stadium? Do you think they'd attract more fans.....who would buy more merchandise and pay to see their new team play either online or via PPV?


Wonder if they could sell the TV rights and have it broadcast...hmmmm.


I doubt any of the major US channels would show it because nobody would be bothered, a bit like the NFL that's in London that 99% of England doesn't care about or even know is happening.


Why do the friendly games attract so many fans?

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I don't think it would happen with normal home games as giving up home advantage is amuch bigger  issue than in American sports where there is virtually no atmosphere and in the case of Ice Hockey and Basketball are played in multi-purpose indoor arenas that all look the same.


Community Shield games are the only ones I can see happening. I wouldn't be in favour of it though.



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I think most of you in this thread are underestimating the popularity of Football and Premiership Football in North America.  Last time Liverpool and Celtic played here in Toronto for a friendly, there were 50,000+ at each game. 


Someone brought up the Charity Shield match being played over here?  That's a brilliant idea.  :thup:

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