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Steve McClaren


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2nd bottom of the league is the stark reality of the situation. whether we have had a tough start or played well in those games is immaterial if we don't start picking up some points, Watford and West Ham are huge games for us now, we are not getting anything against Man City or Chelsea, even if we win both those games we'll be on 8 points after 8 games that's relegation form.


the table really isn't worth anyalysing at this point. one win takes you into the top half potentially, let's see how we after 10-12 games.

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2nd bottom of the league is the stark reality of the situation. whether we have had a tough start or played well in those games is immaterial if we don't start picking up some points, Watford and West Ham are huge games for us now, we are not getting anything against Man City or Chelsea, even if we win both those games we'll be on 8 points after 8 games that's relegation form.


If he have 8 points from 8 games having played all of last season's top 4, I'd be pretty happy (provided we don't mess up the nice run of fixtures that starts after Man City).

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Garbage what low expectations we have give the owld heed a shake we could have had 12 points with the right approach - this man will take us down with defensive shyte - wait till Sunderland go 1-0 up at both derbies and put some subs on jeeeeeeeeeeezzzz

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Bit early to be drawing any conclusions yet, 4 years or Pardew/Carver comedy act doesn't just disappear over night. He may very well turn out to be a defensive coach and ergo we struggle for goals/points all season. Then again there's an argument to say that rebuilding a fractured and fragile dressing room/moral starts with building from the back, learning to keep the ball and shut others out, especially with such a difficult start to the season. Albeit a league 2 side, we saw the confidence building when the shackles were off against Northampton, that could have easily been undone if we played recklessly against Arsenal.


Too early to call how big the tree will be when the shoots have just left the ground. It could go either way but there's no point in writing him off after 4 tough Premiership fixtures.

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From a relatively realistic level of optimism I would have said we could maybe have had 7 points max from these 4 games.

Based on the Ashley era I think 2 points is probably about what I'd expect, and it's what we have.

That being said, our upcoming fixtures are slowly becoming cup finals.

We need a win asap to release the tension.

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Garbage what low expectations we have give the owld heed a shake we could have had 12 points with the right approach - this man will take us down with defensive shyte - wait till Sunderland go 1-0 up at both derbies and put some subs on jeeeeeeeeeeezzzz


obvious wum is obvious

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He needs half a season before we can really say or see what is going on.


He needs a season, if there are signs of improvement (and I can see them already) then he deserves even longer. I want this to work and I'm more than willing to give him the time to put it right. He's got a free pass 'til Easter a least.

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He needs half a season before we can really say or see what is going on.


He needs a season, if there are signs of improvement (and I can see them already) then he deserves even longer. I want this to work and I'm more than willing to give him the time to put it right. He's got a free pass 'til Easter a least.

Think we need to be seeing some signs of improvement before we get to 19 games of the season gone myself personally.

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He needs half a season before we can really say or see what is going on.


He needs a season, if there are signs of improvement (and I can see them already) then he deserves even longer. I want this to work and I'm more than willing to give him the time to put it right. He's got a free pass 'til Easter a least.

Think we need to be seeing some signs of improvement before we get to 19 games of the season gone myself personally.


Already have. There's a noticeable difference and I hope it will be clear come Feb/March.


If not then I'll be pretty pissed. 

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He needs half a season before we can really say or see what is going on.


He needs a season, if there are signs of improvement (and I can see them already) then he deserves even longer. I want this to work and I'm more than willing to give him the time to put it right. He's got a free pass 'til Easter a least.

Think we need to be seeing some signs of improvement before we get to 19 games of the season gone myself personally.


Already have. There's a noticeable difference and I hope it will be clear come Feb/March.


If not then I'll be pretty pissed. 


i think they've been working on not conceding as a team but it's also at the expense of being able to worry the other team atm as well


keep on working on that through the next two games, try not to get obliterated by citeh and chelsea and then he really has to start opening things up like

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He needs half a season before we can really say or see what is going on.


He needs a season, if there are signs of improvement (and I can see them already) then he deserves even longer. I want this to work and I'm more than willing to give him the time to put it right. He's got a free pass 'til Easter a least.

Think we need to be seeing some signs of improvement before we get to 19 games of the season gone myself personally.


Already have. There's a noticeable difference and I hope it will be clear come Feb/March.


If not then I'll be pretty pissed. 


i think they've been working on not conceding as a team but it's also at the expense of being able to worry the other team atm as well


keep on working on that through the next two games, try not to get obliterated by citeh and chelsea and then he really has to start opening things up like


After 8 games we'll have played 6 of the top 8 sides last season, that's a bit rough. It'll even out obviously but he'll get time from me, early results aren't great but he could do with a win or 2.


We've won 2 games of football since the 31st of Jan. It's baby steps.

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I just don't buy this shit about having to bed in and the 'good football will come later', it just seems like a shit excuse for not taking the game to the opposition.


that's just a half-empty, half-full way of looking at the same thing


none of us really know what mclaren is really thinking at this stage, imo he's either come into the club and seen what an utter shambles it is from top to bottom and decided to build slowly starting by not conceding millions of goals and getting raped week in week out


or his natural inclination is to be dour and defensive which some seem to think it is


in fairness to mclaren 'building from the back' is a tried and tested strategy of both his generation of managers and the biggest influence on his career, fergie...worth remembering how fragile the confidence is/was of a lot of our senior players tbh, as much as anything that's probably not something you can just change overnight

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