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James Milner

Guest Pie

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All credit to him for working that move pretty much by himself, shades of last season.


It may have been lucky, but I believe that if the ball hadn't gone in, Owen would have gotten to it and the result would have been the same.

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Guest optimistic nit

he was fucking shite. 1 flukey goal doesn't change that. still maybe he'd have been better on the right, but i'm not about to worship him.

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As said with N'Zogbia vs Bolton, if you put in a cross like that chances are someone gets a touch or it just misses everyone and goes in. Wasn't great today but got us the point and saved us from defeat because of it.

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He has been poor so far this season on the whole and two goals won't make up for a lack of performance. He definitely needs to get his arse into gear but I still think he was a lot better than some give him credit for last season.

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He has been poor so far this season on the whole and two goals won't make up for a lack of performance. He definitely needs to get his arse into gear but I still think he was a lot better than some give him credit for last season.


No, he just needs to be played on the right wing. Being a right winger and all.

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Thing is I think he has had some of his best games for us on the left but he definitely isn't looking capable of it at the moment. Still not going to be advocating for someone else to take his spot on the right (Zog should definitely be on the left) as no-one else has looked like they would do any better this season.



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Guest pedroisgod

Great player, great ability, and most of all his goal was fucking great.


Cant wait to see what the lads like in a few years time as he has all the ability to be outstanding.

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Great player, great ability, and most of all his goal was f****** great.


Cant wait to see what the lads like in a few years time as he has all the ability to be outstanding.

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Guest mobiius

its bad enough having to earn a crust in nissan of scumderland but if i had to listen to them slimey twats if they had of won  it would of done my crust in. thank you jimmy milner for your priceless goal you little beauty. :clap:

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