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First three names on the team sheet?


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Viduka, Milner, Taylor

You can tell you havent been to the match this season  :lol:


A matter of personal opinion..i am not gonna waste time (or valuable IQ points for that matter) discussing it with you.

Good point, it would seem you dont have many to waste tbf



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On current form, probably:


1) N'Zogbia

2) Enrique

3) Martins


It's actually hard to name three, because apart from N'Zogbia it seems just about everybody in the squad is 'droppable' at the moment. Even Faye, who has made a good start. It shows we have some depth at long last, but it also shows how poor most of them have been.


I'd say Enrique because if he plays, it prevents Allardyce from trying any funny stuff. When Enrique starts you know that Zog will be in his preferred position and probably so too will Milner, meaning the central midfielders will be where they're supposed to be.


Martins has been nothing special, in fairness he hasn't had much chance to, but the way we're playing at the moment he is better equipped to create something out of nothing than Owen, Viduka, or anyone else for that matter. When we're playing well I'll back Owen to put the chances away more than anyone we have, but when we're playing poorly it's like having 10 men and at least Oba can get goals from hopeless punts upfield. He carved goals out of nothing against Tottenham and Man City, something people took for granted at the time, and it was his introduction that finally broke the deadlock against Wigan, putting it on a plate for Owen. He was the difference away to Bolton with two goals and that's still our only away win of the season.


For the record, there is no doubting that Owen is a more talented striker than Martins, but when we're creating nothing, can't string together any passes and we're forced to punt it long all game, I'd rather have Martins in the team. When you're stringing good passes together and looking to create chances, you want Owen on the end of them. Recently, and for most of this season, we've been going down the longer ball route and as things stand right now I fancy us to pick up more points with Martins in the team, espescially away from home. Owen just seems wasted under Allardyce football, we're getting nothing like the best out of him, even accounting for his loss of pace etc.


Viduka's not a bad shout, but he's probably going to be in and out the team all season. It's difficult to plan your team around a player like that, I just see it as a bonus when he plays. I suppose when fit I would rarely leave him out, but I'm not convinced he's the player many on here believe he is. He's slower than ever and when our team is lacking any pace or movement it only makes us easier to defend against.

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I'll go with what looks like the most chosen trio... Viduka, N'Zogbia and Faye.


Agree with what Johnnypd said about Viduka in the air - that's certainly not his main strength (or asset) to his exceptional play with back to goal. He's good when attacking the ball with his head, but flick-ons and such like is not something he's particularly great at. Atleast not on the evidence of his performances this season. This is why he'd be pretty much wasted in a 4-5-1; he's sublime with the ball at his feet.


He certainly rivals Shearer when it comes to facing away from goal. Viduka is probably a bit better technically than Shearer was, though Al did have that aerial strength.


Either way, Viduka is as important to this team, as Shearer was to his. If you get my meaning.


On the other two, Faye's a beast and N'Zogbia's the only person in the squad who can guarantee pace being utilised.

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Speccy makes a great point. Our defence has to be settled. No more chopping and changing.


Aye I agree with that. If this is a transition season then Beye and Enrique should be playing every week. They're our only fit full backs. Putting a CB (Taylor) and a winger (N'Zogbia) in their positions is ridiculous, we'll never have a settled defence if he doesn't show faith in the full backs. Sam can't be excused there.


Central defence is a bit trickier, as I don't think Sam knows what his best partnership is. Cacapa's injured once again which complicates things.

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If the past is anything to go by, he'll drop Taylor after yesterday anyhow.


But yes - agree entirely - and i'm fairly sure the vast majority will do: we need the same/similar backline every week. Beye, Enrique and Faye are three of the four. There isn't a massive amount of harm in rotating the other centre-back, it depends largely on opposition.


(I'm basically just going more in-depth on Nut's earlier post)  :shifty:

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Given, Enrique, Beye.


Although Faye has been excellent, we have 2 other good centre backs and it woudn't exactly be panic stations if they were to play.


Can't say N'Zogbia as we have Duff - Assuming we're talking about when everyone is fit.


Can't say either Owen, Martins or Viduka as I don't mind any 2 of those 3 playing.


We need to stop playing left wingers at LB and centre backs at RB, chopping and changing and playing people out of position is doing no good at all.  We have 2 good full backs and they need to start playing regularly and get settled in.

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Guest Andrew Flintoff

Milner gets some crazy abuse on here like.


Young, hungry, talented, scores some crucial goals and gives 100% for the lads. All reasons to give him dog's abuse apparently.

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Milner gets some crazy abuse on here like.


Young, hungry, talented, scores some crucial goals and gives 100% for the lads. All reasons to give him dog's abuse apparently.

b-b-b-but he's not as fast as a gazelle in full stride.  STRING HIM UP!!!
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Milner gets some crazy abuse on here like.


Young, hungry, talented, scores some crucial goals and gives 100% for the lads. All reasons to give him dog's abuse apparently.


He hasn't been very good so far this season but he definitely gets way too much stick from some. Some who no matter who we are talking about or if the team as a whole has had a shitter will turn the conversation onto Milner.... ;)

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