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What is our best forward line?

Guest nufc_geordie
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Guest nufc_geordie

With the performance of ALan Smith last night making the headlines, I was wondering if the general consensus of fans opinions had changd as to how we should play up tops. After watching the dominating display of SMith last night for me I think he need a partner who can anticipate his flick ons and his hold up play. His effort was second to none and sets the precedent for future efforts.


For me I go Smith and Owen, but they will need a run of games together to develop as a partnership.

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Guest nufc_geordie

People say Smith and Owen because they believe the potential is there for a successful combination. None of the others seemed to have worked!

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I say Smith and Owen because if Smith can play like that week in week out an intelligent finisher would make the most of it.   Martins was poor last night, everytime he got the ball he was looking to get forward alone rather than lay it off.  

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After last night, I think the problem is half solved. I didn't realise that Smith could play quite that well as a target man. It's him plus AN other(s) for me.


I'd stick with the 4-3-3. Milner plus whichever one of Martins or Owen can adapt the better.

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Currently Smith & Martins - but i dont think it will create enough goals


Best Possible - Viduka & Owen - If these two were fit and firing... Would be immense... they would rival some of the best striking partnerships in the league. Sadly keeping even 1 fit at any one time is going to be a challenge.


I hope last night has made Sam realise that Smith isn't a midfielder once and for all.


Smith  and Owen/Martins for me. Viduka super sub.


JW but is there some kind of statistic that would list when Viduka scores his goals timeline wise? Would be interesting.

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I say Smith and Owen because if Smith can play like that week in week out an intelligent finisher would make the most of it.   Martins was poor last night, everytime he got the ball he was looking to get forward alone rather than lay it off.  

I say Smith and Owen because if Smith can play like that week in week out an intelligent finisher would make the most of it.   Martins was poor last night, everytime he got the ball he was looking to get forward alone rather than lay it off.  


I agree, Smith put himself about and did all of the donkey work which Owen would reap the benfit of. Martins was gash last night and still is never aware of what is going on around him, head down and run.


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Martins simply isn't clever enough to be a really top class striker.  He doesn't have either the instincts of a natural goalscorer or the ability to read the game well enough.


Out of the current options it's Smith and Owen for me but, unless Owen can prove otherwise quickly, we really need to be bringing in a more reliable partner for Smith.

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Martins simply isn't clever enough to be a really top class striker.  He doesn't have either the instincts of a natural goalscorer or the ability to read the game well enough.


Martins has allready showed glimpses of a world class striker.  A lot of big clubs wanted him tbh.

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Martins will never be world class. He doesn't have the tools imo. I'm not saying he's shit btw. And he's 23, not 19 for those expecting huge improvements in his (very) weak areas - a consistent first touch and hsi movement off-the-ball.

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Guest Stephen927

I think after last night Smith deserves a run of games up front. Played well with Martins I thought, won most flick-ons and chased and closed down when we didn't have the ball.


Last night has certainly given Sam food for thought.

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I actually think Martins has really improved this year in terms of getting his head up and finding his team-mates when in deeper positions.


Unfortunately his movement just isn't there, the number of flicks that Smith provided last night would have been heaven for Owen.

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I think that our main problem up front is that while we do have a pretty decent set of strikers, you cant really rely on any of them to perform week in week out.


Owen is pretty much always out injured and needs decent service, Viduka looks useless unless he is 100% fit and you just don't really know what you are going to get from Martins, one time he will skin his opponent, the next he will get dispossessed easily.


In terms of consistency of performance I think that Smith would be most likely to offer that kind of performance every week because you know what you are going to get from him. His only problem is that he will probably score the least goals out of all of our strikers. He would be a good mainstay in the team if the other striker could make up for his lack of goals; and based on how he played yesterday Owen would have been best suited to him because of the quality of his movement.


I actually voted Smith/Martins though because I think that you want a partnership that will last and they are the two that are most likely to stay fit for a decent period of time.

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I voted Smith and Martins because I need to see Owen put a run of games together before I can consider him a regular starter. Smith's movement and running have put him ahaead of Viduka for me, I don't think we have enough pace in our side to accomodate Viduka's lack of mobility. people point out Martins weaknesses, but his pace is a massive asset for the same reason. It's not like he doesn't score goals either.


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It all depends on form, really.


4-4-2, Viduka/Owen.


4-3-3, xxx/Smith/Martins.


Viduka is shite with the long ball. He's good with his back to goal, but so long as it's with his feet. Flick-ons with his head is not what he's good at.

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              Owen  Martins



With Smith in a free/targetman-role, playing like he did yesterday with Owen and Martins in front of him.

Would like to see it tried, at least, reckon it could work.

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               Owen   Martins



With Smith in a free/targetman-role, playing like he did yesterday with Owen and Martins in front of him.

Would like to see it tried, at least, reckon it could work.


That looks good.

With this behind it



Milner              N'Zogbia



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