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Woman claims rape at Manchester United party

Geordie Boot Boy

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Guest DazzaNufc1892

lol i know a few stories that have been swept under the carpet, not with regards to rape, but quite HUGE stories. My mums fella went to this party i believe, well, he was invited by fletch lol

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If it was a rape, who would you want it to be who got sent down?


Obviously, there are so many of those vile, smug cunts to choose from, but I know which one I'd like to get "merked" in the showers by Mr Big who's in with the screws.

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Police sources said the rape allegation at the hotel is against a young man associated with the club who is not a regular player with any of the teams.


Gary Neville's been injured for a canny while.


His tache may give off the perception as well that he is indeed a young man.

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19 year-old arrested on suspicion of rape. No word if it's a player yet.


So basically absolutely nothing to go on.


We truly do get the tabloid media we deserve in this country.


Worse than a bunch of gossiping fucking fishwives.

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United 'in shock' at Evans arrest


REELING Manchester United stars were said to be “in shock” last night after a team-mate was arrested on suspicion of rape.


Defender Jonny Evans, 19, was being held in custody in the city.


He presented himself to police after jetting back into Manchester Airport following a day-trip to Monaco, thought to be pre-arranged and with a relative.


A police spokesman said last night: “Detectives investigating a report of rape at a Manchester city centre hotel have arrested a 19-year-old. He was arrested on suspicion of rape this evening after presenting himself to police. He remains in custody.”

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Just to add to what's already been said, if anything libellous had been posted then it would have been deleted and the poster banned. So logic should tell you that if both you and your post are still here then Dave's comment wasn't specifically aimed at you.


Have a nice day y'all.  :police:

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"Presenting himself to police" sounds like another sexual offence to me.




"Presenting..." is another phrase that only certain professions would ever use, the criminal justice system is full of people presenting themselves as this, presenting themselves as that. I used to have to read a load of reports on young offenders and they always presented themselves, you could imagine the interview starting with the lights going down, a red curtain over the doorway and a cheesy announcer's voice saying "Presenting a young man with a history of petty theft and minor offences. All the way from Gorton Manchester... ...It's... ...JOHNNY GRAHAM!!". Perhaps they could get the Buffer to do the ones who'd got done for assault?

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Guest johnson293

He's got links with sunderland so the lads probably film it on his mobile too.




Keane wanted to re-sign him in Jan, may have to wait till about Jan 2025.


Some people will do anything not to go back to Sunderland!



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Guest DazzaNufc1892

absolute utter fucking bullshit, i cant tell you how fukin livid iam at this story, the guy arrested is 1 of my m8s, n hes 1 of the nicest people i know, he doesnt have it in him to do such a thing, and whatever dirty little slag he come out and said this shit deserves to be wiped off the face of the fukin planet, i hope shes outed publically by an MP like she deserve, hes a nice guy, a caring guy who would do anything for anybody. Hes a good person, so this story needs to end as soon as fukin possible and this 2 bit slut b pillaged my people.

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