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Newcastle 0 - 2 Manchester City - 02/01/08 - post match reaction from page 24


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We desperately need someone faster on the Right Wing to challenge Milner. How pathetic that we only have one RW and he is not even good enough...

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I don't understand two defensive mids at home and don't think I ever will. Butt is committed, but he gives away the ball too much, doesn't have the pace or height to be a class modern day footballer. He just doesn't read the game as well as he used to. So many times the defence had the ball and just had no one to give it to.


Zoggy was probably our best player but as soon as he moved to LM he drifted out of the game, as again, we just can't get the ball from back to front. Owen showed neat touches, but just didn't get enough of the ball. Just so lacking that creativity and that player willing to take the game by the scruff of the neck it's embarrassing.

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fact are

sam came in, bought new players, ->we are still crap, like we where last season, so nothign has chaged really.

players fault he says, maybe but it goes both ways realy.

brign on stoke

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Guest GeordieAce

I just cant get my head around how he can be such a success at Bolton, to then move to a bigger club with better players and more money yet look completely clueless. He made Bolton into a tough tough fixture, especially at home so what the fuck's happened?

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As said, Allardyce and Eriksson both took over at the same time, spent a similar amount on a similar amount of player and we are near the bottom while they compete for the CL.


Sven had more cash to spend and we sold two of our creative players and didn't replace thm.

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I have learned to live with us losing due to inconsistent performances. At the end of the day we aren't going to get relegated and of course I would like us to get into Europe and perhaps attract bigger profile players, but look at the likes of Villa, they haven't got huge names but they play as a team and it works! Just give it time and stop calling for Sams head. As for Dukes and Owen being worse than Doyle and Kitson..... YOU'RE HAVING A LAUGH!!!   mackems.gif


I'm so pissed right now ... I should calm down.


Let me rephrase. If you put Kitson and Doyle into our team they would be more effective than Owen and Viduka.


Unless you've got a midfield like Arsenal's, Liverpool's, Chelsea's or Man U's Owen and Viduka are absolutely worthless.


So, either replace the strikers or probably more sensibly, fix the whole midfield apart from Duff who has looked good since he returned.


The players we have right now just don't fit together. It really is disgusting to me. An absolutely disgusting mess of a team.

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As said, Allardyce and Eriksson both took over at the same time, spent a similar amount on a similar amount of player and we are near the bottom while they compete for the CL.


Sven had more cash to spend and we sold two of our creative players and didn't replace thm.


Sven had a year off to scout the players he brought in.

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I just cant get my head around how he can be such a success at Bolton, to then move to a bigger club with better players and more money yet look completely clueless. He made Bolton into a tough tough fixture, especially at home so what the f***'s happened?


yeah but bolton could defend, our players can't. As long as we stink in defence its not gonna turn around. Where in the shitter, adn its gonen take some clashign of heads and a knife between the teeth atitude to get us on track

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As said, Allardyce and Eriksson both took over at the same time, spent a similar amount on a similar amount of player and we are near the bottom while they compete for the CL.


Sven had more cash to spend and we sold two of our creative players and didn't replace thm.


Sven had a year off to scout the players he brought in.


Not a valid argument imo, Sam would have had his list of players he was keeping tabs on; and by all accounts (well one anyway) Eriksson just phoned a super-agent and asked who can we get.


Sven had a year off to scout the players he brought in.


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I can't believe the excuses coming in for defending Sven over Sam.... says it all really.




Sven is a top manager, vastly experienced at club and international level and a proven winner, Allardyce is not.

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Eh Big Sam is a big piece of crap. tell me why he takes of Duff and Faye, and keeps viduka infield. Wow get rid of merceneries like Owen, Viduka they do us nothing good, get guys with heart and spirit and flair cause thats what we need.

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I can't believe the excuses coming in for defending Sven over Sam.... says it all really.




Sven is a top manager, vastly experienced at club and international level and a proven winner, Allardyce is not.

Allardyce is an experienced Premiership manager, Eriksson is not.

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Our only hope right now is Zoggy on the left and Duff on the right at least we will have some pace on both wings and we might actually get crosses into the box AT THE RIGHT TIME! without dribbling back and forth for no reason in Milner style.


I don't care what anyone says about Alan Smith either. He absolutely has to start the game as a striker at least he is mobile upfront. Viduka can come on when if we are in desperate need of a goal, at least the defenders he is facing will be a bit tired which should even things up a bit.

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I have learned to live with us losing due to inconsistent performances. At the end of the day we aren't going to get relegated and of course I would like us to get into Europe and perhaps attract bigger profile players, but look at the likes of Villa, they haven't got huge names but they play as a team and it works! Just give it time and stop calling for Sams head. As for Dukes and Owen being worse than Doyle and Kitson..... YOU'RE HAVING A LAUGH!!!   mackems.gif


I'm so pissed right now ... I should calm down.


Let me rephrase. If you put Kitson and Doyle into our team they would be more effective than Owen and Viduka.


Unless you've got a midfield like Arsenal's, Liverpool's, Chelsea's or Man U's Owen and Viduka are absolutely worthless.


So, either replace the strikers or probably more sensibly, fix the whole midfield apart from Duff who has looked good since he returned.


The players we have right now just don't fit together. It really is disgusting to me. An absolutely disgusting mess of a team.


I know what you're getting at but if he can't motivate players to even play near half of there potential  what is he going to do with any new signings?


He's lost the respect of the players which is plain to see!  It's like the last days of robsons reign! They couldn't give a shit for him, and it's playing out the same way for Sam!


I hoped he might turn us into a difficult side to beat so I could have forgived lack of flair football! But we are easy to beat so where can he go from here?



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I can't believe the excuses coming in for defending Sven over Sam.... says it all really.




Sven is a top manager, vastly experienced at club and international level and a proven winner, Allardyce is not.

Allardyce is an experienced Premiership manager, Eriksson is not.


What are you on about?

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As said, Allardyce and Eriksson both took over at the same time, spent a similar amount on a similar amount of player and we are near the bottom while they compete for the CL.


Sven had more cash to spend and we sold two of our creative players and didn't replace thm.


Sven had a year off to scout the players he brought in.


I'm sure Sven said he hadn't seen some of them play when they signed.

But Sven definately spent more than Allardyce did.

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I can't believe the excuses coming in for defending Sven over Sam.... says it all really.




Sven is a top manager, vastly experienced at club and international level and a proven winner, Allardyce is not.

Allardyce is an experienced Premiership manager, Eriksson is not.


Fair enough, but it's not fair to say Sven has no experience of the Premiership having managed England for years.

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As said, Allardyce and Eriksson both took over at the same time, spent a similar amount on a similar amount of player and we are near the bottom while they compete for the CL.


Sven had more cash to spend and we sold two of our creative players and didn't replace thm.


Sven had a year off to scout the players he brought in.


I'm sure Sven said he hadn't seen some of them play before when they signed.

But Sven definately spent more than Allardyce did.


Newspaper bollocks, duly dismissed.

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As said, Allardyce and Eriksson both took over at the same time, spent a similar amount on a similar amount of player and we are near the bottom while they compete for the CL.


Sven had more cash to spend and we sold two of our creative players and didn't replace thm.


Sven had a year off to scout the players he brought in.


Not a valid argument imo, Sam would have had his list of players he was keeping tabs on; and by all accounts (well one anyway) Eriksson just phoned a super-agent and asked who can we get.


Sven had a year off to scout the players he brought in.



Sven has a very good European contact list and yes some super agents in his pocket.

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