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Alan Green: Sam scores an own goal in blame game


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Alan Green has his say. Alan is someone with a bit of fame & maybe is of some importance who can have a "agenda" with him being a BBC bod.


Come on now. We've all got to try much harder to understand. None of this is Sam's fault.


What about those dastardly players, some of whom were bought and all of whom are tutored by the Newcastle boss?


Why, in the circumstances, shouldn't a manager say he isn't happy to put 'his' future in their hands?


Heavens, we've all got an ego to protect. Honestly, the things you're expected to do on behalf of team spirit.


And then there's that multi-billionaire owner. How can it be right that Mike Ashley chooses to wear a black and white stripped shirt and stand among fellow supporters?


Bound to get the wrong idea, isn't he?


Shouldn't he don an appropriately expensive suite and sit in the directors' box where he can see the 'wider perspective'?


Oh, and those fans, they're the worst of the lot, aren't they?


Just because 52,000 of them turn up for every game at St James Park and as many of them as possible grab tickets for away matches, doesn't mean they know anything about football.


How, after watching for year after year, could they know what's best for Newcastle United F.C.?


Poor Sam, things have reached such a stage he's looking for support throughout the media and in the game itself to fight his cause.


I see that all those writers that promoted his case to be England manager (never mind Clough, won't Allardyce be regarded as the greatest manager England never had? - pause for laughing) are now urging for patience onTyneside.


'You don't know what you'd be missing.'


And the doyen of English management has manned the ramparts.


However, precisely what business is it of Sir Alex Ferguson's to be talking about matters at St James Park?


Maybe he thinks he can pronounce on any matter he chooses but let's wait to see if he jumps to the defence of Rafa Benitez as the pressure mounts at Anfield.


Then again, of course, that would beLiverpool ?


It isn't a case of sticking up for a mate - Sam is a big pal of Alex's - nor of ruminating on the number of managers that Newcastle routinely go through.


Fergie is actually right on both counts. The trouble is that the Geordie fans are tired of the football they're seeing - "We're s*** and we're sick of it!"


Allardyce hasn't changed because of moving from Lancashire to Tyneside.


Different tools to work with, maybe, but the end product remains deeply unattractive and while results at Bolton covered a multitude of sins, Newcastle's run stinks - one clean sheet in 18, nine points from the last 12 games.


It's not the time to be facing a high-risk FA Cup tie at Stoke, a team flying high in the Championship.


Defeat tomorrow could spell the end for Allardyce.


But, if he survives that test, I wonder how much sympathy he'll find extended at Newcastle's next game?


It's at Old Trafford.



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Oh, and those fans, they're the worst of the lot, aren't they?


Just because 52,000 of them turn up for every game at St James Park and as many of them as possible grab tickets for away matches, doesn't mean they know anything about football.


How, after watching for year after year, could they know what's best for Newcastle United F.C.?


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Guest Ridzuan

Mr Green eats too much veggies that its obvious to see that he thinks he's too smart to comment on our situation in such a manner.

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However, precisely what business is it of Sir Alex Ferguson's to be talking about matters at St James Park?



Probably his position as executive on the league managers association.  A position which he takes quite seriously by all accounts and always contacts sacked or recently employed managers.



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Absoloute shite if you ask me.


Sam has repeated several times what's been unacceptable, and defended the fans' right to say so to the hilt.


He's been arse raped by the media in comparison to Souness' dragged out demise which his best buddy pundits never got on his back for.


What has Ashley sitting with the fans got to do with any of it?  Has Allardyce said a word about being annoyed by it.


Cheap reactionist journalism whipping up a frenzy from the fans who won't think for themselves so they can later point out how fickle we are.

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Absoloute shite if you ask me.


Sam has repeated several times what's been unacceptable, and defended the fans' right to say so to the hilt.


He's been arse raped by the media in comparison to Souness' dragged out demise which his best buddy pundits never got on his back for.


What has Ashley sitting with the fans got to do with any of it?  Has Allardyce said a word about being annoyed by it.


Cheap reactionist journalism whipping up a frenzy from the fans who won't think for themselves so they can later point out how fickle we are.





I like it when you get angry.

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Absoloute shite if you ask me.


Sam has repeated several times what's been unacceptable, and defended the fans' right to say so to the hilt.


He's been arse raped by the media in comparison to Souness' dragged out demise which his best buddy pundits never got on his back for.


What has Ashley sitting with the fans got to do with any of it?  Has Allardyce said a word about being annoyed by it.


Cheap reactionist journalism whipping up a frenzy from the fans who won't think for themselves so they can later point out how fickle we are.





I like it when you get angry.


Happy (no more) Face.


Agree with Ashley in the crowd bit, Sam has said nowt about that, others have though.

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I can see what he's getting at, but it's a tad exaggerated. It'd be nice to see Sam holds his hands up once or twice, but he isn't particularly bad for blaming other people. And i've never heard him say anything badly towards Ashley. Infact, when has he spoken poorly of the fans? That was Barton, who was right anyway. I can only remember Sam blaming the players but i could be wrong.

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This is just a lazy piece of hack journalism.


Listening to Alan Green commentating is like being stuck next to one of those irritating loudmouthed twats who are planted at strategic points in every football ground just to ruin people's enjoyment.

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This is just a lazy piece of hack journalism.


Listening to Alan Green commentating is like being stuck next to one of those irritating loudmouthed twats who are planted at strategic points in every football ground just to ruin people's enjoyment.


It's just commentary. I don't think even Green himself would make out it was intended as journalism or "fact".


As such, it's just opinion. Football is a game of opinions, after all.


As it happens, much of what Green wrote simply said everything you'd expect a football commentator to say on our current situation. Don't see much to get knickers in a twist about, tbh.

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"You expect a reaction, and I don't blame the fans. If I was them I would be singing what they sang because we're not good enough.


"I know it's not good enough, so it doesn't take much for them to work out it's not good enough. They are not daft.


"The level of form they have dropped to is unacceptable. Everyone can have an off day, but our off days are really off.


"Right now the only pressure on us is what we are putting on ourselves because we are performing at that level.


"We should be big enough and professional enough to cope with what is thrown our way.


"We are professional managers and players and we have to perform under pressure, whether it be good, bad or indifferent.

Hardly laying the blame elsewhere or throwing a strop at the fans.

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