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His agent is a toon season-ticket holder, was on SSN the other week.


Ian Elliott. The club should make great strides to forge good links with him & Peter Harrison as these chaps are the top two local agents & I belive both are Newcastle fans.

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His agent is a toon season-ticket holder, was on SSN the other week.


Ian Elliott. The club should make great strides to forge good links with him & Peter Harrison as these chaps are the top two local agents & I belive both are Newcastle fans.






I am aware of the show but really who cares about that, we employed Sam Allardyce after that show. Peter has some good players on his books.

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I would take Dówning of what ive seen of him, not better then Zoggy but he is quality crosser and a pretyy fast player and can score, not seen much of him but what ive seen of when he gets the ball it feels like he can get a goal or something.

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He's mint...on FM :lol:


I'd accept him but at the end of the day i rate Zoggy and Duffy more.


I don't rate him at all in real life, but I remember signing him in FM and, a few seasons in, getting a message I've never got before from my assistant saying that Downing was "the best in the world in his position".

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Signed a new contract with Boro now.


Not true, he has agreed in principle to sign a new 5 year deal, its not signed yet..


Sorry Skirge, I take it all back.

:lol: just ignore me, got some gooood ganja today :lol:


He aint signed thoigh, not yet anyway.. :D

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Newcastle are planning a £10m summer move for Middlesbrough midfielder Stewart Downing. (News of the World)


£10m for Downing, that's an absolute joke!


Martin Petrov cost less than half of that.  I wonder who the better left winger is. 


..and people wonder why so m any foreigners are bought. :laugh:

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