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Since people are convinced we are about to sign a pundit...

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Who would be the best pundit to manage Newcastle United? Feel free to add more names.

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Guest Phil K

I've added Jeff Stelling, hope you don't mind.

Jeff's the best mate - no comparison.

Leaves Big Al light years behind.

Although he irritates, next best is Phil Thompson - just dont let him commentate on Liverpool.

ron would sort out the africans

Would he put on his KKK hat for that action ?  ;D

We'd see what he was like "early doors" and "to be fair"

He originated most of the brain-dead comments associated with football commentators, Ron did.

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Gabby.  We'll be shit whoever we have so I might as well have some nice arse to look at.





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Guest The Corner

No Champagne Charlie Nicholas or Chris Kamara options? Call this a poll?!?



Champagne Charlie would have my backing like, best pundit on sky in my opinion

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