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Can we cure the impatience and unrealistic expectations?


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I am starting to seriously worry about sections of our fans, the patience amongst our fans is getting thiner and thiner by the manager and the expectations all be it the same, are getting more unrealistic as we get further and further from where we want to be. Not alot of people wanted Souness and Roeder, yet they were given a season and a half, alot of people were happy to see Sam appointed and those who werent backed him anyway, it amazed me to see such backlash after our defeat to Derby, wasnt that our first defeat under Big Sam? Yet its almost as if the hostility started from that point onwards. The world of football outside of our box is stunned by the sacking yet alot of fans on here expected it and are happy. Can any manager succeed here if time is what we need to get things right? Will the fans allow time?


Its quite worrying tbh, what if we got Mourinho, he lost a few games, we finished 11th or so this season, some people would want a top 6 finish next season, if we finished say 9th and got beaten by a team like Fulham or similar shite, would the fans start turning on Jose? Just how bad will the patience and expection get as we await yet another manager, is it possible for us to get a reality check?

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it's not really the reaults or where we finish but the feeling that we are improving (as in under robson the first couple of years). admittedly the football throughout the country has changed in this respect and listening to radio5 this season i've never heard so amny "booo's " from fans, no,no not just us

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Probably not, we can contain it to a degree. The style of football that is played is essential, this was a massive reason into the reactions Allardyce got during his time here, if we won games then of course all the fans were happy but any loss that occurred was seen to be a disaster because of how the football was played, the fans will only react positively if they recognize that the teams intentions are set on playing the way they want.

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The thing is, the teams who are praised to no end, such as Blackburn, Villa, Portsmouth aren't too much higher on the table than us, and they've had much more time. Why couldn't we put up with Sam for another 2 years? Why is it, that teams such as Blackburn, Villa and Portsmouth who have been performing better than us in the last few seasons, are praised for around the same level of results which gets Big Sam sacked?

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We won't see success here until we get relegated and then come back up, I'm starting to believe that more and more.


I was going to say that but feared i may be tracked down and raped for such a suggestion

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We won't see success here until we get relegated and then come back up, I'm starting to believe that more and more.


I was going to say that but feared i may be tracked down and raped for such a suggestion


I hold the same fears. Luckily, I don't think anyone knows where I live.

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The thing is, the teams who are praised to no end, such as Blackburn, Villa, Portsmouth aren't too much higher on the table than us, and they've had much more time. Why couldn't we put up with Sam for another 2 years? Why is it, that teams such as Blackburn, Villa and Portsmouth who have been performing better than us in the last few seasons, are praised for around the same level of results which gets Big Sam sacked?


I think if you've paid 450 quid for a season ticket, not to mention the cost of away games, to be bored shitless you've got the right to be impatient.  People will put up with it if the team wins but they won't if they see them lose trying to stop the opposition from playing.  The paying customers are the ones that got Allardyce sacked imo - they want to see the team win or they want entertainment.  The teams you mention are far more entertaining than us this season at least imo, and shown more ambition in their football, even if their points tally isn't significantly better.

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Is that really true? I fail to see what is more entertaining about Portsmouth at home when they havent won a game or even scored a goal since September, yet their manager is under no pressure at all.

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The thing is, the teams who are praised to no end, such as Blackburn, Villa, Portsmouth aren't too much higher on the table than us, and they've had much more time. Why couldn't we put up with Sam for another 2 years? Why is it, that teams such as Blackburn, Villa and Portsmouth who have been performing better than us in the last few seasons, are praised for around the same level of results which gets Big Sam sacked?


I think if you've paid 450 quid for a season ticket, not to mention the cost of away games, to be bored shitless you've got the right to be impatient.  People will put up with it if the team wins but they won't if they see them lose trying to stop the opposition from playing.  The paying customers are the ones that got Allardyce sacked imo - they want to see the team win or they want entertainment.  The teams you mention are far more entertaining than us this season at least imo, and shown more ambition in their football, even if their points tally isn't significantly better.

Hmm fair enough argument.
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Is that really true? I fail to see what is more entertaining about Portsmouth at home when they havent won a game or even scored a goal since September, yet their manager is under no pressure at all.

Is that really true? I fail to see what is more entertaining about Portsmouth at home when they havent won a game or even scored a goal since September, yet their manager is under no pressure at all.


Whenever I've seen Portsmouth (on the telly) they've been pretty good to watch

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no, by now it seems to be woven into every geordies' or toon supporters beliefs that we are meant to be a top class team.  problem is our SQUAD is nothing but average.  i live in the US and get stupid excited everytime i have the chance to watch them play but continually end up walking away cussing the team.  our formation and coaching may be lacking but the overall skill, savy and sharpness of the squad is the problem.  morinho could only coach this squad up to about 6th at best! 

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Is that really true? I fail to see what is more entertaining about Portsmouth at home when they havent won a game or even scored a goal since September, yet their manager is under no pressure at all.

Is that really true? I fail to see what is more entertaining about Portsmouth at home when they havent won a game or even scored a goal since September, yet their manager is under no pressure at all.


Whenever I've seen Portsmouth (on the telly) they've been pretty good to watch



Seemed quite good when they played us  :tickedoff:

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Guest bluegeordie

I appreciate the importance of the question that this thread poses, but imo the mere promise of good football and signs (even small ones) of on-field improvement will maintain the loyalty of the bulk of the Toon Army. Under Sam though, the football's been garbage, and on-field there have been virtually no tangible signs of progress. I think we can do loyalty, but after so many long years of having to be patient, I think that it's too much for any manager to ask us for blind loyalty, and that's what Sam has been implicitly doing. Rome wasn't built in a day, but neither did it take a thousand years, with all the work being done on the final day. We simply must see evidence that we're moving in the right direction, even if the pace is slow.         

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