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The Harry Redknapp thread

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You see what's happening in this thread is classic displacement thinking from the likes of Kaka (not you personally) and others.


Which is 'we're not over the moon about Redknapp but hey he might get to buy some players we like'...


Seriously what is the f****** point?


That's harsh man and not fair at all.


Harry has shown this season that if he gets enough good players together he can have them performing at a high enough level to have some success. In my opinion the only thing that team lacks is a real goalscorer. Had they succeeded in signing anelka or Yakubu in the summer they would have been a very serious threat to the top 4.


People say he's a side step, but I would appreciate something more concrete. What exactly do you think he does poorly.


All I see is a manager who manages players well, does well in the transfer market, and now having assembled a decent team is actually having some success with them.


So what are his specific flaws? We easily pointed out Allardyces, what are Redknapps?




TBh Harry hasn't shown anything in hiw whole carrer I'm remotely interested in.


If by the time you are 60 you can't spot the odd player and know how to manage player expectations and needs then your'e not trying.


Nothing he does is ground breaking.


He might be slightly better than SA in some aspects, but is this what all this was really about??


I'm astounded.


If it is him I wish him the best, but really will never understand this move.


Maybe it's down to a lack of opportunity though?


Gets a little bit of money and Portsmouth make a huge leap in justy over a year.


Look, I'm not saying everyone should be ecstatic here, but I'm just not sure I agree that he is no better than Allardyce.


Yes, Allardyce did finish higher with less money. However, some might argue that he cheated, by having to resort to his style of football and buying players that suited this style only. It seems that it is all he knows too, which was unfortunate for us and him.

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You see what's happening in this thread is classic displacement thinking from the likes of Kaka (not you personally) and others.


Which is 'we're not over the moon about Redknapp but hey he might get to buy some players we like'...


Seriously what is the f****** point?


That's harsh man and not fair at all.


Harry has shown this season that if he gets enough good players together he can have them performing at a high enough level to have some success. In my opinion the only thing that team lacks is a real goalscorer. Had they succeeded in signing anelka or Yakubu in the summer they would have been a very serious threat to the top 4.


People say he's a side step, but I would appreciate something more concrete. What exactly do you think he does poorly.


All I see is a manager who manages players well, does well in the transfer market, and now having assembled a decent team is actually having some success with them.


So what are his specific flaws? We easily pointed out Allardyces, what are Redknapps?




TBh Harry hasn't shown anything in hiw whole carrer I'm remotely interested in.


Got west ham to europe.

nurtered young talent such as defoe, cole and lampard.

Avoid relegation.  Can spot a bargain, knows how to use a transfer window.


Not afraid to gamble on a foreign player


We don't want that shit though. Why would we want someone who can spot a bargain when our owner's a billionaire? Are we aiming to avoid relegation? Is that the expectations of the club now? Are we only aiming for Europe?


He's unproven. He's everything Allardyce is. One season ago Allardyce was in the same position. Flavour-of-the-month, team riding high in the Premiership, best English manager out there etc. etc.


Load of shit tbh. Did anyone see Portsmouth getting played off the park by Liverpool at Anfield a few weeks back?


They're all the same. We should have gone for Shearer.

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He spent 30m in the summer and they're only a few points ahead of us.


That's me won over.


Barring the £6m on Nugent, the rest has been very well spent. (£7m Muntari, £7m Utaka, £2m Diop, £3m Johnson, Distin Free...) He only spent £3m more than Allardyce, and before we get the "ooh, but the net spend blah blah", he didn't have big saleable assets to sell in the first place in the way we could get in £12m from Parker & Dyer.


and at least redknapp cottoned on to the fact that nugent was shite very early on, allardyce meanwhile thinks smith is captain material after half a season of shite. i'm far happier with redknapp getting a warchest than i would be about allardyce getting the same.


Nice to see you warming to the idea, Johnny. O0


What do you think Baggio about the whole thing?


I'm quite happy about it, like everyone else I'd have preferred someone like Mourinho but I knew realistically it wasn't going to happen.


I think Allardyce has been a dead man walking since the takeover, they gave him a chance to show he deserved the job and I think they would have backed him if he'd done better, the football he's had us playing has been terrible though and at times it looked like he wanted the sack with some of his bizarre decisions.


I'm optimistic not just because we've got Redknapp, but because Ashley has got his own man and I think the club will move on from here, I think Kaka made a good point about Ashley telling Redknapp to get the team playing as entertaining football as he can and I think he'll do that, with money behind him I think he can put together a team to match Sir Bobby's for entertainment.


He's bought a lot of physically dominant players with plenty of pace at Pompey, the sort that can play the shit teams off the park and boss the better teams about too, he's also got the balance right throughout which is something Allardyce never looked like doing here, his team play alot like Villa but are more physically impressive with their size and strength.


As I've said a few times tonight, I can see him proving a few people wrong on here, he'll get my support.


Good post.


Feel the same, its why i asked, one of the more level headed posts flying about ATM.


It's possible to be very disappointed but not foaming at the mouth though.





I don't think many are saying categorically Harry will fail. What is being said that the timing is suspect and the lack of ambition is clear.




I'm not sure the timings that bad, we've still got 3 weeks of the transfer window so he can make his mark straight away, other than that we could have stumbled along with Allardyce until the end of the season and changed then, if Redknapp is the man they want then why not get him now? fwiw I think Allardyce lost both the support from the players and the people in the stands so I'm not sure what dragging it out would achieve, I don't think he could have turned it around.


As for ambition, like I've said realistically I can't see the likes of Mourinho, Lippi and Hiddink coming here, not in the position we're in, I think Redknapp backed with Ashley's cash can turn this club around and even if he is a short term solution for few years, the chances of us attracting a top class manager will be better when he leaves than it is now IMO.

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Guest kingdawson

I can't believe the reaction from some here, it's like it was the second coming of Roeder or Souness!


FWIW I think in a year's time you'll be thanking your lucky stars you got him.


Altough he failed horribly at Newcastle, Souness lead Blackburn to League cup title and 6th place finishes in the league, as did Allardyce with Bolton. What the hell has Redknapp done to be considered better then these two??. The fact is, Newcastle no matter how shite they're doing at the momment, have the status and more importantly MONEY to attract managers of better quality than the Del boy of football. Sacking Allardyce and replacing with a manager that is on par with him, is a big mistake imho.

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You see what's happening in this thread is classic displacement thinking from the likes of Kaka (not you personally) and others.


Which is 'we're not over the moon about Redknapp but hey he might get to buy some players we like'...


Seriously what is the f****** point?


That's harsh man and not fair at all.


Harry has shown this season that if he gets enough good players together he can have them performing at a high enough level to have some success. In my opinion the only thing that team lacks is a real goalscorer. Had they succeeded in signing anelka or Yakubu in the summer they would have been a very serious threat to the top 4.


People say he's a side step, but I would appreciate something more concrete. What exactly do you think he does poorly.


All I see is a manager who manages players well, does well in the transfer market, and now having assembled a decent team is actually having some success with them.


So what are his specific flaws? We easily pointed out Allardyces, what are Redknapps?




TBh Harry hasn't shown anything in hiw whole carrer I'm remotely interested in.


If by the time you are 60 you can't spot the odd player and know how to manage player expectations and needs then your'e not trying.


Nothing he does is ground breaking.


He might be slightly better than SA in some aspects, but is this what all this was really about??


I'm astounded.


If it is him I wish him the best, but really will never understand this move.


Maybe it's down to a lack of opportunity though?


Gets a little bit of money and Portsmouth make a huge leap in justy over a year.


Look, I'm not saying everyone should be ecstatic here, but I'm just not sure I agree that he is no better than Allardyce.


Yes, Allardyce did finish higher with less money. However, some might argue that he cheated, by having to resort to his style of football and buying players that suited this style only. It seems that it is all he knows too, which was unfortunate for us and him.


Eh? And how do you know Redknapp knows how to play in a different style? If his style isn't working, he's fucked. Pompey's last 6 home games, no goals = majorly fucked.


Big athletic players aren't the answer. They don't break teams down. They're athletes, not footballers. Look at Man Utd, look Arsenal, look at Liverpool.. do you see big athletic players who's main attribute is pace/strength?!


I'm really disappointed in how they came to this decision. Was this Mort and Ashley's big plan? Fuck me, the criteria of hiring a mate is even worse than what we've had in the past. At least there was a rhyme and reason (as weird as it was) to Shepherd's appointments.

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Harry fucking Redknapp. Fuck this shit, I'm off to bed.  >:(


Can only hope I wake to find Sky Sports have outdone themselves and made a cock up of epic proportions. Much like the one they're reporting we've made actually.

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Guest Knightrider

Does it matter? If we don't get him, I'd hate to see their 2nd and 3rd choices. The whole saga reminds me of Sir Bobby's sacking, bad timing, wrong replacement. How anyone can put a brave smile on things is beyond me.

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Does it matter? If we don't get him, I'd hate to see their 2nd and 3rd choices. The whole saga reminds me of Sir Bobby's sacking, bad timing, wrong replacement. How anyone can put a brave smile on things is beyond me.


doesn't bare thinking about.

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I wonder what Portsmouth's thoughts on this are? Sure we might plan to approach him, sure he might have verbally accepted the job. Doesn't mean they'll let him talk to us formally.


Maybe their chairman wants his own man aswell?

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Guest Knightrider

And how long do we give him? 20 games?


Paying off Sam and paying Pompey for Redknapp? Serious questions need asked.


This is FS territory.

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Why haven't we tried for any other managers though? What's up with that shit?


good question. if we're prepared to back the new manager with plenty of money, and using the same bait city and spurs can attract sven and ramos respectively, then surely we could do better than redknapp?

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Does it matter? If we don't get him, I'd hate to see their 2nd and 3rd choices. The whole saga reminds me of Sir Bobby's sacking, bad timing, wrong replacement. How anyone can put a brave smile on things is beyond me.


My thoughts exactly. If I was a decent manager I would be offended at being placed behind 'Arry in line for a job.

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You see what's happening in this thread is classic displacement thinking from the likes of Kaka (not you personally) and others.


Which is 'we're not over the moon about Redknapp but hey he might get to buy some players we like'...


Seriously what is the f****** point?


That's harsh man and not fair at all.


Harry has shown this season that if he gets enough good players together he can have them performing at a high enough level to have some success. In my opinion the only thing that team lacks is a real goalscorer. Had they succeeded in signing anelka or Yakubu in the summer they would have been a very serious threat to the top 4.


People say he's a side step, but I would appreciate something more concrete. What exactly do you think he does poorly.


All I see is a manager who manages players well, does well in the transfer market, and now having assembled a decent team is actually having some success with them.


So what are his specific flaws? We easily pointed out Allardyces, what are Redknapps?




TBh Harry hasn't shown anything in hiw whole carrer I'm remotely interested in.


If by the time you are 60 you can't spot the odd player and know how to manage player expectations and needs then your'e not trying.


Nothing he does is ground breaking.


He might be slightly better than SA in some aspects, but is this what all this was really about??


I'm astounded.


If it is him I wish him the best, but really will never understand this move.


Maybe it's down to a lack of opportunity though?


Gets a little bit of money and Portsmouth make a huge leap in justy over a year.


Look, I'm not saying everyone should be ecstatic here, but I'm just not sure I agree that he is no better than Allardyce.


Yes, Allardyce did finish higher with less money. However, some might argue that he cheated, by having to resort to his style of football and buying players that suited this style only. It seems that it is all he knows too, which was unfortunate for us and him.


haha, you've lost the plot mate!

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If Harry comes I will certainly support him for sure. I don't think he would be a disastrous appointment at all.


However no one can be convinced it is actually him yet. Would we sack Allardyce without having ensured Portsmouth would be willing to let Harry go?


I think all the buzz could well be being generated by Harry if anything, as I am sure he would like the job. Afterall he is pals witht he owner and he would be in a very comfortable position because of that.



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You see what's happening in this thread is classic displacement thinking from the likes of Kaka (not you personally) and others.


Which is 'we're not over the moon about Redknapp but hey he might get to buy some players we like'...


Seriously what is the f****** point?


That's harsh man and not fair at all.


Harry has shown this season that if he gets enough good players together he can have them performing at a high enough level to have some success. In my opinion the only thing that team lacks is a real goalscorer. Had they succeeded in signing anelka or Yakubu in the summer they would have been a very serious threat to the top 4.


People say he's a side step, but I would appreciate something more concrete. What exactly do you think he does poorly.


All I see is a manager who manages players well, does well in the transfer market, and now having assembled a decent team is actually having some success with them.


So what are his specific flaws? We easily pointed out Allardyces, what are Redknapps?




TBh Harry hasn't shown anything in hiw whole carrer I'm remotely interested in.


If by the time you are 60 you can't spot the odd player and know how to manage player expectations and needs then your'e not trying.


Nothing he does is ground breaking.


He might be slightly better than SA in some aspects, but is this what all this was really about??


I'm astounded.


If it is him I wish him the best, but really will never understand this move.


Maybe it's down to a lack of opportunity though?


Gets a little bit of money and Portsmouth make a huge leap in justy over a year.


Look, I'm not saying everyone should be ecstatic here, but I'm just not sure I agree that he is no better than Allardyce.


Yes, Allardyce did finish higher with less money. However, some might argue that he cheated, by having to resort to his style of football and buying players that suited this style only. It seems that it is all he knows too, which was unfortunate for us and him.


haha, you've lost the plot mate!



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Guest ObaStar



NEWCASTLE will offer Harry Redknapp £20million to be their new boss.

Redknapp or his adviser will meet Magpies officials in London today.


Billionaire Toon owner Mike Ashley is determined to land the Portsmouth chief and will hand him a whopping four-year deal worth £5m a year.


That’s a staggering FIVE TIMES what he is earning now at Fratton Park.


Ashley will also:


Allow Redknapp to commute to work by plane from his beloved South Coast.


Hand him a transfer war chest to go for men like Spurs’ Pascal Chimbonda.


Pay Pompey £3m compensation.


Redknapp, 60, has told pals he haS taken Portsmouth as far as he can and would welcome the challenge at St James’.


But the deal is far from done. Brother-in-law Frank Lampard Snr said: “He’s a top, top manager but I don’t know if he would leave the South Coast, to be fair.


“He’s settled down there. He likes taking his dogs for a walk along the coast. But time will tell, I suppose.”


Immerse himself


There are six flights a day from Southampton to Newcastle with only one on a Saturday but Redknapp would want Ashley to organise a private jet.


Yet Redknapp’s reluctance to move to Tyneside would not go down well with the Toon Army, who would want the new man to immerse himself in the North East.


Redknapp signed a new four-year deal at Pompey in October and Fratton owner Alexandre Gaydamak would want the contract paid in full before any talks can begin.


That will be no problem for Ashley, who stumped up an estimated £6m to get rid of Sam.


But Pompey last night issued a statement, insisting no formal approach has been made for Redknapp.


The statement read: “We take it as a compliment that our personnel are often linked with some of the top clubs in this country and, indeed, abroad. It is a testimony to the quality of their work.


“The club has received no approaches for the services of our valued manager. He remains as committed as ever.”


This sounds terrible. He's going to commute everyday? We have to pay compensation. And we are paying him 5 mill a year. Thats what Mourinho wanted from the FA.

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