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The Magedia Thread - Sunderland suck trollolololol

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That concept, espoused up to a decade ago, was intended to supply the entire team, from 1 to 11, from the Durham County population. The-then owner, John Hall, was a coal miner turned real-estate entrepreneur. His coach was Kevin Keegan, the grandson of a Durham miner.


This was the bit that got me! A decade ago!?!?! WTF. He's not even close. :frantic:

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Guest Haris Vuckic


A place where foreign types live and come from, Ian.


I asked for a steak bake and the woman behind the till spoke foreign at me.


Never again.

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Guest sydneycove
  On 08/11/2011 at 15:32, Dr.Spaceman said:

One simply cannot walk into France and sign an international midfielder.


Yep spread the word to the other clubs. There are no more quality players in France. If they want French they can come to us and we will do them a Kenny Dalglish special.

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:dowie: Aye there must be loads of people who didn't know about France until we signed a few footballers from there. It's not like we've got any history with them or anything.



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  On 08/11/2011 at 15:06, YankeeToon said:

You know, it's hard to maintain an internet persona of smug jingoistic American superiority when articles like this comes out...


*sigh*  :(


U-S-A! U-S-A!


Don't worry the article was written by a an Englishman in New Zeland... has nothing to do with US of A other than the fact that the NYT paid him for it and had the lack of sense to publish it.

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