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The impact of KK...

Guest Knightrider

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As Newcastle supporters, we all have that in-built sense that things could go wrong at anytime so don't think you're alone in that sense. We're all in shock at the moment and are just showing our support in these crazy times.


We all know whats wrong with the team at the moment and so do Chris and Mike, thus so now does KK.

I'm personally excited at the prospect of big spending at some point, which I'm sure everyone is but we need to sit tight for a little bit.


People here would be lying if they expected things to suddenly get all rosey and us to dramatically fly into the top 6 within weeks. Its just not going to happen. Yes, times have changed and so has KK and we're just going to have to go with the flow initially and sit tight on the rollercoaster  :coolsmiley:


KK will get more time then most but he knows more than anyone whats expected of him so I'm sure hes here to rectifiy whats happened in the past. I'm excited to see how this pans out and we should all expect the unexpected, just like we've done for years at this club.


Bring it!

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We were both fully justified in our anti-Ashley rant


Not really, even if he did appoint HR he still took the club over from a complete knacker and cleared all the debt. 


That was his first test and he passed with flying colours. 


His second test was to appoint a manager and he has brought KK back.  Test passed.

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Been really strange for me. Last night (tuesday) was the first time in ages i've dreamt about football. A really weird vivid one about empty stands at SJP  :lol: Seriously  :lol:


Cant help thinking it was a horrible premonition :undecided: Obviously means nothing as i've been saying to myself that weds would be the day since they announced Sam left, which was clearly just a lucky guess (you'd expect a decision within a week at this stage of the season though).


As soon as it was announced, i fucked off to the pub to watch SSN and drink myself silly. I think i'm still in shock tbh as this is so transparent and simple minded it beggars belief.


Emotional tides recede after they have risen. Underneath the football is still the same.



As we move towards 2012, it is fitting that the old world will rise again to fight the new world.

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This time yesterday i felt demoralised and not overly interested in NUFC like i used to be, now i feel fantastic, optimistic, excited about the future and desperate to get to games again. Good fucking times, this IS what we needed.

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As we move towards 2012, it is fitting that the old world will rise again to fight the new world.


2012,  Isn't that when Planet X (Nibiru) returns, and our gods decend upon earth.  Creating a new age.



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I can see it clearly... 5 minutes before the game just after Pearson had made his pre-match pep-talk everyone in the dressing room were sad, gloomy and hopeless about that future. Everything was lost and nothing could be gained but then there was a knock on the door...

...and in stepped Kevin Keegan!!! The players rose from their seats and all shouted "THE KING, HE IS BACK!!!!",

to which King Kev replied: "Yes lads, your King is back now go out there and play your hearts out for your King"

"FOR THE KING, FOR THE KING !!!!!!!!!!!!" were the last things said in the dressing room before the players ran out and played their best football so far this season.



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Guest Chris P

Just before Christmas, nufc.com said something like" if you want to boo and hiss there's a performane of Cinderella at the theater royal. Well it seems that the pantomime that is SJP just got better.


It maybe be a brilliant piece of PR but i would not be suprised that by the end of the season, alot of people with be shouting "oh no you didn't". 

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I'm shocked to see so many on this forum supporting this move. I honestly expected this opposite.


To me, the return of Keegan reinforces the outside perception that this club is currently shackled by sentiment and delusion - that only those with an 'understanding' and 'feel' for the Geordie Nation need apply, as the despicable Alan Oliver often reminds us. Keegan had his time and failed. He rode the crest of wave then came crashing back down, unable to deal with the pressure. He was soon found wanting (tactically) at international level.


But I naturally wish him well and hope that he does turn us around.

So when did keegan fail , yes we missed the title but he was made promises which were not met and i believe words to the effect of "thats not what i read in the brochure" and promptlly left as i remember him sayig its a plc and he was getting shackled by the money men and could not operate in football in that way and the boards aspirations did not match his.
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I'm shocked to see so many on this forum supporting this move. I honestly expected this opposite.


To me, the return of Keegan reinforces the outside perception that this club is currently shackled by sentiment and delusion - that only those with an 'understanding' and 'feel' for the Geordie Nation need apply, as the despicable Alan Oliver often reminds us. Keegan had his time and failed. He rode the crest of wave then came crashing back down, unable to deal with the pressure. He was soon found wanting (tactically) at international level.


But I naturally wish him well and hope that he does turn us around.

So when did keegan fail , yes we missed the title but he was made promises which were not met and i believe words to the effect of "thats not what i read in the brochure" and promptlly left as i remember him sayig its a plc and he was getting shackled by the money men and could not operate in football in that way and the boards aspirations did not match his.


The "thats not what i read in the brochure" comment came shortly after he took over.

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I'm shocked to see so many on this forum supporting this move. I honestly expected this opposite.


To me, the return of Keegan reinforces the outside perception that this club is currently shackled by sentiment and delusion - that only those with an 'understanding' and 'feel' for the Geordie Nation need apply, as the despicable Alan Oliver often reminds us. Keegan had his time and failed. He rode the crest of wave then came crashing back down, unable to deal with the pressure. He was soon found wanting (tactically) at international level.


But I naturally wish him well and hope that he does turn us around.

So when did keegan fail , yes we missed the title but he was made promises which were not met and i believe words to the effect of "thats not what i read in the brochure" and promptlly left as i remember him sayig its a plc and he was getting shackled by the money men and could not operate in football in that way and the boards aspirations did not match his.


So what did he do! spat his dummy and walked away like he did at Fulham and Man City.

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I'm shocked to see so many on this forum supporting this move. I honestly expected this opposite.


To me, the return of Keegan reinforces the outside perception that this club is currently shackled by sentiment and delusion - that only those with an 'understanding' and 'feel' for the Geordie Nation need apply, as the despicable Alan Oliver often reminds us. Keegan had his time and failed. He rode the crest of wave then came crashing back down, unable to deal with the pressure. He was soon found wanting (tactically) at international level.


But I naturally wish him well and hope that he does turn us around.

So when did keegan fail , yes we missed the title but he was made promises which were not met and i believe words to the effect of "thats not what i read in the brochure" and promptlly left as i remember him sayig its a plc and he was getting shackled by the money men and could not operate in football in that way and the boards aspirations did not match his.


So what did he do! spat his dummy and walked away like he did at Fulham and Man City.


How the fuck did he spit his dummy at Fulham? He took the England job ffs.


I like how when a manager stays on to collect his hefty payoff for doing a shit job (Graeme, Glenn) they're greedy but when a great man like Keegan walks away with his head held high and his dignity intact, he's "spat his dummy."


Do you know the reason your expectation for the type of manager this club can get is so high? I do. His name's Kevin Keegan. Have some bloody respect.

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I'm shocked to see so many on this forum supporting this move. I honestly expected this opposite.


To me, the return of Keegan reinforces the outside perception that this club is currently shackled by sentiment and delusion - that only those with an 'understanding' and 'feel' for the Geordie Nation need apply, as the despicable Alan Oliver often reminds us. Keegan had his time and failed. He rode the crest of wave then came crashing back down, unable to deal with the pressure. He was soon found wanting (tactically) at international level.


But I naturally wish him well and hope that he does turn us around.

So when did keegan fail , yes we missed the title but he was made promises which were not met and i believe words to the effect of "thats not what i read in the brochure" and promptlly left as i remember him sayig its a plc and he was getting shackled by the money men and could not operate in football in that way and the boards aspirations did not match his.


So what did he do! spat his dummy and walked away like he did at Fulham and Man City.




Keegan informed the PLC that he intended leaving at the end of that season 96-97.PLC said that would be illegal,that it would be fraudulent to sell shares whilst knowing one of its main assets wouldnt be there in the future.Keegan therefore left there and then,before shares were sold.Correct me if i'm wrong,that isnt throwing toys out country.

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Can't believe I haven't posted this until now, and this seems the best thread:


As some will know, I'm down in Hull these days for university, and even here the Keegan impact hasn't gone unnoticed. Most of the lads on the course are always on at me about football anyway, most of them are Liverpool/Arsenal/Man Utd, those sorts, I'm the only Newcastle fan on the course from what I can see, there is another Geordie but she's a Mackem...


Anyway, in the exam this morning, the invigilator (bloke who's job it is to oversee exams and make sure phones are off, etc.) was doing his rounds, when out of nowhere he starts going on about Special K in front of the assembled 200-or-so people there, this bloke isn't a Geordie, he isn't a Newcastle fan and he's a fucking invigilator. These blokes aren't well-known for being much more than bookworms/pencil pushers/sticklers for rules, as far as I'm aware. He's an older fella, typical looking from what you'd expect of someone who oversees exams. Anyway, I'd never seen anything like it, but here he is running through the rules/regulations and relating practically everything he's saying to Keegan and Newcastle. Finishing with, "well it's approaching 9.30am, good luck everyone, and good luck to Kevin Keegan".


Just tickled me, in all honesty, and I thought it might raise a smile on here from a few too. After the exam I managed to grab a few words with him and it turns out he's not even that into football, more a rugby bloke (as many are in these parts), but classes himself as a Liverpool fan, but he was asking loads about who should be the new assistant, etc. It was bizarre, seems that even people without any true affiliation to us can sense there's something in the air.


Now, like I've said, it's nowt new for people down here to be on at me constantly about NUFC, but for it to be totally random and in front of an audience like that just seemed special to me. That's the impact of Kevin Keegan.

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all the shite about keegan being a bottler is just that, shite.


Newcastle = PLC

Fulham = England Job

England = Fans/Media got him out

Man C = Fair enough.


I think that is a little bit of an exaggeration. Didn't he admit himself that he was out of his depth? And wasn't his England record the worst of any England manager (including McLaren)? Although that is no disgrace - the England job has broken lots of good managers.


He's a good club manager, but that looks a tad like rewriting history.

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OK, so he was out of his depth, many would wish certain managers would admit it and let some improve the situation.


Always thought the whole Keegan Quitter thing is massively OTT.


Nice video on YouTube for KingDawson, called "the entertainers"

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Just watched his Inside Sport interview, says himself "I wasn't enjoying it anymore, fans didn't want me anymore, it wasn't going how I planned - I could have played the game in Finland, got sacked and got millions."


Apparently not being a greedy arsehole like so many others I could mention is a bad thing.

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