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Realistic Summer Targets


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So far I've read the below on the forum about the Skjelbred thing, I've added translations as well:


"Det står jo forsåvidt der at det er "according to reports from Norway" da, og jeg vet ikke helt hvor de rapportene skulle ha kommet fra. Men det er kanskje ikke snakk om allment tilgjengelige nyhetskilder.


It says there that it's "according to reports from Norway", and I don't know where those reports have come from. Though it could be that it's not from the media."


"Får vi 6 m £ for Skjelbred bør vi glise bredt.


If we get 6 m £ for Skjelbred we should be very happy."


"£6 millioner faktisk!

Det dukker opp mye rart av rykter i England, når det nærmer seg transfer deadline, men får vi så mye for Skjelbred, så er det bare å vinke adjø, og le hele veien til banken.


£6 Millions actually!

Many strange rumours appears in England when the transfer deadline approaches, but if we get that much for Skjelbred, it's just to wave goodbye and laugh all the way to the bank."

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Guest geordienorway

If we are signing someone from Norway we should be signing Anthony Annan from IK Start. He is going to end up in the Premier League sooner or later anyway.

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If we are signing someone from Norway we should be signing Anthony Annan from IK Start. He is going to end up in the Premier League sooner or later anyway.


That's the one Blackburn were thinking about isn't it?

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Guest geordienorway

If we are signing someone from Norway we should be signing Anthony Annan from IK Start. He is going to end up in the Premier League sooner or later anyway.


Didn't he have a trial at Blackburn?


That's right.


Hoftun avviser kjempebud på Skjelbred


(VG Nett) Sky Sports hevder Blackburn og Newcastle har lagt rundt seks millioner pund på bordet for Per Ciljan Skjelbred. Det avviser Erik Hoftun på det sterkeste.




AVVISER BUD: Erik Hoftun avviser at Newcastle og Blackburn har kommet med et kjempebud på Per Ciljan Skjelbred. Foto: Scanpix

VG Nett følger:Rosenborg / RSS


Sky Sports meldte mandag at de to Premier League-klubbene hadde lagt seks millioner pund - omkring 60 millioner norske kroner - på bordet for å kjøpe den ettertraktede midtbanespilleren.


Ifølge den britiske nettavisen skal Rosenborg avgjøre om de vil selge spilleren på et styremøte.


- Det har jeg aldri hørt om. Det er stadig vekk agenter som ringer, men det foreligger ingenting konkret. Men dersom det kommer såpass mye penger på bordet, må vi sette oss ned og vurdere det, sier Hoftun.


Skjelbred har også blitt linket til Portsmouth og Tottenham. Tidligere i august forlenget han kontrakten sin med Rosenborg.


This is a quote from the director of football in Rosenborg. He says: "I haven't heard about this. There are often agents that calls us, but so far there is nothing concrete. But if a bid in the size that has been mentioned comes up, we have to sit down and consider it."


This article was posted a couple of minutes ago.

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If we are signing someone from Norway we should be signing Anthony Annan from IK Start. He is going to end up in the Premier League sooner or later anyway.


Didn't he have a trial at Blackburn?


That's right.


Hoftun avviser kjempebud på Skjelbred


(VG Nett) Sky Sports hevder Blackburn og Newcastle har lagt rundt seks millioner pund på bordet for Per Ciljan Skjelbred. Det avviser Erik Hoftun på det sterkeste.




AVVISER BUD: Erik Hoftun avviser at Newcastle og Blackburn har kommet med et kjempebud på Per Ciljan Skjelbred. Foto: Scanpix

VG Nett følger:Rosenborg / RSS


Sky Sports meldte mandag at de to Premier League-klubbene hadde lagt seks millioner pund - omkring 60 millioner norske kroner - på bordet for å kjøpe den ettertraktede midtbanespilleren.


Ifølge den britiske nettavisen skal Rosenborg avgjøre om de vil selge spilleren på et styremøte.


- Det har jeg aldri hørt om. Det er stadig vekk agenter som ringer, men det foreligger ingenting konkret. Men dersom det kommer såpass mye penger på bordet, må vi sette oss ned og vurdere det, sier Hoftun.


Skjelbred har også blitt linket til Portsmouth og Tottenham. Tidligere i august forlenget han kontrakten sin med Rosenborg.


This is a quote from the director of football in Rosenborg. He says: "I haven't heard about this. There are often agents that calls us, but so far there is nothing concrete. But if a bid in the size that has been mentioned comes up, we have to sit down and consider it."


This article was posted a couple of minutes ago.


Well he might as well have said "Fuck me I hope someone comes in with that amount of dosh for him, I'd snatch there hands off, unfortunately no one has yet"



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£6 million is a lot for a player from the Norwegian league tbf.


I wonder what the record fee is for a player sold from out there?


Valencia payed £7mill for John Carew in 2000, from Rosenborg. That's the record fee as far as I can remember.


I think £6mill is too much for Skjelbred, he's a very good player and have played very well in CL for Rosenborg, but I don't tnink he's worth that much.

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£6 million is a lot for a player from the Norwegian league tbf.


I wonder what the record fee is for a player sold from out there?


Valencia payed £7mill for John Carew in 2000, from Rosenborg. That's the record fee as far as I can remember.


I think £6mill is too much for Skjelbred, he's a very good player and have played very well in CL for Rosenborg, but I don't tnink he's worth that much.


Was valued by the club at around £4 Million before he signed a new contract apparently.

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£6 mill for Skjelbred is way to much, his got a good engine similar to Milner will run all day for us, but don't think he has got enough body strength for PL yet. Skinny boy.

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Milner to Villa and Skjelbred in?




Skjelbred's a CM.


Maybe Kev is going with the same narrow midfield as we had last season. Besides, we have far more wingers than CMs, so we could do with losing Milner.


Jonas, Duff, Zoggy and Geremi do a better job than milner out wide. He's kind of expendable right now.

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£6 mill for Skjelbred is way to much, his got a good engine similar to Milner will run all day for us, but don't think he has got enough body strength for PL yet. Skinny boy.


If you're in the creative part of the midfield camp, I don't think strength is the most important bit about your game, it's the passing. And Skjelbred is a good passer of the ball and normally has good crosses. Still don't think he'd walk straight into the first team if he came though, and his agent has said when we were linked with him in July that it's important for Skjelbred to be a first team player if he'd change clubs.

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Milner to Villa and Skjelbred in?




Skjelbred's a CM.


Maybe Kev is going with the same narrow midfield as we had last season. Besides, we have far more wingers than CMs, so we could do with losing Milner.


Jonas, Duff, Zoggy and Geremi do a better job than milner out wide. He's kind of expendable right now.


The only expendable members of the squad are Smith and Shola, as they provide absolutely nothing. Even to all of those who don't rate Milner that highly, we still need him in the squad, if not necessarily the first team.

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I do find it strange that a director of football would go out in the media rejecting a rumour that hard if there weren't something in it to get the press of their backs on tbh. Think Skjelbred will move in this transfer window, if he doesn't come here then he'll be off somewhere else.

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£6 mill for Skjelbred is way to much, his got a good engine similar to Milner will run all day for us, but don't think he has got enough body strength for PL yet. Skinny boy.


If you're in the creative part of the midfield camp, I don't think strength is the most important bit about your game, it's the passing. And Skjelbred is a good passer of the ball and normally has good crosses. Still don't think he'd walk straight into the first team if he came though, and his agent has said when we were linked with him in July that it's important for Skjelbred to be a first team player if he'd change clubs.


I'd be a little concerned if couldn't walk into our first team as a cm... butt is awful compared to most premership cm's although he does have a good game once in a while.

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