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Realistic Summer Targets


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Guest icemanblue

tbf, when fit, Hutton, King, Woodgate and Bale is one of the best back fours in the league.


Agreed. Nowt in front of them though.

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Luis Garcia is an amazing player.


Fukcing hell...


'Amazing' is a bit far, but i'd say spuds definitely have a winner in Garcia.

Impressive/ worrying stuff tbh, they're doing well in the market this time round

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Guest Brewcastle

Good question. I'm not sure about the answer, but culd be:

The last seasons Rosenborg (RBK) have made many changes in the squad, and some in the staff. They have needed some time to get the new players in the RBK-playing-system. But RBK is a club everybody expect to win allmost every match. So the media and even the board got impatient when some bad results showed up. Some sacked managers/coaches followed that. . . (Heard it before? :angel:) and RBK struggeled even more to find back to their playing-system. In the summer Erik Hamrén started as new manager. He was hired many months ago, but had to finnish the season (and win the league) with his Danish club Aalborg BK first. It's obvious he have done some planning about how to manage RBK before started the job. Because the play and results have had a good progress with him now.


Oh, come on. "Some" changes in staff? They've owned the league for 13 years, and when they couldn't get immediate success after changing manager, they changed again. And again. And again, when immediate success wasn't followed up the next season. And again. Most of the time with inexperienced managers within the organisation. Meanwhile, other clubs have built on what they had, and with better results. It's too early to say whether Hamrén will be much of a success -- he might win the league this year (possible, but not all too likely), but will he be sacked if he doesn't win it next year? An efficient system, and stability, is what made RBK into what they were. These days, they don't have the former because they lack the latter.


I quite enjoy the situation, myself.

Not to make this a discussion thread about Norwegian football. But have to say; I can't see much diffrent in what you write, and my (bad english) post. Except I don't enjoy the situation with RBK. But as everybody else; I know they'll be back in short time.

Good for Brann to win the league 1st time in 4 decades. I really enjoyed that. Sure! And I guess it will enjoy me next time in about 40 years. Even if I'm a RBK-supporter.

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Luis Garcia is an amazing player.


Fukcing hell...


'Amazing' is a bit far, but i'd say spuds definitely have a winner in Garcia.

Impressive/ worrying stuff tbh, they're doing well in the market this time round

I know, amazing is a bit far, thought it was Raul Garcia  :blush:

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Guest MaetihS

Ramos and Spurs are a bigger draw...no surprise, they have brilliant signings in modric, dos santos and garcia while we have Jonas. what a differrence...cant blame KK or MA, we are no longer a big draw.

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Ramos and Spurs are a bigger draw...no surprise, they have brilliant signings in modric, dos santos and garcia while we have Jonas. what a differrence...cant blame KK or MA, we are no longer a big draw.

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Guest MaetihS

Ramos and Spurs are a bigger draw...no surprise, they have brilliant signings in modric, dos santos and garcia while we have Jonas. what a differrence...cant blame KK or MA, we are no longer a big draw.


:angry: :doh:



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Ramos and Spurs are a bigger draw...no surprise, they have brilliant signings in modric, dos santos and garcia while we have Jonas. what a differrence...cant blame KK or MA, we are no longer a big draw.


:angry: :doh:





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Guest MaetihS

Ramos and Spurs are a bigger draw...no surprise, they have brilliant signings in modric, dos santos and garcia while we have Jonas. what a differrence...cant blame KK or MA, we are no longer a big draw.


:angry: :doh:




no no.just shocked that some of us are so deluded!!!



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Guest MaetihS

He's got a point tbh.


When Dos Santos Modric and Garcia show me they are brilliant then he will have a point


You honestly think Jonas will be a bigger success than those 3 over one season or 3 seasons (to give foreigners like Jonas to climatise to Premier League)??? My my my...we are getting more and more deluded as the day goes by wihout signings.

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He's got a point tbh.


When Dos Santos Modric and Garcia show me they are brilliant then he will have a point


You honestly think Jonas will be a bigger success than those 3 over one season or 3 seasons (to give foreigners like Jonas to climatise to Premier League)??? My my my...we are getting more and more deluded as the day goes by wihout signings.


When did i mention Jonas the question is when have you seen Modric Dos Santos and Garcia play regularly enough to say they are brilliant. The truth is you havent you probably havent a clue who these players are.

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He's got a point tbh.


When Dos Santos Modric and Garcia show me they are brilliant then he will have a point


The jealousy towards Spurs on this place is ridiculous. I don't like them signing good players because they're going to be better than us at this rate which obviously fucks me off. But the delusion on that point is daft.


Of course there is a long way to go in the window and hopefully we'll sign some good players to rival them, but at the minute they're streets ahead of us. Deal with it.

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He's got a point tbh.


When Dos Santos Modric and Garcia show me they are brilliant then he will have a point


You honestly think Jonas will be a bigger success than those 3 over one season or 3 seasons (to give foreigners like Jonas to climatise to Premier League)??? My my my...we are getting more and more deluded as the day goes by wihout signings.


When did i mention Jonas the question is when have you seen Modric Dos Santos and Garcia play regularly enough to say they are brilliant. The truth is you havent you probably havent a clue who these players are.

He has seen them on a dvd you moran!  :idiot2: ;)

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MaetihS - Who / what in our current squad / set-up do you actually like?


Genuine question.


Waste of time asking that sort of thing already asked him to list 3 things good about the club and what do you know no reply.

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