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Is N'Zogbia's exit inevitable? (Maybe not - Page 24!)


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Keegan hasn't even been picking Duff on the bench. He's figured the w****** out.


Who'd you get to have a word with him Wull? :lol:


He's obviously heard my statistic that I've been telling everyone. :smug:

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Keegan hasn't even been picking Duff on the bench. He's figured the w****** out.


Who'd you get to have a word with him Wull? :lol:


He's obviously heard my statistic that I've been telling everyone. :smug:


'Fucking wank' is in Pro-Zone these days? Well I never.

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Guest alijmitchell

Keegan hasn't even been picking Duff on the bench. He's figured the w****** out.


Let's hope so. Love your sig by the way. Is that Billy Furious aye?


It is aye. :thup:


Class. Used to sell 'The Mag', reading his articles were the only thing that cheered me up standing outside SJP for two and a half hours in the cold.

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He made his name here and now he thinks he's Billy Big Boots.


I certainly wont be shedding a tear when he drags his scrawny arse to London.


Nowhere near as good as some would have you believe.


Got the raw ingredients there though imo.


We should be looking to keep hold of talented kids and develop them.  :undecided:


is the correct answer - and bring in top players which persuade them to stay, not these average "good business" types.


Zoggy has huge potential for me. The fact that Stuart Downing is an accomplished player in his own right too is besides the point. We should have a club where good players don't want to leave.



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Keegan hasn't even been picking Duff on the bench. He's figured the w****** out.


Who'd you get to have a word with him Wull? :lol:


He's obviously heard my statistic that I've been telling everyone. :smug:


Let's hear it...............one more time.....



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Guest alijmitchell

Way too harsh to tell him to f*** off. A good player who did his best in most matches.


:clap: zog on the tyne is all mine all mine :clap:


Aye but you can bet your bottom dollar he'll be demonised by fucking Thompson House as soon as he does leave.

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Keegan hasn't even been picking Duff on the bench. He's figured the w****** out.


Who'd you get to have a word with him Wull? :lol:


He's obviously heard my statistic that I've been telling everyone. :smug:


Let's hear it...............one more time.....




Can't say I've had the pleasure of hearing it yet.

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He made his name here and now he thinks he's Billy Big Boots.


I certainly wont be shedding a tear when he drags his scrawny arse to London.


Nowhere near as good as some would have you believe.


Got the raw ingredients there though imo.


We should be looking to keep hold of talented kids and develop them.  :undecided:


is the correct answer - and bring in top players which persuade them to stay, not these average "good business" types.


Zoggy has huge potential for me. The fact that Stuart Downing is an accomplished player in his own right too is besides the point. We should have a club where good players don't want to leave.




Spot on.

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Keegan hasn't even been picking Duff on the bench. He's figured the w****** out.


Who'd you get to have a word with him Wull? :lol:


He's obviously heard my statistic that I've been telling everyone. :smug:


Let's hear it...............one more time.....




Can't say I've had the pleasure of hearing it yet.


Oh alright, you've twisted my arm. :lol:


30 points from 60 without Duff. 2 points from 33 with him.

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Keegan hasn't even been picking Duff on the bench. He's figured the w****** out.


Who'd you get to have a word with him Wull? :lol:


He's obviously heard my statistic that I've been telling everyone. :smug:


Let's hear it...............one more time.....




Can't say I've had the pleasure of hearing it yet.


Oh alright, you've twisted my arm. :lol:


30 points from 60 without Duff. 2 points from 33 with him.

27 points with allardyce....4 with keegan




lies,damned lies and aaaallll that

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He can leave when we get the right price, if he doesn't like that then he can sit in the reserves for the next 5 years


Sorry, but that's ridiculous. It doesn't work like that. :(




It can though, the fact is we don't need to sell him and IMO we shouldn't sell him to any other Premiership team under any circumstances (unless maybe one of them is willing to offer in the range of £15 million).  Someone needs to stand up to these fuckwits eventually (the fuckwits being both agents and there idiot players).  IMO he should be told that if he wants to leave he can go abroad if a club meets the full amount of his five year contract plus any signing on fee we gave him when he signed it.  If he's not willing to do that then tough, he can stay.  After a few months sulking he'll realise his carear is passing him by and ask to play again, its that simple, it just takes anyone at the club to have some balls..

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Keegan hasn't even been picking Duff on the bench. He's figured the w****** out.


Who'd you get to have a word with him Wull? :lol:


He's obviously heard my statistic that I've been telling everyone. :smug:


Let's hear it...............one more time.....




Can't say I've had the pleasure of hearing it yet.


Oh alright, you've twisted my arm. :lol:


30 points from 60 without Duff. 2 points from 33 with him.


Bet you love bringing that one up! Get it tatooed to youur arm :lol:

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He can leave when we get the right price, if he doesn't like that then he can sit in the reserves for the next 5 years


Sorry, but that's ridiculous. It doesn't work like that. :(




It can though, the fact is we don't need to sell him and IMO we shouldn't sell him to any other Premiership team under any circumstances (unless maybe one of them is willing to offer in the range of £15 million).  Someone needs to stand up to these fuckwits eventually (the fuckwits being both agents and there idiot players).  IMO he should be told that if he wants to leave he can go abroad if a club meets the full amount of his five year contract plus any signing on fee we gave him when he signed it.  If he's not willing to do that then tough, he can stay.  After a few months sulking he'll realise his carear is passing him by and ask to play again, its that simple, it just takes anyone at the club to have some balls..


How many top players would come here if they were treated like that? How many would commit 4 or 5 years of their career to us if we did that?




If he's beyond the point of no return then the club should act professionally and give him his transfer. At the right price. You can't just spit the dummy out and make him sit on the bench for 5 years ffs. 

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Guest KeithKettleborough

Zoggy has caught the eye from time to time but he is too often the "headless chicken" for me to go over-board about him.


I do not think his passing is great, his crossing neither and he doesn't seem to have a lot of what I call "a footballing brain." He can run at defences and that does look his best attribute. Unfortunately on most occasions there is little that results from his greatest ability.


I guess it shows how far we have slumped if you consider how Zoggy would have faired in our most successful periods. I doubt he would have got a sniff in most of Keegans teams and even in Bobbys better days, I feel he would have only been used in a Lua Lua sort of way, when we were trailing and the manager was desperate.


I am not bothered if he stays or goes really. He may prosper with better players around him or he may just stay more or less as he is. I hope its not the latter but either way, I don't expect him to be here next season.

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Upside - unfullfilled potential. Still very much a rough diamond and unlike several respected few - ie. HTT - i was never of the opinion that his stint at left-back has/or will contribute to him becoming a more rounded player. Very early on i thought that his over reliance on what is his greatest strength - ie. his dribbling game & the ability to beat defenders - would become a liability for the team because in the attacking sense he is more of a one-dimensional/instinctive attacking weapon and doesn't have that measured & varied short-medium passing game which attacking minded fullbacks need as a 'get out of jail' card when they're pressured in their own half. An instinctive & one-dimensionsal attacker like N'Zogbia, who also had that invaluable knack of knowing when to drift inside & to find space inside the box - had the makings of a Pires 10 goal winger imo and they're hard to find, and should have been developed in his preferred position.


Downside - The obvious, his association with Willie McKay - a notorious peddler of French/African players who seeks frequent moves for his young chargers. For a bloke like McKay, we're a feeder club - a high paying club, a vessel used to expose promising players like N'Zogbia to the bigger stages ie. Arsenal & Spurs. Going by earlier posts saying that N'Zogbia had an over inflated upinion of himself. Who do you think pumped all that hot air into the player's head, all the whille reminding him - while playing 2nd fiddle to Duff - that he was too good for the club and that he was destined for bigger things. I'd also bet that McKay, in looking after his own self-serving interests by establishing a residential base for N'Zogbia's family.... an immigrant family, helped set them up with a shack in London because somewhere down the track 'the family separation line', curently being peddled, would inevitably rear it's head as a convenient excuse to get out of town, or more accurately to secure a lucrative move to somebody like Spurs or in the best case scenario Arsenal.


Keegan, if N'Zogbia does get his wish in the Summer, should effectively place a black-ban on all McKay represented players, regardless of their ability. If Veterre recommends such a player Keegan should say 'no..... not interested'. While we're just a mid-low table club, especially if Mort & Ashley don't take pre-emptive steps to nullafy this during the upcoming transfer window, Newcastle United will just be Willie Mckay's meal-ticket if we travel down the road of signing his 'most promising youngsters' or 'his top clients - ability wise - who he is seeking to bring to the premiership, and on to greater things soon after ala Chimbonda'.


McKay represented types are more trouble than they're worth, as Wigan duly discovered. How can a manager carry a club during a rebuilding phase, and that is Keegan's current task & struggle, while utilising and placing an element of trust - ie. that they'll stay for journey as he tries to build a team that will hopefully contend - onto those players whose representative as i mentioned earlier is a notorious 'player peddler'.

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The whole affair sickens me, quite frankly.


Whether he goes on to be a really good player or not is still in the balance, but the talent is definitely there more than most of the prospects in our squad. Sir Bobby said of him when he was signed


"N'Zogbia could go to the very top with the right coaching and motivation, and I hope it is with Newcastle. I signed him as a teenager and he was one of the most naturally gifted players of that age I'd ever seen."


It's baffling to think that two seasons ago a 19-year old kid from a foreign country broke into a very poor Premiership side and scored 6 goals and had 7 assists and by all accounts looked a very promising young left winger, and since then he's scarcely started 10 games in that position in a season and a half. Sulky fucker or not, we failed him as a club miserably.


Cheers Roeder, ya fucknut.


Absolutely agree re: Roeder.


Two managers, in the form Roeder & Allardyce, who chose not to develop on the early promise imo has only served in knocking down the price we'll eventually receive.


I'm of the opinion that should Roeder have played him at LW, and had he enjoyed a break-out second year to compliment the form showed after Souness' departure, this would've only sped-up his departure.


During & at the end of his introductory/rookie season - ie. the season mentioned above - the "Arsenal are interested' story was already doing the rounds. Somebody had to feeding the rumour talk to the London rags, and of course to Oliver. IMO McKay, on the back of N'Zogbia's late-season form as previously mentioned, was alreasy working on an outgoing transfer deal quite some time ago.

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Are some of you serious?


Fuck off Zoggy?


Fair enough if it was someone shit like Stephen Carr or Damien Duff, but he's our best young talent around.


For once, we've actually bought someone as a youngun' and they've looked good when they've played for us.


He's certainly one of our better players, and some of your attitudes towards him, are, well, idiotic.


Hope like hell he doesn't go, and he makes himself a first team fixture next season.


However, I'm resigned to the fact that he'll move on, hopefully we get 8-10m for him, which given the current market, I don't think is too farfetched.

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Guest Brazilianbob

F*** this family reasons for giving him a transfer, it's big business in football and if you can't stay the course then don't sign the contract.


I say he should be made to honour his contract as we've already let too many players go to London clubs for "family reasons", starting with Gavin Peacock right up to Dyer and Nobby.  Time to draw a line under this latest trend for getting out of a binding contract.

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Guest teepee

i reckon that zoggy is one of our best players already - and will be so even more in the future.


if we are to let him go the transfer fee has to be substantial, nowt less than 8-10m


he is our best left winger, but can also play on the left of a three man midfield og behind the strikers if required.


i say we fight hard to keep the lad!

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The Zog is our best left winger, by a country mile, and one of our best players. He's one of only a handful who are good enough for the top 6/7, which HAS to be the goal for a club of our size.


This not like Dyer, about whom some stupid, stupid cunts believed the total lies about Man UTd/Chelsea wanting him, and assumed he was good, or Duff, who was good 7 years ago. Thi sfella has genuine talent, the only problem is that a succession of NUFC managers have bene too fucking stupid to use it properly.


If we lose him, it'll be because he has more talent than an average sized club like us can hold on to when it is - rightly - close to a relegation scrap due to a succession of stupid managers and owners, and sub-standard players.

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He produces some eye-catching moments, but I get the impression that he needs to mature a bit before he reaches his potential. And his potential is not quite as great as he and others might think. He's a very good athlete, but needs to work hard at his basic skills.

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Frustrating really, he's a great player on his day, but IMO hasnt produced all that much for the last 2 seasons. Admittedly i reckon thats cos of how crap weve been, and so I dont blame him for wanting to move on and prove himself.


On the other side of things, the talk of moving to London always seems to pop up, and if he really wants to visit the bright lights and leave the North he is welcome to fuck off.


If he is moving to better his career, good luck to him and I hope he does well. If he is moving cos he wants to live in London, can see his career going downhill pretty quickly.


(did anyone read the article about NUFCs ex-striker Paul Robinson in the Sunday Sun last weekend?)

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