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Tottenham Hotspur 1 - 4 Newcastle - 30/03/08 - post match reaction from page 25


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Viduka as well, the grin on the face as he walked off and applauded the fans, you can sense the feel-good factor is back.


God I was decorating the babys bedroom and thought i'd switch the radio to releive the bordom.


Never had such a grin on my face, shame my paint jobs gone all over like

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Guest mobiius

better than  we could of dreamed. will be very interesting to see what the southern press have to say probably something about big mick selling up while we are winning. They can print what they want but they can't change the fact that we went down the smoke, played far superior, and not only did we come away with the prize but we tanned them in the process. long live the King

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Guest Shibby

Bring on the next game! I can't wait.


Can't remember when was the last time I was anticipating games. lol.


Thank you Keegan for the smiles. :)

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Guest BooBoo

The club we usually watch the match in had the game on, but our record of watching games there is terrible. No wins for 3 years so we decided to not bother.


Essentially, I'm clainming a slice of credit for this outstanding victory today.



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Best I've felt all season.  Unexpected & incredible.  The best part is that it reminds you that a few of these players are capable of much more than the last few months have led us to believe.  Who would have thought this team was capable of 4 goals away from home without Zoggy & Milner?  And in 4-3-3?


Keegan was probably the only one until today.

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Would love to know what Kev said to Geremi when he was taken off, massive smiles on both their faces :D

So happy for Martins as well, great goal! He's such a key player in this formation, he's opening up the defence brilliantly and no one's got a clue what he's going to do with the ball when he's got it. Love it.

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Guest BooBoo

Love the pic of Oba mid flip, with the huffed Spurs fans in the middle of a flouncey walk out.  mackems.gif

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