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Harper or Given?

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Harper until Jussi signs in the summer!  :rolleyes:


Jaaskalinen is not the answer. He is no better than either of them.


I think Harper should be in, this season and next, if it means Given strops off and we manage to get a decent fee for him so be it. I would then look to bring through Krul / Forster / Soderberg in the way that City have brought through Joe Hart - a keeper doesn't need to be in over 25 to be quality and it'd be such a shame if we ended up losing all / any of these keepers because we were signing keepers like Jaaskalinin or Niemi who are nearing the end of their career.



I know what your saying, was only going for the reaction! ;D Think Krul will be our next option in 2 - 3 years depending on Given and Harpers form and fitness!

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Guest michaelfoster

Harper till the end of the season then Shay next season when he's fit. Shay still the better keeper IMO

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Harper has the shirt and more importantly the form. Sorry Shay, you've been brilliant for us, but your best days are behind you and someone else is number one now.


Not necassarily, imo. I think he can recover. He's still at a good age for a goalkeeper.


Harper at the moment though. However if Given has a cracking summer, works his bollocks off (which i'm certain he will do), we could benefit next season. If he can get back to anywhere near the form of 03-05 sorta time, we'll be sorted.

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Guest marky555

Due to the fact we've stopped lumping balls forward and have started to pass it out of defence, I feel harper's distribution in this sense is superior to Given's. After the Harewood incident Given hasnt been the same and some of his positioning has left alot to be desired.


Harper for me.

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Guest torontoon

With all due respect and admiration for Givens service in the past I feel a lot safer right now with Harper in net.

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I'm amazed people still devalue bnoth our keepers. For me there are way more pressing concerns than the No. 1 shirt. Both are solid premeirship performers and we are very lucky to have them.


On the subject of which one should be  between the sticks, Harper for me, Given's shot stopping is excellent but his domination of the area has always been the weakest part of his game. As others have said the harewood incident has taken something out of him, but I maintain he's still a good back up.

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One thing i love about him is that he commands his area and takes pressure off his defenders etc, whereas Given bottles them.

Perfect example, Alkmaar away.

I bet the Defence feels a lot easier when Harper is in goal too

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Guest Flair

People on this forum are so fickle. One minute, "we are doomed to relegation", "TBH, Given is one of the top 3 in the country", "Keegan was the wrong choice imo", "Allardyce is the way up" to "the glory days are back", "Harper is much better than Given", "Keegan will bring back the glory days", "Allardyce is piss poor".


On topic though, Given he will soon rediscover his form providing we get behind him. 

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People on this forum are so fickle. One minute, "we are doomed to relegation", "TBH, Given is one of the top 3 in the country", "Keegan was the wrong choice imo", "Allardyce is the way up" to "the glory days are back", "Harper is much better than Given", "Keegan will bring back the glory days", "Allardyce is piss poor".


On topic though, Given he will soon rediscover his form providing we get behind him. 


Trust me fickleness is not confined to this forum.


The beauty about football is that it takes your emotions through a rollercoaster ride, one minute you are up next you are down.


The fickleness you refer to is just people optimistically hoping things will change, pessmistically fearing the worst or realising that either emotion was wrong.


Who wants to be a robot and stay emotionally level headed all the time ? I sure as hell don't. Football is a passionate game and that's what we all love about it.

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I'm sure KK will make an objective decision next season based on the status of both keepers. They can both do the business so I'll be happy either way.


If Given was suddenly fit again and I had to pick today, I'd say Harper based on form.


One things for sure though, fuck Marlon Harewood for ruining the one constant at this football club. Shay was and hopefully will still be a legend, and his years of excellent service shouldn't be ignored just because he's turned a bit average now.


Next time Harewood shows up at SJP he should be booed every time he touches the ball  :angry:

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People on this forum are so fickle. One minute, "we are doomed to relegation", "TBH, Given is one of the top 3 in the country", "Keegan was the wrong choice imo", "Allardyce is the way up" to "the glory days are back", "Harper is much better than Given", "Keegan will bring back the glory days", "Allardyce is piss poor".


On topic though, Given he will soon rediscover his form providing we get behind him. 


Surely it's only fickle if it's the same people changing their minds back and forth? There's over 2000 people registered on this site so of course there will be differing opinions coming to the fore every now and then.


I'm also failing to see how there's anything fickle about the opinions expressed in this thread either but there you go.

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