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Fabricio Coloccini signed from Deportivo La Coruña on 5 year deal


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So we've apparently been on this one for at least three months.


I was told a week or two ago that we had major bids in for three players and one was Modric, I didn't get the other two names.  The bids were dating back at least 6 weeks.

Must have some money then 10m for Coloccini, 18 for Modric I bet the other was Gomis at about 10-15 and the media have the cheek to say we are skint.  I'd love it if we spent 50M this week just to piss off the media and all the Mackems who are saying we have no money.


Funnily enough I did wake up this morning worringly confident we'd see some major movement (the transfer type, not bowel) over the next fortnight.

Seems a bit retarded to bid for these players without back ups though.  Unless Guthrie is the backup for Modric.

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Guest Flair


So we've apparently been on this one for at least three months.


I was told a week or two ago that we had major bids in for three players and one was Modric, I didn't get the other two names.  The bids were dating back at least 6 weeks.

Must have some money then 10m for Coloccini, 18 for Modric I bet the other was Gomis at about 10-15 and the media have the cheek to say we are skint.  I'd love it if we spent 50M this week just to piss off the media and all the Mackems who are saying we have no money.


Funnily enough I did wake up this morning worringly confident we'd see some major movement (the transfer type, not bowel) over the next fortnight.

Seems a bit retarded to bid for these players without back ups though.  Unless Guthrie is the backup for Modric.


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If we did splash out major cash over the next month or so it'd be interesting to see how NE5 reacted. :lol:


Alledgedly making big bids for multiple players doesn't prove a whole lot tbh, could easily be the case that we put three sizeable bids in for players but only ever had the intention of carrying through with one of them, with the others being placed in as alternatives if we couldn't get our first choice.


Until we start bringing good players through the door, I remain concerned and increasingly anxious regarding our boards intentions.

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So we've apparently been on this one for at least three months.


I was told a week or two ago that we had major bids in for three players and one was Modric, I didn't get the other two names.  The bids were dating back at least 6 weeks.

Must have some money then 10m for Coloccini, 18 for Modric I bet the other was Gomis at about 10-15 and the media have the cheek to say we are skint.  I'd love it if we spent 50M this week just to piss off the media and all the Mackems who are saying we have no money.


Funnily enough I did wake up this morning worringly confident we'd see some major movement (the transfer type, not bowel) over the next fortnight.


What happened to staying away from the computer?  :lol:


It went out the window when that ever reliable source Footylatest all but confirmed the deal was done ;)

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So we've apparently been on this one for at least three months.


I was told a week or two ago that we had major bids in for three players and one was Modric, I didn't get the other two names.  The bids were dating back at least 6 weeks.

Must have some money then 10m for Coloccini, 18 for Modric I bet the other was Gomis at about 10-15 and the media have the cheek to say we are skint.  I'd love it if we spent 50M this week just to piss off the media and all the Mackems who are saying we have no money.


Funnily enough I did wake up this morning worringly confident we'd see some major movement (the transfer type, not bowel) over the next fortnight.

Seems a bit retarded to bid for these players without back ups though.  Unless Guthrie is the backup for Modric.


Who says we don't have back ups? Didn't Keegan and Wise work on two lists?

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Guest neesy111

theres no link to that article


and after all the press had banded about, i would still be catious to the fact this transfer could still go through

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Guest Flair

MaetihS has been banned.  :rant: :rant:


Bring him back, bring him back.  :angry:  :angry:


Here is the first name on the petition.



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The article below states that Coloccini's agent has been working on this transfer for 3 months, he has been able to persuade Newcastle to up their initial offer of 8 million up to eleven million + 1 million based on appearances. The dirty pirate tw*t that is Lendoiro  :icon_pirat: has gone back on his word (to player & agent) and won't sell.

The agent now threatens him  :knuppel2: with invoking article 17 of UEFA rules which allows the player to terminate his contract and for fifa to organise a compensation payment.


Coloccini has refused to go with the team to Venezuela until his situation is sorted. :bootyshake:

Ha Ha Ha... we have our own Cristiano ronaldo here!!!!! :yorkie:







Coloccini no viaja a Venezuela para forzar su salida del Dépor Según su agente, que amenaza con acogerse al artículo 17 de la FIFA, el central espera que Lendoiro "dé la cara" y le explique por qué rechaza la oferta del Newcastle de 12 millones.

01:13  VOTE ESTA NOTICIA         


Fabrizio Coloccini, reclama en una jugada del partido contra el Valencia C.F de la temporada pasada. Biel Aliño

A CORUÑA. El agente de Fabricio Coloccini, el argentino Marcelo Lombilla, amenaza con acogerse al artículo 17 de la FIFA para que el central pueda abandonar el Deportivo, después de que Lendoiro rechazase ayer una oferta del Newcastle de "casi doce millones de euros". Además, el jugador no ha viajado a Venezuela junto a sus compañeros. "No tiene ganas de viajar, porque está a la espera de una resolución y de que alguien dé la cara y hable con él después de haberle prometido que lo dejarían salir", explica su representante. Según dicho artículo, Coloccini podría abandonar el club y sería la FIFA quien decidiría el precio de la indemnización que le correspondería al Deportivo.

Lombilla tenía previsto acudir ayer a la sede del club coruñés para cerrar el pase del jugador al Newcastle, tras presentarle a Lendoiro en la noche del sábado una oferta de once millones de euros y casi uno más por objetivos, pero éste lo llamó por teléfono para decirle que la rechazaba. "Prefirió que no fuese por allí porque había periodistas, y al ver mi estado de tensión no quería que yo hablase", explicó el agente, muy enfadado. "Ya me cansé y me voy. Mañana (por hoy) tomo un avión a las 13.35 horas. Llevo trabajando tres meses para que suban la oferta de ocho a once millones, y cuando lo logro y la traigo por escrito, no sirve", se quejó.

"A lo mejor lo que quiere es que el Newcastle venga y le ponga el estadio nuevo", ironizó Lombilla, que se confesó "desilusionado". "Cuando alguien (por Lendoiro) te mira a la cara y te dice que Coloccini va a poder irse y luego no lo cumple, eso es faltar a la verdad", argumentó el agente, que puso como alternativa la posibilidad de que el Deportivo estudiase una renovación y mejora del contrato de su representado. "Ni come ni deja comer. Ni lo deja marcharse, ni estudia su situación en el club para valorar a Fabricio como merece", afirmó.

Además, se refirió a las palabras de Lotina, que definía como "la gran putada del verano" la posible marcha del central. "No me gustó nada lo que dijo, no vino bien", aseguró Lombilla, aunque entiende que el técnico "quiera tener al mejor en su equipo".


Una norma que podría abaratar el traspaso y perjudicar al Deportivo

El artículo 17 de la FIFA, al que amenaza con acogerse el agente de Coloccini, es una norma según la cual un jugador puede dar por finalizada su relación con el club luego de un llamado "período de protección" y de pagar una compensación a ese equipo de origen. Este período de permanencia en el club que debe darse es de tres años para un jugador menor de 28 años, algo que Coloccini cumple, ya que tiene 26 y lleva cuatro campañas en el Deportivo.

El implicado está obligado a notificar su decisión quince días antes de que haga valer su derecho de cambiar a otro club, el cual tiene que pertenecer a otro país, como sería el caso del Newcastle con el central argentino.

Lo que dice este apartado de la reglamentación FIFA, es lo siguiente: "Cualquier futbolista podrá rescindir unilateralmente y sin causa justificada el contrato con su club siempre que tenga al menos 23 años y esté en su tercer año de contrato aunque le queden más temporadas por cumplir. El club recibirá una indemnización establecida por la FIFA a partir de la legislación nacional, el salario del futbolista, el tiempo de contrato restante y otras consideraciones similares". El artículo entró en vigor en julio de 2005 y según el mismo, la FIFA podría decidir la indemnización que recibiría el Dépor por la marcha de Coloccini, que sería menor a los doce millones que ofrecía el Newcastle.

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Why, in the name of all things holy, does a caption picture of my facebook keep popping up on people's avatars....? I particularly enjoyed the "dog nonce" tag.


Haha, seriously - is that actually you then? Small world!

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Guest neesy111

theres no link to that article


and after all the press had banded about, i would still be catious to the fact this transfer could still go through


This article?




i wouldn't trust fan sites tbh, they are probably wanting him to say so they will write things for there own agenda

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Why, in the name of all things holy, does a caption picture of my facebook keep popping up on people's avatars....? I particularly enjoyed the "dog nonce" tag.


Just disable your sigs and the problem will go away.  :thup:

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i wouldn't trust fan sites tbh, they are probably wanting him to say so they will write things for there own agenda


I wasn't trusting it, I just thought it was the link you were looking for.


Was it that one?

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Guest neesy111

p.s. this is from Coruna's equivalent of the chronicle and the writer is amazingly called Pablo Oliver!!


I didn't see any "el wide of the markio" unfortunately.


tbf we haven't heard that one for a while

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Why, in the name of all things holy, does a caption picture of my facebook keep popping up on people's avatars....? I particularly enjoyed the "dog nonce" tag.


Just disable your sigs and the problem will go away.  :thup:


Cheers the b##tards have got me as well

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Guest Stephen927

Really hope we sign him, but not going to get too excited about it just yet, already had my fingers burned with Modric and Aimar.

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Guest neesy111


i wouldn't trust fan sites tbh, they are probably wanting him to say so they will write things for there own agenda


I wasn't trusting it, I just thought it was the link you were looking for.


Was it that one?


yeah sorry, this transfer is bloody confusing me.


I suspct tomorrow is when we'll know if he's gonna be coming or not.  Also I would be happy if a player was threatening their club to come to ours, show's a bit of hunger to play for us

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