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Nile Ranger


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Pardew refusing to play him has got nothing to do with his football either.


It bastard well should have something to do with football.


Pardew is going to make himself out a disciplinary hero like Souness with Bellamy and end up fucking the morale at the club with his John Wayne act. It might not happen but this paranoid delusion just won't go away.

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If players are just going to get abusive stuff from fans (their own) on twitter we should ban them from having it. Great for his confidence like,


Well he shouldn't have posted the bloody photo then should he :lol:

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Pardew's probably got about 4,000 twitter accounts and is sending Ranger abuse from them all.


He doesn't have to, he just fills the press with his stories and 4000 morons act on it.

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Can people stop for a second and have a quick think about this? Seriously? :lol:


People are abusing a 19 year old for getting a silly tattoo, this is ACTUALLY happening.


Aye, adults are doing it. :lol:

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Right, I think we're hitting muddy waters here.


Can we keep the personal judgements of other members to PMs lads and lasses, and focus on personal judgement of Nile Ranger :laugh:


Cheers :thup:


I was always told that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

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Jose has posted the picture of Ranger takin the tatoo on face. Seem to be good buddies these two. Says enough for me really. My guess is that Nile is an alright lad like.


Right, just off to call Enrique a cunt for 1) being ill and 2) condoning Ranger's horrific actions.

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Guest Bartons_Bitch

How about people invest their precious time on their own lives and stop being judge and jury on others, just because deep down you're all envious. It's the clubs responsibility to manage the players and punish them as they see fit if they are not doing what they're supposed to. Why the hell are people disparaging them on facebook and twitter? How pathetic do you have to be to do that. Do you really think they give a damn what you think? What exactly do you think your abuse is going to achieve? It's bloody moronic. You're all far bigger idiots than Nile Ranger I promise you that.


What makes this all the more sickening is the fact the premise of this bloody thread was to celebrate and giggle about all the silly things he did in the first place, and then add him on facebook and twitter to fawn over him. It's no wonder he thinks he's got it made already. He's got people on his jock 24/7. Just a few days ago people were cursing Pardew out for not starting him and within a few days this nonsense?! Bloody cringeworthy. How about you stop following him on twitter and facebook, that would be the most useful thing you could do.


Why judge him? We pay his wages, we turn up to watch him play a sport we'd all love to have made a career in. He's representing our club, our supporters, our city.


He's a professional athlete that should conduct himself accordingly. I have no qualms with the tattoo(s) he has or is getting, but it's his character that's cuntish. To say he needs knocked down a peg or two is a huge fucking understatement.


He's let the money and the fame (what little of it) get to his head. I have seen him many a time in Koos* acting like the big lad: shouting at staff, arguing with others, strutting about as if he owns the place. You know the sort.  He's the sort of player this country is breeding at the moment, the sort that will bring the game down - the sort that will drive fans away from turning up to watch their team - they care more about the fame & fortune than the club/game itself.


If he was an even half decent footballer I'd probably turn a blind eye to it - let him get on with and what have you. But he isn't, he's fucking shite. And he'll never be a Premiership footballer as long as there's a fucking hole in my arse.


"I'm a gangster first, footballer second" is a phrase he enjoys bellowing out on a night out, that itself is enough to make you realise what kind of 'man' he is. And I'm telling you now, him placing himself as a footballer second is very fucking generous. There's a lot more things I can think of that he is before I could even consider him to be a footballer in 2nd place.


Wasn't he on twitter the other day asking the fans to chant 'go go power Ranger' for him? He should earn his chants. Not get them choreographed. If he plays well, performs well and such, the appreciation from the fans will come naturally.


You say we're envious? Too fucking right, I'd love to be set for life at his age. But I'm telling you now, I would be nowhere near as much as the bellend he is about it.


Here's to hoping that A) he does some serious growing up and B) he improves his game drastically. However I'd prefer option C) that NUFC wash their hands with the cunt. He's Kieron Dyer mk. 2 - with the lesser footballing talent.


Fuck him. Abuse, criticism and praise is part and parcel of the game, if he can't cope with it he's in the wrong game.






*I am aware that me being in Koos could make me as much of a knob as him.

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Jose likes it, meaning everyone should apologise to Nile now. 


Seriously lads, get yasel doon the pub have a pint and get yourself away from silly stories that send you into a little hissy fit - all seems immature and pathetic.  He is 19 and got a tattoo, not the worst thing in the world. 

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How about people invest their precious time on their own lives and stop being judge and jury on others, just because deep down you're all envious. It's the clubs responsibility to manage the players and punish them as they see fit if they are not doing what they're supposed to. Why the hell are people disparaging them on facebook and twitter? How pathetic do you have to be to do that. Do you really think they give a damn what you think? What exactly do you think your abuse is going to achieve? It's bloody moronic. You're all far bigger idiots than Nile Ranger I promise you that.


What makes this all the more sickening is the fact the premise of this bloody thread was to celebrate and giggle about all the silly things he did in the first place, and then add him on facebook and twitter to fawn over him. It's no wonder he thinks he's got it made already. He's got people on his jock 24/7. Just a few days ago people were cursing Pardew out for not starting him and within a few days this nonsense?! Bloody cringeworthy. How about you stop following him on twitter and facebook, that would be the most useful thing you could do.


Why judge him? We pay his wages, we turn up to watch him play a sport we'd all love to have made a career in. He's representing our club, our supporters, our city.


He's a professional athlete that should conduct himself accordingly. I have no qualms with the tattoo(s) he has or is getting, but it's his character that's cuntish. To say he needs knocked down a peg or two is a huge f***ing understatement.


He's let the money and the fame (what little of it) get to his head. I have seen him many a time in Koos* acting like the big lad: shouting at staff, arguing with others, strutting about as if he owns the place. You know the sort.  He's the sort of player this country is breeding at the moment, the sort that will bring the game down - the sort that will drive fans away from turning up to watch their team - they care more about the fame & fortune than the club/game itself.


If he was an even half decent footballer I'd probably turn a blind eye to it - let him get on with and what have you. But he isn't, he's f***ing s****. And he'll never be a Premiership footballer as long as there's a f***ing hole in my arse.


"I'm a gangster first, footballer second" is a phrase he enjoys bellowing out on a night out, that itself is enough to make you realise what kind of 'man' he is. And I'm telling you now, him placing himself as a footballer second is very f***ing generous. There's a lot more things I can think of that he is before I could even consider him to be a footballer in 2nd place.


Wasn't he on twitter the other day asking the fans to chant 'go go power Ranger' for him? He should earn his chants. Not get them choreographed. If he plays well, performs well and such, the appreciation from the fans will come naturally.


You say we're envious? Too f***ing right, I'd love to be set for life at his age. But I'm telling you now, I would be nowhere near as much as the bellend he is about it.


Here's to hoping that A) he does some serious growing up and B) he improves his game drastically. However I'd prefer option C) that NUFC wash their hands with the c***. He's Kieron Dyer mk. 2 - with the lesser footballing talent.


f*** him. Abuse, criticism and praise is part and parcel of the game, if he can't cope with it he's in the wrong game.






*I am aware that me being in Koos could make me as much of a knob as him.



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The fans are the ones that make the club go around. Without the fans the players wouldnt make any money. Therefore i think that we can atleast expect him to ACT like he cares 1 bit about this club. I don't care if he has 100 tattoos but his attitude needs to change before he ends up in f***ing Aldershot.

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The fans are the ones that make the club go around. Without the fans the players wouldnt make any money. Therefore i think that we can atleast expect him to ACT like he cares 1 bit about this club. I don't care if he has 100 tattoos but his attitude needs to change before he ends up in f***ing Aldershot.


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