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Nile Ranger


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Not bothered at all.


edit: :lol:

From his myspace


Quote from: Young Nile on the Myspace on Today at 14:40:47


igghttt mannns 15 init but im on disss ting trusss dnt fink coz ive made a wifey riddim intro mannns not on dis ting coz dat aint the case but i try stay out of as much trouble as i can coz gud boiiis live rude boiiis die dats the sayin i always grew up wid but yh skip dat. mannns tryin to take footy serious coz i wanna make sum pea f**k the street ting its really long 4 me might shubz it off now and again u see it but yh if u wanna kno where i play its upfront dutty striker about 4 goals a game minimum maximum 7or 8 one of dem but my weakness is most definatly girls and my 2nd weakness is losing i flippin hate losing but i hardly lose at anything coz im a big bumbaclart duppy mannnnnnn but yh im gona update dis sh*t wen i get the hang off it.but u aint heard the last of me sho sho 4 now Laughing Laughing


Sounds like a c***

f*** me, I hope his first two weeks of training are nothing but being backhanded by Faye.


Replace Faye w/ Tiote and I still prescribe this course of action. 


What a clown, that was genuinely painful to read.

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We've hardly been relying on him though have we. He's been getting rare chances, and I don't think you see that as anything other than a good thing as it show's we're prepared to give youngsters a chance. He doesn't look much kop in front of goal in the first team, and he seems like a bit of a twat, but he's occasionally looked a threat and he scored a lot of goals in the reserves (and under 18's?).

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Guest BooBoo

We've handled his career badly, no doubt we've handled his personality in the same manner.




Eh? How? He's been given plenty of chances in the second half of this season and generally has unimpressed. His behaviour has had several public reprimands by Pardew, Nolan, Barton and Lovenkrands yet still acts like a knob.


If anything, he's had everything on a plate by the club and he's blown it.

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We've handled his career badly, no doubt we've handled his personality in the same manner.




Eh? How? He's been given plenty of chances in the second half of this season and generally has unimpressed. His behaviour has had several public reprimands by Pardew, Nolan, Barton and Lovenkrands yet still acts like a knob.


If anything, he's had everything on a plate by the club and he's blown it.



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It's painfully obvious, and to repeat what I've said around 100 times already but he should have been out on loan this season and at least half of the championship season, three half seasons where he should have been out on loan and he's been on the bench doing fuk all, is not great blooding, especially when the like of shola and lovenkrands get games without question by the management, if he doesn't rate him above those two then he should have been out to somewhere that would use him.


Also loaning him out shows he has a long long way to go and the club see him as a kid rather than a premier league players as that's where he seems to See himself currently.


A player with this many problems off field and has a history should be monitored 24-7 like Fergie does with all his players, turning up at parties and dragging the likes of giggs and Lee sharpe out and marching them home. It sounds drastic but some players need this kind of discipline, especially in a city like Newcastle.


If you treat every footballer the same, every personality with a one size fits all attitude, especially with a problem like ranger then expect poor results. Craic is the club thought they could handle him, they haven't, they didn't, and the club must take some responsibility as to why this has happened. In saying that most of the blame lies at the players feet, but I expected more from us especially after the way we handled Carroll.


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Definitely with the club on this. The only attribute he's got going for him is pace, he's shit otherwise. His finishing is especially crap, difficult to overlook because he's a striker.


Another Dennis Wise flop.

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We really could have done with that extra £2.5m or whatever to invest in the scouting setup. With 3 or 4 exceptions we've brought nothing but complete and utter rubbish through in the last decade. Pathetic.

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We really could have done with that extra £2.5m or whatever to invest in the scouting setup. With 3 or 4 exceptions we've brought nothing but complete and utter rubbish through in the last decade. Pathetic.


Do the 3 or 4 exceptions not count for some reason like?

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We really could have done with that extra £2.5m or whatever to invest in the scouting setup. With 3 or 4 exceptions we've brought nothing but complete and utter rubbish through in the last decade. Pathetic.


Do the 3 or 4 exceptions not count for some reason like?


The reason is that they don't agree with Ronaldo's opinion.

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We really could have done with that extra £2.5m or whatever to invest in the scouting setup. With 3 or 4 exceptions we've brought nothing but complete and utter rubbish through in the last decade. Pathetic.


Do the 3 or 4 exceptions not count for some reason like?


p*ss off. :lol:

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We really could have done with that extra £2.5m or whatever to invest in the scouting setup. With 3 or 4 exceptions we've brought nothing but complete and utter rubbish through in the last decade. Pathetic.

Somewhat correct but there has been alot of changes in the scouting set up in that time and it would wrong to brandish the current set up with the same brush.

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I'd say I don't like the thought of him coming back to haunt us but based on his time here, last season especially, it doesn't seem likely to happen.


He might have the talent but he doesn't seem to have the dedication, commitment to want to do well and, most importantly, appreciation of the support he has had so far.


Sadly it seems his priorities are fucked.


1. Wannabe gangster

2. Professional footballer



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Guest Stephen927

He's probably afraid his mates will laugh at him if he takes up the offer of extra training or appears to care about his career at all.

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Guest CaPiTaL cHaP

Perhaps he's done a couple of things the club are not happy with and they want rid of him.


I reckon he could end up at Blackpool.

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