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Anyone who wears a tatoo is clearly an arsehole.  Looking forward to ukip gassing everyone who has one.....chavexterminationftw!



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I think it's all subjective. Someone who has an innocent baby face but arms full of tattoos is going to look far less intimidating than a skinhead with a scowly face who also has the same amount of tattoos. It's the over all presentation of yourself.


It's hard to give off a corporate image with a huge tattoo on your face though. Employers might also think it means you're prone to poor, impulsive decisions.

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Guest Recoba

Laughable that people still get their panties in a bunch over tattoos or piercings (in general). Who cares?


The corporate world?  I know a professional bloke embarrassed to let holiday photos be seen to colleagues as they dont wish for their tats, which they got when younger, be known.  Shallow maybe, but people are shallow and do judge.

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Guest bimpy474

Mrs Bimpy has my full name, height, IQ, eye and hair colour tough stickered on her rump.


IN CAPITALS. Classy lady.  :snod:

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I worked with a lad in seghill who had a tigers head on his hand done at Her Majesty's Pleasure when he was a teenager....he's now in his 40s and has never had a job above minimum wage. Basically, employers take one look at him and show him the door.


Theres a world of difference between a detailed Debuchy sleeve and a few borstal dots. Unfortunately people (employers) know which is which.

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Guest Recoba

I worked with a lad in seghill who had a tigers head on his hand done at Her Majesty's Pleasure when he was a teenager....he's now in his 40s and has never had a job above minimum wage. Basically, employers take one look at him and show him the door.


Theres a world of difference between a detailed Debuchy sleeve and a few borstal dots. Unfortunately people (employers) know which is which.


Exactly. A badly done, cheap tattoo gives off a big signal. If you are set on getting a tattoo then spend as much as you would on a decent second hand car or do not bother.

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I'd ask what these people are thinking when they have great, big holes put in their ears and tattoos on their faces, but I suspect they're not really thinking at all.


:lol: Maybe they like the way they look? In the same way you might like a different pair of trainers to me or someone else? Just because you don't like them doesn't meant they aren't good.


Sure, but I'm smart enough to know I'm probably not going to want to wear the same trainers for the rest of my life. And might on occasion also need to wear shoes.


(The fact that I've been buying blue Super Sambas for 20 years now notwithstanding.)

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Of course it matters. If only because it costs a hell of a lot of money to remove the bastard things when you've matured/got old and think the 20-year-old you was a naive/dumb/tasteless twat.


And what does "look fucked" mean, anyway? There's a massive difference between 35 and 65, you know :lol:


To be honest, I've thought about tattoos regularly throughout my life, and it was only at 35 or so that something occurred to me that I would truly consider worth having permanently inscribed on my body for the rest of my days. (The idea itself is daft, but it was something I could really imagine having for the rest of my life.)

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I'm not being judgemental here: I don't care what other folks have scrawled across their bodies. It has nothing to do with taste.


My main reservation about the whole thing is that tattoos are kind of permanent and somewhat unpleasant and expensive to remove, and being nearly 40, I know that I would be massively narked to have to splash out money to get the crap off my skin that some dumb, young kid splashed out another load of money to have engraved on there.


I think many people my age and older would say the same.


Again, particularly when you're 60, you're probably not going to be the same person you were when you had the tats done, and you're quite likely to be unhappy with the twat that was 20-year-old you who had a load of dumb shit tattooed on your body and you now have to deal with.


That said, I clearly have no problem fucking up my liver and lungs for my future self with booze and fags.

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