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Nile Ranger


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People getting fucking precious about the Nile Ranger thread being derailed, come on man :lol:


As if I said that. I meant it's keeping Nile Ranger at the top of the page all the time as if he is relevant in anyway to newcastle. I'd rather forget about him completely.


The tattoo convo is far more interesting than Nile Ranger but feel it would be better suited in general chat or something.

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Guest Recoba

I think you'll see a change in that in coming years though, as people move beyond stereotyping. most digital agencies/creative companies I've encountered seem fine with it.  one of my best mates worked at Glaxo Smith Kline, she's got visible tattoos.


Does she test the drugs?

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Would make for an interesting chat thread tbh, as in what the public (forum) perception of various "non-traditional" things in a work environment is.


There's already a tattoo thread in general chat.

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Would make for an interesting chat thread tbh, as in what the public (forum) perception of various "non-traditional" things in a work environment is.


There's already a tattoo thread in general chat.


Thinking a more general discussion regarding public perception, as in not only tattoos but piercings, clothing choices and the likes.

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Guest neesy111

What a fucking tool he is


Fwiw, I wouldn't employ anyone showing any tattoo's.


What a cunt.


Next time you need an ambulance  :lol:




It's just my business whenever any client to the office, they see everyone working there as we are trying to act as

professionally as possible now.

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You are basing that completely on assumptions though. Just because you feel like that doesn't mean everyone will. I kinda feel like life would be extremely dull if you thought like that, why not enjoy it for now? If be quite happy to look back and think "yeah remember that period of life. That was class." I'd rather have them when it looks good and you can enjoy them. As much as I utterly detested this statement as a rule, you really do only get one chance. I wanna maximise that. Not look back and go "s*** I wish I had those tattoos when I was younger" know what I mean?


It's not an assumption, it's a fact. I'm really happy that I didn't get any of the (in hindsight) dumb tattoos I briefly considered when I was a kid.


Perhaps I wasn't clear enough that I'm only talking about myself. Like I said, I couldn't care less if somebody else wants to paint stuff on their body or have holes made in it.


You're right re the "you only get one chance" thing, but I hardly think it applies to tattoos. A 45-year-old can just as easily have a tattoo done as a 20-year-old.


You're not fighting a lone fight - I'm with you! Maybe it's because I'm of a similar age as yourself, but I regularly give thanks that I never succumbed to the imbecile notion of having ink injected into my skin. And I can confirm that if I did have visible tattoos I would be at serious risk of having my employment terminated on the grounds on not maintaining an appropriately professional appearance. I also feel that is a perfectly reasonable position too.


San Toon, I'm not sure how old you are, but many of your posts on this matter betray the arrogance of youth, a sort of "f*** The Man if he don't like my ink." The fact is that many people who aren't teens and twentysomethings look at ink and automatically think "Idiot" or even "Criminal."

In fact, the same sorts of responses the majority of people think when they see Ranger's face tattoo...



What an absolutely appalling attitude! Again you are generalising your own prejudiced and quite frankly ridiculous attitude and using it as the yard stick for everybody else.  I'd think you are in the minority, which is a positive thing. If you judge people like that I feel sorry for you man, what a small mind you must have.


I find it pretty hilarious how ridiculous that post is. I'm 27, my friendship group are all late twenties. I don't think many people think like you, in fact you're practically the only person I've spoken to who has that attitude. It's nothing to do with "fuck the man". What a condescending and ill informed assumption to make. Do yourself a favour and just don't let it concern you, its up to other people what they do.


Actually, an awful lot of people think like that. Or they worry other people think like that.


Mate of mine with the world's most impressive dreads couldn't find a job for love nor money after uni (he's an architect). Eventually, one of the potential employers took him aside and said that he'd never get hired as an architect with the dreads: they worried that clients wouldn't like it. He found a job very quickly once he cut them off.


I get enough sideward looks just turning up at offices in sandals.


Just because people don't come right out and say they think tats/dreads/piercings are unprofessional or otherwise objectionable, it doesn't mean they don't think like that.

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Guest chicken little

It's just my business whenever any client to the office, they see everyone working there as we are trying to act as

professionally as possible now.


Fair fucks mate, if it's your business then it is your shout.


Similarly, I try not to hire people who can't write a coherent fucking sentence.

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There are concealers you can get to cover up your tattoos. Obviously a lot of work if you're covered in them:




2/10 would not employ

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Guest strongbow69

There are concealers you can get to cover up your tattoos. Obviously a lot of work if you're covered in them:




2/10 would not employ


night security guard  O0

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