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I can't back him. The sooner he's gone the better.


He has a long long long long way to go before I feel I can back him. If that happens, and I hope it does - fair enough.


But right now I can't back him, I'm embarrassed and ashamed that he plays for us.


What I won't do though is boo or jeer him, for the sake of the team.


As much as I don't like or rate him, it would be utter madness to let him go now without another player to replace him.

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Im sorry, i really really dont buy into this he plays for newcastle therefore we should back him bollocks. I think its pretty astounding that people would put a football club over morals and ethics. Its not an over reaction but if he played for another club and it was one of our players who kicked out at him you;d all be saying good on the lad.


If he gets booed by our fans then he deserves it becasue in the eyes of those fans he's brought more shame to the club.


Ive never seen a thread with so little perspective whatsoever. I cant beleive how many people are unplaying the fact he beat the s*** out of 2 people.


So much hypocrisy its unreal.


I justcant see whatsoever how being booed or slagged off by the media is in anyway comparable to whats he's done - repeatedly.


Do you believe in justice though, and the innocent until proven guilty stance that many judicial systems follow? What morals and ethics would you like to discuss?


Because he was found guilty and he has served a sentence of punishment under that judicial system. The sentence is finished and he's been released. So is he not forgiven then? Or is he guilty for the rest of his life and f*** justice, let's make sure we have stones in our hands for all time so we can throw them every chance we get. As long as it's someone else, not us.


I came across as being completely anti Barton there and i dont think i am per se, ethically speaking you're right he has served his punishment, and from the moment left prison was a completely innocent man (clean slate etc), i supose i just cant stomach people who attack others for attacking Barton, i think its something to do with the fact that he;s a serial offender, id probably be 100% agreeing with you if this was the first time but sadly it isnt, its the 5th run in he;s had, why should we afford him any undue protection when similiarly thuggsih people would get lambasted and labelled the scurge of life.


Just rank hypocrisy in my eyes.


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Keane backing for Barton


Newcastle midfielder Joey Barton has won backing from an unlikely source in the shape of Sunderland boss Roy Keane.


Barton is in line to return to action against Sunderland this weekend, live on Sky Sports 1, after serving a six-game ban for his training-ground attack on former Manchester City team-mate Ousmane Dabo.


The 26-year-old is determined to repay Newcastle's faith after they stood by him following his prison sentence for assaulting a teenager in Liverpool.


Keane hopes Barton will grasp his chance of redemption and he believes Newcastle deserve credit for the support they have shown the former ex-City man.


"He seems to have got good backing, particularly when Keegan was there," said Keane. "He'll have had good support and hopefully he'll take the chance.


"Footballers are very privileged but as soon as you know it, it's gone. Over the last few years we've seen footballers go to prison. You have got to make the most of your career because, trust me, it is over very quickly.


"Hopefully he will take that choice. Sometimes the penny drops too late.


"There is a big problem, particularly with ex-players. When the football stops, you still have these addictions.


"There's not enough being done.


"Players are human beings. They get less sympathy today because of what they earn."

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Guest JamesyJazz

Back him all the way.


He's served his time and paid his dues to society.


He's a footballer,a working class lad just like many of us on here.Obviously not the most intelligent biscuit in the box and he's made mistakes.Hands up here who hasn't?


The media witch hunt sickens me totally.I'm with him and the rest of our team 100%.

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He's a better player than what we currently starting with. I just want him to turn the corner and start playing good football.

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Barton did very well today, considering the occasion and the pressure on him. He was very calm and confident out there and just played his natural game.


Which says a lot about his character under very difficult circumstances.

Thanks for showing dignity Joey in the face of such provocation and look forward to you paying them back with a match winning performance when they come to SJP.

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