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The Weekend's Other Matches

Guest quklaani

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I would have Ashley Young ahead of any other player in the league.


Let's not get carried away.


I'm not. I know his name's not foreign enough but I bet he's involved in about 75% of Villa's goals. Wonderful player, totally consistent with an attitude to match.

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I think Villa has got a great striker partnership in Young and Carew. I mean, two oh so different players in style, yet they fill each other out so fucking well it's almost unbelievable. If this goes on I'd almost put my money on Young or Carew to become Prem top scorer this season.

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I would like to have a naked girl in my bed just like that, but that is not in the cards now is it?  :laugh2:


You need to always include "sexy" before "naked girl". Who knows if your wish is granted and because of leaving out sexy you get a fat slag naked on your bed eating cheese doodles shouting at you "Get in mah belleh!"

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Im so depressed these days so i would handle it, fuck you Newcastle United for lowering my standards!


Even I these days would never have such low standards when it comes to girls I'd wanna pull. Hell, nothing would make me settle for a tub of lard. I'm that shallow. I mean, what's on the inside is what you'd settle for if you're 60 and can't get it up anyways.

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I would have Ashley Young ahead of any other player in the league.


Let's not get carried away.


I'm not. I know his name's not foreign enough but I bet he's involved in about 75% of Villa's goals. Wonderful player, totally consistent with an attitude to match.


He's great. Would probably rather have Ronaldo though  :razz:

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Guest quklaani

I would have Ashley Young ahead of any other player in the league.


Let's not get carried away.


He's better than Giggs, Nani, Cole, Riera, Lennon, Bentley, Park, Pedersen, Valencia, Walcott, Petrov, Malouda, Downing and any other winger that springs to mind, even Dirk Kuyt...


Second best winger in the league I reckon, just edging out Arteta.  I pray to God Rafa never notices this (and if he does that Young isn't a little greedy twat.)

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I would have Ashley Young ahead of any other player in the league.


Let's not get carried away.


He's better than Giggs, Nani, Cole, Riera, Lennon, Bentley, Park, Pedersen, Valencia, Walcott, Petrov, Malouda, Downing and any other winger that springs to mind, even Dirk Kuyt...


Second best winger in the league I reckon, just edging out Arteta.  I pray to God Rafa never notices this (and if he does that Young isn't a little greedy twat.)

Sorry mate but Arteta isn't the best winger in the league :lol: That Portugese lad from Manchester is by a country mile. Also, "even Dirk Kuyt" Dirk Kuyt is unbelievably average it's untrue.

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I would have Ashley Young ahead of any other player in the league.


Let's not get carried away.


He's better than Giggs, Nani, Cole, Riera, Lennon, Bentley, Park, Pedersen, Valencia, Walcott, Petrov, Malouda, Downing and any other winger that springs to mind, even Dirk Kuyt...


Second best winger in the league I reckon, just edging out Arteta.  I pray to God Rafa never notices this (and if he does that Young isn't a little greedy t***.)


I think Joe Cole's actually a LOT better than he gets credit for. (I know he's an easy target, but the amount of stick he gets is absurd.) Put him in a side like Everton, Villa, or Portsmouth and I think he'd comfortably be as impressive as Young.

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Come on people, Young is developing into an excellent player, but don't get carried away.


More exciting than most players? Yes. Love to have him in my team? Yes. A world beater? No, but there's time.


And I wouldn't call Arteta a typical winger, more a creative midfielder who's stuck out wide because he doesn't have the physical attributes to compete in the middle.


Which makes me think, would I rather have Arteta or Young in my team? I feel so sorry for Arteta in that team of eejits at the moment... the only one with some composure and real technical quality.

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Young isn't a striker is he?


Shite, mixed him up with Agbonlahor position-wise  :doh:


Still very much a class A player though, Young.


Agbonlahor is a superb finisher. His goal against Everton at home last season where he picked a 40 yard ball out of the air and slotted it past the keeper was a fantastic finish.


He's got an awful lot to learn, though, in terms of getting himself in the right position at the right time.


re Young, there are several better players in the league at the moment, but I don't really care about them, i just like what he does for us.


I'm hoping that John Robertson will get Milner crossing the ball as well as he got Young doing it.

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Young isn't a striker is he?


Shite, mixed him up with Agbonlahor position-wise   :doh:


Still very much a class A player though, Young.


Agbonlahor is a superb finisher. His goal against Everton at home last season where he picked a 40 yard ball out of the air and slotted it past the keeper was a fantastic finish.


He's got an awful lot to learn, though, in terms of getting himself in the right position at the right time.


re Young, there are several better players in the league at the moment, but I don't really care about them, i just like what he does for us.


I'm hoping that John Robertson will get Milner crossing the ball as well as he got Young doing it.


Then your up for an treat, because THAT will never happen :D


He's only a coach, not a faith healer.

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Guest quklaani

I would have Ashley Young ahead of any other player in the league.


Let's not get carried away.


He's better than Giggs, Nani, Cole, Riera, Lennon, Bentley, Park, Pedersen, Valencia, Walcott, Petrov, Malouda, Downing and any other winger that springs to mind, even Dirk Kuyt...


Second best winger in the league I reckon, just edging out Arteta.  I pray to God Rafa never notices this (and if he does that Young isn't a little greedy t***.)

Sorry mate but Arteta isn't the best winger in the league :lol: That Portugese lad from Manchester is by a country mile. Also, "even Dirk Kuyt" Dirk Kuyt is unbelievably average it's untrue.


I said he edged out Arteta, so by that Arteta is the third best in the league.  It goes without saying that its Ronaldo and then everyone else in the distance.  I think its also fair to say theres a chance I was being ever so slightly facetious about Kuyt.


As for the other post, Cole's a good player, but he disapoints in a Chelsea team absolutely stacked with talent.  If Young played with those players around him (and I pray he never does) then he'd score and create more than he already does, which is of course more than Cole.  I like to watch Villa (Ive never had a problem with them, although for the most part they despise us) play because Young and Agbonlahor are so exciting to watch, so I've seen quite a lot of him.  I really think of "the rest" in the league, behind the world class few, he's the best winger.  He's helped by the dearth of proper wingers, which is part of why he's so great to watch, a genuine british winger...tis a joy to see.


Which makes me think, would I rather have Arteta or Young in my team? I feel so sorry for Arteta in that team of eejits at the moment... the only one with some composure and real technical quality.


Im guessing theres not much that'll make you feel positive about Everton at the moment, but that Fellaini looks pretty good.  Guess he'd need to be for the money.


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I would have Ashley Young ahead of any other player in the league.


Let's not get carried away.


He's better than Giggs, Nani, Cole, Riera, Lennon, Bentley, Park, Pedersen, Valencia, Walcott, Petrov, Malouda, Downing and any other winger that springs to mind, even Dirk Kuyt...


Second best winger in the league I reckon, just edging out Arteta.  I pray to God Rafa never notices this (and if he does that Young isn't a little greedy twat.)


But not the best player in the league.


It's a disgrace he can't get a game for England, though.  I'd also have Agbonlahor playing, he's a better forward than Rooney.



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