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The Newcastle United Transfer Thread: D-Day [Spoiler: Not Much Happens]


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Guest Howaythetoon

Mido? Not good enough and he'll only become a drain on the club in the same way Viudka has been. I'd rather promote Ranger as a first-team squad player and just get rid of Smith.Mido is better than Smith but you'll just be replacing one problem with another all the same. As for Ferguson, what is the point? He's no better than Butt and is nearing the end of his career. 2 years down the line there'll be a Ferguson your time is up thread on here, countered by the club offering the player a new deal no doubt.

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If another club is prepared to take Smith as a swap we need the player coming in to be a central midfielder or full back.


We don't need Mido (though on his day he's a decent player) unless we are unloading one or two of the 3 strikers we already have who are in the 6 foot 2 inches or more category.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

to the tune of 'Oh my Darling Valentine'...



We've got Mido, We've got Mido

And he looks like Richard Reid


If you see him on a jumbo

Make the dirty fucka bleed

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Mido is 25, fitter and slimmer this year and can finish. He seems to be relatively stable, mentally, so to be paid to get a striker like him is an opportunity of a lifetime. I repeat, opportunity of a lifetime.


He's got a sweet left-foot, some pace and is a decent header of the ball. I think he'd be an ideal partner for Martins.

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Don't know the position he (Turan) has played in this season for Galatasaray, but he has played 14 league games and scored 4 goals and no assists.


4 goals 8 assists in 24 games all competitions according to Wiki.

He normally plays wide left or right. Don't think he can play centrally as well as he does out wide.

Cracking little player though.

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If we could get some sort of loan deal for Mido i'd be pleased. I'd genuinely offer them Smith for nowt, permanently, to have Mido till the end of the season. Aye he's not a great player but Smith is utterly, utterly worthless - it speaks volumes that he's been at his most useful for us in these last few months - ie, a million miles away from the pitch.


Mido is a good player, make no bones about it. Seems to have the attitude of a twat and swaps ports as frequently as a gay sailor, but in the short term he'd give us something, definitely.

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Should we really be signing someone just on the basis of them being "better than Smith".  Hes only managed 35 appearances and 7 goals in the last 2 and a half years...


So he's seven times better then Smith :)  Seriously while I don't really like Mido he's still far better then Smith, and if we can get him in a straight swap on not too high wages I'd be happy enough with the deal.

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Looks like this one is actually happening.


I dont really see what either club gains from it. Of course we do get the better end of the deal though.


Mido would come here, if fit and motivated would be a solid signing, that sounds just like the last guy we bought from the smogs though. Mido is probably the best player we can hope for in our current state.


Its a strange one, why Boro would want to lose one of their better players for Alan Smith who really doesnt give them anything they dont have is beyond me.


Can see Smith refusing them though, not sure if that leaves us looking elsewhere for a striker or a straight cash deal for Mido (who will come imo). He surely cant be so expensive just to buy straight out.





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Joint top scorer in the league for them with Tuncay (4 in 11)


How many has Alves scored in the cups then? Had read he has 9 in all competitions hasnt he. I was suprised he had half that amount, thought he had been a huge flop so far.


Can edit my stupid self.


3 in total this year, 6 last season.

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Joint top scorer in the league for them with Tuncay (4 in 11)


How many has Alves scored in the cups then? Had read he has 9 in all competitions hasnt he. I was suprised he had half that amount, thought he had been a huge flop so far.


Alves has 3 in the league and 2 in the cup against Barrow.


EDIT - One of his league goals was from the penalty spot too.

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Even when Mido is struggling with his weight he is still infinitely more mobile than Viduka and he still manages to cause a lot of problems. Very talented player.


If Kinnear could rev him up a bit he would be a huge asset. The thing about Mido though is he is at his best when he is a fixture in the first team and he knows he is playing week in week out, otherwise he won't be bothered.


So ... Owen out maybe?



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mido has the talent....but i think he has problems with his head.......attitude problems and injury prone also.


Like someone said earlier....he has to play every week to be good, like he needs a manager who can handle him and motivate him!


i think he would become a problem over time and thats why i would prefer to sell smith in a cash deal and not a swap deal.


i agree, he could give us a boost over short time....but at the end of the day i dont believe he would make it here any different than ameobi, xisco or caroll.


80% sure we will regret signing him! think of how we treated him in the past....


i guess 2 mill and mido for smith would be alright

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