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Michael Owen gets injured; rejoice!


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Without doubt, the team lacked solid leadership on and off the pitch for the vast majority of the season and it hurt us, cost us more than that 1 point needed. Even young Danny Guthrie would have done a better job with the armband

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The decision to make Owen captain together with our form in the first dozen games after he was appointed manager shows just how far out of touch with football Keegan was when he came back a year past January.


I know I can't really back up this following statement, but in my opinion ...


If Owen isn't captain and say Beye or even Butt was I believe we stay up. We missed staying up by one point. I believe a more vocal and instructive leader would have at least got one more point for us this season in one of the many close calls we had when we just needed that extra push.


How demoralising it must have been to see the club captain so quiet, sour faced and dejected when were struggling.



well beye or even butt should have a long hard look at themselves if they feel they need an arm band to be vocal and lead.
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Correct me if I'm wrong and I have may have missed something somewhere. But since we got relegated, we have had statements from our foreign stars (Beye, Jose, etc), and also from our young local lad Taylor - anyone seen or read anything from the club captain?

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Correct me if I'm wrong and I have may have missed something somewhere. But since we got relegated, we have had statements from our foreign stars (Beye, Jose, etc), and also from our young local lad Taylor - anyone seen or read anything from the club captain?


He was club captain by name only, not by heart.



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The decision to make Owen captain together with our form in the first dozen games after he was appointed manager shows just how far out of touch with football Keegan was when he came back a year past January.


I know I can't really back up this following statement, but in my opinion ...


If Owen isn't captain and say Beye or even Butt was I believe we stay up. We missed staying up by one point. I believe a more vocal and instructive leader would have at least got one more point for us this season in one of the many close calls we had when we just needed that extra push.


How demoralising it must have been to see the club captain so quiet, sour faced and dejected when were struggling.



well beye or even butt should have a long hard look at themselves if they feel they need an arm band to be vocal and lead.


I really wonder what our captain was ike off the pitch you know ...


Through all those tought imes, did he ever take it upon himself to get the guys together on an off day and just hang out and try and kick back and get the team morale up and bond a bit? Without the manager or any of the coaches around?


It's these little things that sometimes make all the difference. Owen's more likely to have been straight into his helicopter and out of the city. People talk about the owner not living in the city. The captain of the team didn't! Crazy stuff.

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Correct me if I'm wrong and I have may have missed something somewhere. But since we got relegated, we have had statements from our foreign stars (Beye, Jose, etc), and also from our young local lad Taylor - anyone seen or read anything from the club captain?


Some may say it's a small point but I think it's pretty damning. I don't care whether his contract is expiring, he should have least made some sort of statement.


He's made a disgrace of the captaincy IMO.

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The decision to make Owen captain together with our form in the first dozen games after he was appointed manager shows just how far out of touch with football Keegan was when he came back a year past January.


I know I can't really back up this following statement, but in my opinion ...


If Owen isn't captain and say Beye or even Butt was I believe we stay up. We missed staying up by one point. I believe a more vocal and instructive leader would have at least got one more point for us this season in one of the many close calls we had when we just needed that extra push.


How demoralising it must have been to see the club captain so quiet, sour faced and dejected when were struggling.



well beye or even butt should have a long hard look at themselves if they feel they need an arm band to be vocal and lead.


I really wonder what our captain was ike off the pitch you know ...


Through all those tought imes, did he ever take it upon himself to get the guys together on an off day and just hang out and try and kick back and get the team morale up and bond a bit? Without the manager or any of the coaches around?


It's these little things that sometimes make all the difference. Owen's more likely to have been straight into his helicopter and out of the city. People talk about the owner not living in the city. The captain of the team didn't! Crazy stuff.

why couldn't anyone else do it.


did tony adams become a shrinking violet cos shearer was his captain when playing for england. no. the captain wears the armband and calls heads or tails. you don't need the arm band to lead

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Correct me if I'm wrong and I have may have missed something somewhere. But since we got relegated, we have had statements from our foreign stars (Beye, Jose, etc), and also from our young local lad Taylor - anyone seen or read anything from the club captain?


Some may say it's a small point but I think it's pretty damning. I don't care whether his contract is expiring, he should have least made some sort of statement.


He's made a disgrace of the captaincy IMO.


He has been a poor captain, probably just not commenting now because he knows he will be leaving. Suppose he could have made some sort of apology though.

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Correct me if I'm wrong and I have may have missed something somewhere. But since we got relegated, we have had statements from our foreign stars (Beye, Jose, etc), and also from our young local lad Taylor - anyone seen or read anything from the club captain?


Some may say it's a small point but I think it's pretty damning. I don't care whether his contract is expiring, he should have least made some sort of statement.


He's made a disgrace of the captaincy IMO.


Tbh, although your completely right, if he did release one it would come across as a big piss take after all he made under 70 appearances(complete guess) in  years and everyone knows he is fucking off in a couple of weeks.  He can't really say 'im sorry, the team is sorry, c ya now bye bye'.


I think he just wants to keep quiet, leave with as little press attention as possible.

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Correct me if I'm wrong and I have may have missed something somewhere. But since we got relegated, we have had statements from our foreign stars (Beye, Jose, etc), and also from our young local lad Taylor - anyone seen or read anything from the club captain?


Some may say it's a small point but I think it's pretty damning. I don't care whether his contract is expiring, he should have least made some sort of statement.


He's made a disgrace of the captaincy IMO.

One of the very few good things about our relegation is the prospect of Shearer giving Owen a new contract is now gone.


Haven't had a statement from Ameobi to the media to state he's staying with us *fingers crossed*.

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The decision to make Owen captain together with our form in the first dozen games after he was appointed manager shows just how far out of touch with football Keegan was when he came back a year past January.


I know I can't really back up this following statement, but in my opinion ...


If Owen isn't captain and say Beye or even Butt was I believe we stay up. We missed staying up by one point. I believe a more vocal and instructive leader would have at least got one more point for us this season in one of the many close calls we had when we just needed that extra push.


How demoralising it must have been to see the club captain so quiet, sour faced and dejected when were struggling.



well beye or even butt should have a long hard look at themselves if they feel they need an arm band to be vocal and lead.


I really wonder what our captain was ike off the pitch you know ...


Through all those tought imes, did he ever take it upon himself to get the guys together on an off day and just hang out and try and kick back and get the team morale up and bond a bit? Without the manager or any of the coaches around?


It's these little things that sometimes make all the difference. Owen's more likely to have been straight into his helicopter and out of the city. People talk about the owner not living in the city. The captain of the team didn't! Crazy stuff.

why couldn't anyone else do it.


did tony adams become a shrinking violet cos shearer was his captain when playing for england. no. the captain wears the armband and calls heads or tails. you don't need the arm band to lead


Because it's not necessarily the sort of thing people want to do, but as the captian you step up and take responsibility or you give uo the armband.


The guy is an absolute chicken shite. No guts, no heart, no hamstrings. Yellow bellied coward if ever I saw one.



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The decision to make Owen captain together with our form in the first dozen games after he was appointed manager shows just how far out of touch with football Keegan was when he came back a year past January.


I know I can't really back up this following statement, but in my opinion ...


If Owen isn't captain and say Beye or even Butt was I believe we stay up. We missed staying up by one point. I believe a more vocal and instructive leader would have at least got one more point for us this season in one of the many close calls we had when we just needed that extra push.


How demoralising it must have been to see the club captain so quiet, sour faced and dejected when were struggling.



well beye or even butt should have a long hard look at themselves if they feel they need an arm band to be vocal and lead.


I really wonder what our captain was ike off the pitch you know ...


Through all those tought imes, did he ever take it upon himself to get the guys together on an off day and just hang out and try and kick back and get the team morale up and bond a bit? Without the manager or any of the coaches around?


It's these little things that sometimes make all the difference. Owen's more likely to have been straight into his helicopter and out of the city. People talk about the owner not living in the city. The captain of the team didn't! Crazy stuff.

why couldn't anyone else do it.


did tony adams become a shrinking violet cos shearer was his captain when playing for england. no. the captain wears the armband and calls heads or tails. you don't need the arm band to lead


that's true, but if you aren't chosen for a position of power it can be difficult to exercise that power. Certain things are just a captain's perogative

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Correct me if I'm wrong and I have may have missed something somewhere. But since we got relegated, we have had statements from our foreign stars (Beye, Jose, etc), and also from our young local lad Taylor - anyone seen or read anything from the club captain?


Some may say it's a small point but I think it's pretty damning. I don't care whether his contract is expiring, he should have least made some sort of statement.


He's made a disgrace of the captaincy IMO.


Tbh, although your completely right, if he did release one it would come across as a big piss take after all he made under 70 appearances(complete guess) in  years and everyone knows he is fucking off in a couple of weeks.  He can't really say 'im sorry, the team is sorry, c ya now bye bye'.


I think he just wants to keep quiet, leave with as little press attention as possible.


Yeah, I accept that it'd probably look patronising now. But then that's only because he's said fuck all in the role previously. Barring defending his goals/game ratio of course. :rolleyes:

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I think Shearer has also probably saw the true colours of his 'mate' through all of this as well.

I'm not sure. He did throw Ameobi on against Aston Villa rather than Ranger. It's hard to say at this point who Shearer does and doesn't rate. He could have been saying "give Owen chances and he'll score" to boost Owen's confidence or maybe he really thinks Owen still has 'it'. We'll see if he gets made manager who he tries to keep and who he tries to buy.

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I think Shearer has also probably saw the true colours of his 'mate' through all of this as well.

I'm not sure. He did throw Ameobi on against Aston Villa rather than Ranger. It's hard to say at this point who Shearer does and doesn't rate. He could have been saying "give Owen chances and he'll score" to boost Owen's confidence or maybe he really thinks Owen still has 'it'. We'll see if he gets made manager who he tries to keep and who he tries to buy.


He did drop him though. I bet Shearer will feel let down by how gutless Owen has been through all of this, without a shadow of a doubt.

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He did drop him though. I bet Shearer will feel let down by how gutless Owen has been through all of this, without a shadow of a doubt.

True. Is he gutless or just finished though? Like I said it's hard to tell what Shearer thought. The talk of a new contract for Owen may have just been smoke and mirrors.

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He did drop him though. I bet Shearer will feel let down by how gutless Owen has been through all of this, without a shadow of a doubt.

True. Is he gutless or just finished though? Like I said it's hard to tell what Shearer thought. The talk of a new contract for Owen may have just been smoke and mirrors.


Finished or not he is definitely gutless.


Butt is finished but I wouldn't necessarily say he was gutless for example.

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He did drop him though. I bet Shearer will feel let down by how gutless Owen has been through all of this, without a shadow of a doubt.

True. Is he gutless or just finished though? Like I said it's hard to tell what Shearer thought. The talk of a new contract for Owen may have just been smoke and mirrors.


Finished or not he is definitely gutless.


Butt is finished but I wouldn't necessarily say he was gutless for example.


Pretty much.

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Shearer's been watching us all season, the first thing he should have done in April was take the armband from the little cunt


Somehow I don't think that would have been the right thing to do. Would have been a PR disaster, when quite frankly the club has had enough of those over the years.

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I think Shearer has also probably saw the true colours of his 'mate' through all of this as well.

I'm not sure. He did throw Ameobi on against Aston Villa rather than Ranger. It's hard to say at this point who Shearer does and doesn't rate. He could have been saying "give Owen chances and he'll score" to boost Owen's confidence or maybe he really thinks Owen still has 'it'. We'll see if he gets made manager who he tries to keep and who he tries to buy.


Shearer was praising everyone trying to boost their confidence.

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Shearer's been watching us all season, the first thing he should have done in April was take the armband from the little c***


Somehow I don't think that would have been the right thing to do. Would have been a PR disaster, when quite frankly the club has had enough of those over the years.


And relegation isn't? We all saw it coming, I said in March that Owen probably wouldn't score for us again this season, he should have been marginalized the second Shearer came through the door

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Shearer's been watching us all season, the first thing he should have done in April was take the armband from the little c***


I agree in ideal world that would of happened.  As he has as much leadership skills as a dead fish but stripping someone of captaincy during a season just never happens.  It's a complete humiliation for the player involved and will surely unsettle the team, at the time of Shearers arrival he seemed to really rate him too. 


I think he wanted keep morale as high as possible in the circumstances, try get some collective responsibility between them all and act more like a team.  Stripping captaincy wasn't going to be the way to do that it's just inviting rifts and a split camp.


Didn't Big Sam take away captaincy from Geremi very early on, results tailed off drastically - more likely thats a coincidence - but never happens in football.

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