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Newcastle 2 - 1 Tottenham Hotspur - 21/12/08 - Xmas festivities start on page 16


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Missed the match...was at church, only seen highlights, but I must say that I am estatic over the result. The first goal we scored was terrible defending from Assou-Ekoto I guess. But that's what you get when you play Benoit Assou-Ekoto. That was canceled out by their goal, which was equally terrible from Shola. Last goal was sublime though. Especially as Duff and Viduka are the last two players I would pick to do something useful. Up the table we go under Super Joe! Looking forward to the festive period now. Could definitely give Liverpool a game I believe.

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One of the better games at SJP this season, and we just about shaded it - the winning goal was a brilliant

piece of skill from Viduka and good running off the ball from Duff. Viduka has great control for a big man, and this is why I would play him with Owen and Martins in home games ; his kind of ability can win a game in seconds....he was obviously rusty, but still held the ball up well.


Having said that, we couldn't have complained if they'd got something - they had actually more possession that we did according to Foxsport(51% to our 49),and Lennon was a constant threat, although I thought Enrique did well for the most part. Huddlestone also had a good game, and was the best player in midfield.

Spurs did at least make a game of it .


N'Zogbia took his goal well, though with some good fortune as the defender slipped , but I didn't think this was one of N'Zogbia's better games. He constantly ran into blind alleys, keeping the ball when there were 2 or 3 defenders facing him, although this could be because the rest of the side are often slow to find space to receive a pass; a failing we have had for 2 seasons now, apart from the latter part of KKs stay.


Beye was excellent, Guthrie ran his socks off and the CBs both had decent games against talented forwards, but Jonas is a frustrating player - his ability to hold the ball up can be useful, but when he hangs on to it for too long(as he often did in this match), it allows the opposition to regroup around our attacking players.He DOES help out his fullbacks though.


An entertaining game, and one that we badly needed to win, bearing in mind who we play next - WBAs win over City, and results over the weekend show that this will be a tough season to stay up ; we have given ourselves a chance now, and ANY sort of return against Liverpool would be a huge bonus.

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Went to the match with two Spuds fans, what a sickener for them :lol:


Wish we could play Spurs every week, when was the last time they took a point off us?  Anyone?  Love reading their comments on youtube and message boards after every victory "FUCKING NEWCASTLE SHIT FUCKING SMALL SHIT FUCK CUNT CLUB, SHIT FUCKING TEAM, ALWAYS FUCKING BEAT US EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE SO FUCKING SMALL AND SHIT GAAAAAHHH!"

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I thought we kept a hold of the ball much better yesterday, seemed much more confident on the ball and shay seemed to pass it out to the defence instead of lumping it. Good sign!


as long as he makes assists, he can lump it for my liking ;)

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Guest sicko2ndbest

We are 3rd in the form table for the last 6 games. Only Liverpool and Man U ahead of us both on 2 points more. Considering we have played Chelsea, Portsmouth, Tottenham and Villa in those 6 games i think thats some achievement

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We are 3rd in the form table for the last 6 games. Only Liverpool and Man U ahead of us both on 2 points more. Considering we have played Chelsea, Portsmouth, Tottenham and Villa in those 6 games i think thats some achievement



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Guest sicko2ndbest

We are 3rd in the form table for the last 6 games. Only Liverpool and Man U ahead of us both on 2 points more. Considering we have played Chelsea, Portsmouth, Tottenham and Villa in those 6 games i think thats some achievement




Forgot about Middlesborough away!

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We are 3rd in the form table for the last 6 games. Only Liverpool and Man U ahead of us both on 2 points more. Considering we have played Chelsea, Portsmouth, Tottenham and Villa in those 6 games i think thats some achievement


You sure?  This table has us 5th and it looks up to date



With Villa winning 4 of their last 6 and drawing the other two I can't imagine they'd not be above us.

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