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The other games today - 2008/09


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Guest kingdawson

I remember when i was the one that was saying Priskin was good, and you informed me he was s**** and should be sold. Now he's an "outstanding championship player" is he?. Anyway you're going on about me being people being deluded, but sadly you fail to grasp that you're clearly the deluded one.


Burnley better then Watford = Check


Sheffield united better then Watford = Check


WBA better then Watford = Check


Any 2 of the possible premiership relegation candidates better then Watford = Check (altough i do agree that the pure shock of being in the championship, might have a negative effect.


Qpr better then Watford = Check (especially considering the possible signings that might be comming in)


Reading better then Watford = Check


ect ect ect.. (Lets not even mention Derby who'll more then likely improve under clough, and Palace)





I'll actually bet any amount of money you want, that Sheffield Wednesday will finish above you .



What is your point thouh KD ?


GG said that Watford coukd challenge for top 6, and should be in top 10.


Assming all your opinions are valid:



Sheffield united


2 Premiership rejects




Crystal Palace


9 teams. If Watord are behind all thse teams, then they will be 10th and challening for top 6 - exactly what GG said.


"But, I do think we have a very good shot at getting into the play-offs next season"


That's what i'm contesting. They do not have "a very good chance". If anything, they have a very slim chance, but to say they have a good chance of top 6 is delusional imo. It's easy to point fingers at other sets of fans who apparantly 'lack realism' but GG is clearly doing just that when he makes his bizarre predictions.


Btw didn't you see my previous post where i also mentioned peterborough and Leeds? ok well have a look before you start acting so pedantic.

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Guest kingdawson

I meant in the sense that you don't need a team of superstars. Eagles is something of a poser, top player in the Championship, but personally I think he's a t***. Paterson is a good striker, wouldn't call him spectacular though. Caldwell and Alexander are nothing more than really solid Championship players, Alexander has been in that league for a while. Scotland is imo, s***. Bodde is top class and Gomez isn't half-bad either. But then, I'd say that McAnuff, Smith, Priskin (pushing it) and Cowie are all players that 'on form' and having a good season could be considered outstanding Championship players. DeMerit and Rasiak are proven Championship men and Loach + Jenkins can do nothing but develop. I honestly think we have a great chance next season.


I remember when i was the one that was saying Priskin was good, and you informed me he was s**** and should be sold. Now he's an "outstanding championship player" is he?. Anyway you're going on about me being people being deluded, but sadly you fail to grasp that you're clearly the deluded one.


Burnley better then Watford = Check


Sheffield united better then Watford = Check


WBA better then Watford = Check


Any 2 of the possible premiership relegation candidates better then Watford = Check (altough i do agree that the pure shock of being in the championship, might have a negative effect.


Qpr better then Watford = Check (especially considering the possible signings that might be comming in)


Reading better then Watford = Check


ect ect ect.. (Lets not even mention Derby who'll more then likely improve under clough, and Palace)





I'll actually bet any amount of money you want, that Sheffield Wednesday will finish above you .



I'm the one who watches Priskin play practically week in week out. I'd say I'm far more qualified than you to comment upon his progress, from s**** to fairly decent. We should still snap off anyone's hand who offers us around £2M.


Burnley - last time we played them we won 3-0.

Sheffield United are a side on form, but Kevin Blackwell is an average manager. Will probably struggle next season if they don't get up this season.

Reading - a shadow of what they were last season/a few months back. If Coppell goes as is rumoured, they'll have some problems.

WBA - I reckon they'll be up there definitely next season.

QPHaha - don't make me laugh. They can't keep a manager for more than 2 seconds, stability is the key in the CCC.

Derby - The team we were 3-0 up against after half an hour on Sunday? Oh yeah, they're going to be fantastic.

Sheffield Wednesday - no chance.


Next season: West Brom and the other relegated sides (excluding Hull), Cardiff, Burnley, Sheffield United, Reading (but not Preston if they stay down), Watford, Leicester, Bristol City, Ipswich, Swansea will compose the top 10 or so. That's what I reckon. QPR might scrape in, but their chairman is too much of a meddler for them to get any success. Sheffield Wednesday finished 3 points above us this season, we were terrible most of this season. I reckon we have more potential for improvement than them.


We'll see who's deluded. If we play next season as we have done the second half of this season, we will get a play-off place. That much is fact.


Love the way you put down the other teams (the nerve of you to talk negative about teams such as Burnley and Reading who are far better then you) . Not to worry, next season when they're all above you, i'll be sure to pull up this thread.



My offer about a wager on wednesday finishing above you still stands (providing they keep hold of Tudgay).

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Guest kingdawson

Scrapping it out with Watford for bragging rights.


Where did it all go wrong, Spurs?


not scrapping it out at all. He decided to have a dig at spurs lacking realism which is fine, but then in the next sentence he makes these ridiculous predictions about his own club, thus lacking in the realism he keeps talking about.

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I think personally we should ignore the fact that the Championship has a league in which half the teams could win it let alone get promoted, and is entirely unpredictable. But ssssshhhh, don't tell that to people. Watford are just as likely to reach the playoffs as Crystsl Palace and Derby.

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We're all extremely grateful that all the fans of other clubs on the board have decided to engage in a vigorous debate about the nature of the division we'll be playing in next season.

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We're all extremely grateful that all the fans of other clubs on the board have decided to engage in a vigorous debate about the nature of the division we'll be playing in next season.


Aye, because we think you're down?  ???

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Scrapping it out with Watford for bragging rights.


Where did it all go wrong, Spurs?

watford are looking at diego swarfega........i predict the play offs.


From Big Willie?

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Genuinely feel gutted for Fletcher. Hopefully the ref will ask for the card to be rescinded in his match report, as he doesn't deserve to miss the final when twats like Ronaldo will get to play in it.

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Has anyone picked up on the fact that Arsenal fans started to cry off after 60 minutes, pretty pathetic really.  We have a terrible season (on the back of several years of depressing seasons) and the media seem to revel in the fact we don't quite make 50,000.  Those tossers run out on a team that has made it to the Champions League semi final after 60 minutes and not one member of the press seems to give a toss.


an arsenal fan i know has his facebook status as, "F*** you arsenal im done with you and F*** you wenger im done with you aswell"

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nothing but disgust for any arsenal fan who would turn on Wenger but in all truth his time is surely coming one way or another?


how long can he ignore the glaring deficiencies in his team is the question - diaby, song, denilson, djourou, silvestre & gallas will never be able to form a good enough defensive unit to protect his attackers and it needs to be dealt with


the diarra deal(s) were bonkers, as was him not signing palacios and recommending him to bruce!!  both of them would improve arsenal a great deal


they'll probably continue to finish 4th by being better footballers than the rest of the league but unless he takes some action to steel the team up they're not winning any of the big prizes again soon, and that would be such a shame for a great manager who is so close to creating something fantastic

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Guest elbee909


ok well have a look before you start acting so pedantic.


I think you mean 'acting so pedantically'.

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nothing but disgust for any arsenal fan who would turn on Wenger but in all truth his time is surely coming one way or another?


how long can he ignore the glaring deficiencies in his team is the question - diaby, song, denilson, djourou, silvestre & gallas will never be able to form a good enough defensive unit to protect his attackers and it needs to be dealt with


the diarra deal(s) were bonkers, as was him not signing palacios and recommending him to bruce!!  both of them would improve arsenal a great deal


they'll probably continue to finish 4th by being better footballers than the rest of the league but unless he takes some action to steel the team up they're not winning any of the big prizes again soon, and that would be such a shame for a great manager who is so close to creating something fantastic


I don't think they're that far off being a great side again. They need another top class centre back to partner Toure - the loss of Gallas and the feuding that has surrounded him has been a real blow.


I also think they need a better striker. Adebayor and Van Persie are good players but I don't think they'll take them from the top four to the top two, which is what they're aiming for.


Apart from that, I don't think there's much wrong. Fourth place and a Champions League semi is a good platform to build on.

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nothing but disgust for any arsenal fan who would turn on Wenger but in all truth his time is surely coming one way or another?


how long can he ignore the glaring deficiencies in his team is the question - diaby, song, denilson, djourou, silvestre & gallas will never be able to form a good enough defensive unit to protect his attackers and it needs to be dealt with


the diarra deal(s) were bonkers, as was him not signing palacios and recommending him to bruce!!  both of them would improve arsenal a great deal


they'll probably continue to finish 4th by being better footballers than the rest of the league but unless he takes some action to steel the team up they're not winning any of the big prizes again soon, and that would be such a shame for a great manager who is so close to creating something fantastic


I don't think they're that far off being a great side again. They need another top class centre back to partner Toure - the loss of Gallas and the feuding that has surrounded him has been a real blow.


I also think they need a better striker. Adebayor and Van Persie are good players but I don't think they'll take them from the top four to the top two, which is what they're aiming for.


Apart from that, I don't think there's much wrong. Fourth place and a Champions League semi is a good platform to build on.


yeah, but if he goes out in the summer and buys another striker/winger/14 year old as he's done in the last couple of windows they'll not improve much and you have to ask how long should they carry on with that?


depends what they're in it for, if it's to build a team to be successful then let him keep at it, but if they want success in the very near future beyond an FA cup then forget it - man u, chelsea & liverpool are striking the right balance, arsenal are not

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nothing but disgust for any arsenal fan who would turn on Wenger but in all truth his time is surely coming one way or another?


how long can he ignore the glaring deficiencies in his team is the question - diaby, song, denilson, djourou, silvestre & gallas will never be able to form a good enough defensive unit to protect his attackers and it needs to be dealt with


the diarra deal(s) were bonkers, as was him not signing palacios and recommending him to bruce!!  both of them would improve arsenal a great deal


they'll probably continue to finish 4th by being better footballers than the rest of the league but unless he takes some action to steel the team up they're not winning any of the big prizes again soon, and that would be such a shame for a great manager who is so close to creating something fantastic


I don't think they're that far off being a great side again. They need another top class centre back to partner Toure - the loss of Gallas and the feuding that has surrounded him has been a real blow.


I also think they need a better striker. Adebayor and Van Persie are good players but I don't think they'll take them from the top four to the top two, which is what they're aiming for.


Apart from that, I don't think there's much wrong. Fourth place and a Champions League semi is a good platform to build on.


yeah, but if he goes out in the summer and buys another striker/winger/14 year old as he's done in the last couple of windows they'll not improve much and you have to ask how long should they carry on with that?


depends what they're in it for, if it's to build a team to be successful then let him keep at it, but if they want success in the very near future beyond an FA cup then forget it - man u, chelsea & liverpool are striking the right balance, arsenal are not

On the other hand there´s the small matter of one Andrei Arshavin, which at least gives them the extra edge needed in forward positions. All-in-all they're probably one CB and another striker short of assembling quite a stunning team...
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nothing but disgust for any arsenal fan who would turn on Wenger but in all truth his time is surely coming one way or another?


how long can he ignore the glaring deficiencies in his team is the question - diaby, song, denilson, djourou, silvestre & gallas will never be able to form a good enough defensive unit to protect his attackers and it needs to be dealt with


the diarra deal(s) were bonkers, as was him not signing palacios and recommending him to bruce!!  both of them would improve arsenal a great deal


they'll probably continue to finish 4th by being better footballers than the rest of the league but unless he takes some action to steel the team up they're not winning any of the big prizes again soon, and that would be such a shame for a great manager who is so close to creating something fantastic


I don't think they're that far off being a great side again. They need another top class centre back to partner Toure - the loss of Gallas and the feuding that has surrounded him has been a real blow.


I also think they need a better striker. Adebayor and Van Persie are good players but I don't think they'll take them from the top four to the top two, which is what they're aiming for.


Apart from that, I don't think there's much wrong. Fourth place and a Champions League semi is a good platform to build on.


yeah, but if he goes out in the summer and buys another striker/winger/14 year old as he's done in the last couple of windows they'll not improve much and you have to ask how long should they carry on with that?


depends what they're in it for, if it's to build a team to be successful then let him keep at it, but if they want success in the very near future beyond an FA cup then forget it - man u, chelsea & liverpool are striking the right balance, arsenal are not

On the other hand there´s the small matter of one Andrei Arshavin, which at least gives them the extra edge needed in forward positions. All-in-all they're probably one CB and another striker short of assembling quite a stunning team...


Erm, they also need a couple of bastard midfielders in the mold of Vieira and Petit. The midfielders they have now pale in comparison to those two, and even to the Ray Parlour of the later years.

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nothing but disgust for any arsenal fan who would turn on Wenger but in all truth his time is surely coming one way or another?


how long can he ignore the glaring deficiencies in his team is the question - diaby, song, denilson, djourou, silvestre & gallas will never be able to form a good enough defensive unit to protect his attackers and it needs to be dealt with


the diarra deal(s) were bonkers, as was him not signing palacios and recommending him to bruce!!  both of them would improve arsenal a great deal


they'll probably continue to finish 4th by being better footballers than the rest of the league but unless he takes some action to steel the team up they're not winning any of the big prizes again soon, and that would be such a shame for a great manager who is so close to creating something fantastic


I don't think they're that far off being a great side again. They need another top class centre back to partner Toure - the loss of Gallas and the feuding that has surrounded him has been a real blow.


I also think they need a better striker. Adebayor and Van Persie are good players but I don't think they'll take them from the top four to the top two, which is what they're aiming for.


Apart from that, I don't think there's much wrong. Fourth place and a Champions League semi is a good platform to build on.


yeah, but if he goes out in the summer and buys another striker/winger/14 year old as he's done in the last couple of windows they'll not improve much and you have to ask how long should they carry on with that?


depends what they're in it for, if it's to build a team to be successful then let him keep at it, but if they want success in the very near future beyond an FA cup then forget it - man u, chelsea & liverpool are striking the right balance, arsenal are not

On the other hand there´s the small matter of one Andrei Arshavin, which at least gives them the extra edge needed in forward positions. All-in-all they're probably one CB and another striker short of assembling quite a stunning team...


Erm, they also need a couple of bastard midfielders in the mold of Vieira and Petit. The midfielders they have now pale in comparison to those two, and even to the Ray Parlour of the later years.


he needs to take a long, hard look at barca for what to do - similarities are obvious

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nothing but disgust for any arsenal fan who would turn on Wenger but in all truth his time is surely coming one way or another?


how long can he ignore the glaring deficiencies in his team is the question - diaby, song, denilson, djourou, silvestre & gallas will never be able to form a good enough defensive unit to protect his attackers and it needs to be dealt with


the diarra deal(s) were bonkers, as was him not signing palacios and recommending him to bruce!!  both of them would improve arsenal a great deal


they'll probably continue to finish 4th by being better footballers than the rest of the league but unless he takes some action to steel the team up they're not winning any of the big prizes again soon, and that would be such a shame for a great manager who is so close to creating something fantastic


I don't think they're that far off being a great side again. They need another top class centre back to partner Toure - the loss of Gallas and the feuding that has surrounded him has been a real blow.


I also think they need a better striker. Adebayor and Van Persie are good players but I don't think they'll take them from the top four to the top two, which is what they're aiming for.


Apart from that, I don't think there's much wrong. Fourth place and a Champions League semi is a good platform to build on.


yeah, but if he goes out in the summer and buys another striker/winger/14 year old as he's done in the last couple of windows they'll not improve much and you have to ask how long should they carry on with that?


depends what they're in it for, if it's to build a team to be successful then let him keep at it, but if they want success in the very near future beyond an FA cup then forget it - man u, chelsea & liverpool are striking the right balance, arsenal are not

On the other hand there´s the small matter of one Andrei Arshavin, which at least gives them the extra edge needed in forward positions. All-in-all they're probably one CB and another striker short of assembling quite a stunning team...


Erm, they also need a couple of bastard midfielders in the mold of Vieira and Petit. The midfielders they have now pale in comparison to those two, and even to the Ray Parlour of the later years.


he needs to take a long, hard look at barca for what to do - similarities are obvious

I'd agree with that.
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Genuinely feel gutted for Fletcher. Hopefully the ref will ask for the card to be rescinded in his match report, as he doesn't deserve to miss the final when twats like Ronaldo will get to play in it.

Agree. Fletcher has really grown as a player this season, used to think he was a complete waste of space, but he's gotten better and better this season, and especially in the last few games he's been absolutely terrific.

Don't think the challenge warranted a sending off, especially as he did get some of the ball. Penalty yes, but it wasn't a clear enough goal scoring opportunity to warrant a straight red IMO.

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nothing but disgust for any arsenal fan who would turn on Wenger but in all truth his time is surely coming one way or another?


how long can he ignore the glaring deficiencies in his team is the question - diaby, song, denilson, djourou, silvestre & gallas will never be able to form a good enough defensive unit to protect his attackers and it needs to be dealt with


the diarra deal(s) were bonkers, as was him not signing palacios and recommending him to bruce!!  both of them would improve arsenal a great deal


they'll probably continue to finish 4th by being better footballers than the rest of the league but unless he takes some action to steel the team up they're not winning any of the big prizes again soon, and that would be such a shame for a great manager who is so close to creating something fantastic


I don't think they're that far off being a great side again. They need another top class centre back to partner Toure - the loss of Gallas and the feuding that has surrounded him has been a real blow.


I also think they need a better striker. Adebayor and Van Persie are good players but I don't think they'll take them from the top four to the top two, which is what they're aiming for.


Apart from that, I don't think there's much wrong. Fourth place and a Champions League semi is a good platform to build on.


I think he needs to sort the midfield out in all honesty. And the squad needs some more experienced players who have character and are actually talented. It's no coincidince since the decline/sales of Vieira, Henry, Bergkamp, Pires and co. that they aren't what they used to be. As well as all being top quality players they all had plenty of experience as well as all being tough mentally. I'd class Arshavin in a similar vein, but not a lot of their team at the moment.

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