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The other games today - 2008/09


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Guest kingdawson

I've called our players bottlers, pussies, i've said we lack heart and fighting spirit, so i wouldn't say i take things about Tottenham to personally tbh. I just take issue when something ridiculous (or something i feel is untrue) is said, in regards to spurs (or anything else for that matter).



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Pennant is getting way too much credit here. He's a 26 year old footballer who accomplished literally nothing in his career. Despite being "better" than Lennon and Milner he has done a significant amount less than these younger players.


Couldn't break into the Arsenal and Liverpool teams. His mistake was not moving to a club where he could play more regularly.


Did you see his performances whle he was at Birmingham? Earned him a move to Liverpool.


Have you seen who has shown interest in him this window.


You guys talk about achievements etc. I am making judgements on what I see these players produce on the pitch. Pennant is of far greater quality than Lennon and Milner.


Where is he now?

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Got to feel bad for Portsmouth. They have been so much better than Villa.


Pennant doesn't get enough credit as a footballer. So much better than the likes of Lennon and Milner.


mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif


Being fair KD, he was good tonight I thought, I don't rate the two mentioned either really.


I think it's time to put a bid in for Kranjcar.


Have you seen Lennon this season? he's been immense. When Kaka says that Pennant is a better "footballer" then him, i somewhat see his point (altough i completely disagree with it), but his point becomes void when he also states that he's also a better "footballer" then Milner.


By using the term footballer, i assumed he was basing his judgement on technique alone but then Milner is twice the player Pennant is, when it comes to that.


I am now 100% convinced you don't even watch football games.


Milner better technique than Jermaine Pennant.


God have mercy on you for such profanity!


:lol: :lol: :lol:


That is a shcocking statement.


Milner has been superb the last 3 or 4 games for us. Read into that what you will.


Lennon has been superb for us this whole season but Kaka says we need to "watch what they do on the field" instead of playing Fifa. Going by the FACT that Pennant has done diddly squat for a long time now, im pretty sure Kaka is playing Fifa right now.


KD let me be very honest with you. You seem to take things too personally and feel this need to be super loyal to anything Tottenham which is cool up to a certain point.


I'm not saying Lennon is useless and neither am I saying he hasn't been good for you. Pennant has had his issues but when he is actually on that pitch playing he is better than both Lennon and Milner in my opinion and has far more to his game than both.


I support Newcastle United right, but I wouldn't argue that Nicky Butt was half decent because he's s***. So is Alan Smith, so is Duff ,etc etc. Facts are facts.


Except Jermaine Pennant is s***.


He's going to be playing week in week out now so we'll see about that come the end of the season.





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I haven't seen them play consistently this season so I'm going off previous seasons, but for me:


Lennon - Good technique, good pace, lacks end product.


Milner - Good grafter, half decent technique, lacks end product.


Pennant - Good technique, half decent end product, lacks consistency.


They are all young lads and all have potential to get better if they work on the weaknesses in their game. I'd agree with Kaka to an extent, currently Pennant is probably the most rounded player but his attitude and general inconsistency is probably why he's never made a real impact.


Another thing to note is that Pennant looks like he's reached his peak while I feel there could be much more to come from both Lennon and Milner. They are both comfortably capable of exceeding him as a player.

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Anyone with a pair of eyes can see that Pennant has more talent & better technique than either Milner or Lennon.


However, Pennant is the last one I'd want in my team. Despite his talent he's a shit player because he lacks a decent footballing brain and has an attitude problem. His ship sailed when he left Arsenal under a cloud, if he was ever going to aplly himself properly & fulfil his potential it would have been there.

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Where are all those now who said they didn't rate MON as a manager OR his style of football AND they didn't want him as manager at NUFC...??


Whilst Milner never had great pace, I always thought that O'Neill(and John Robertson, who also lacked great pace as a winger)would get more out of him than we ever saw at SJP - even KK didn't really want him to go, so he must have seen something in him.


His crosses needed improvement certainly, but we can only go on what Brummie say because he sees him week in week out, and if he thinks Milner has been superb over recent games, it would suggest that Villa's management/coaching are getting more out of him than NUFC did - and that wouldn't surprise me one bit..

I also think that the player probably feels more settled(and wanted)at a club which is clearly on the up and ambitious ; whatever the merits of Ashley & Lerner, the American is clearly coming out on top as a club owner right now, and Villa are the only club with a realistic chance of breaking the Top 4 monopoly for the foreseeable future.

If Pennant has an attitude problem, Milner will turn out to be the bigger success over the years - he has time on his side too...

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Where are all those now who said they didn't rate MON as a manager OR his style of football AND they didn't want him as manager at NUFC...??


Whilst Milner never had great pace, I always thought that O'Neill(and John Robertson, who also lacked great pace as a winger)would get more out of him than we ever saw at SJP - even KK didn't really want him to go, so he must have seen something in him.


His crosses needed improvement certainly, but we can only go on what Brummie say because he sees him week in week out, and if he thinks Milner has been superb over recent games, it would suggest that Villa's management/coaching are getting more out of him than NUFC did - and that wouldn't surprise me one bit..

I also think that the player probably feels more settled(and wanted)at a club which is clearly on the up and ambitious ; whatever the merits of Ashley & Lerner, the American is clearly coming out on top as a club owner right now, and Villa are the only club with a realistic chance of breaking the Top 4 monopoly for the foreseeable future.

If Pennant has an attitude problem, Milner will turn out to be the bigger success over the years - he has time on his side too...


Give over man.


You could probably count the number of folk who at the time then wouldn't want MON on one hand and still have some left.


Milner is doing no more than he did here, the only difference is he's in a better team. You've said it yourself, his crosses still need improvement.


What next, Zat Knight - the new Maldini?



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Where are all those now who said they didn't rate MON as a manager OR his style of football AND they didn't want him as manager at NUFC...??


Whilst Milner never had great pace, I always thought that O'Neill(and John Robertson, who also lacked great pace as a winger)would get more out of him than we ever saw at SJP - even KK didn't really want him to go, so he must have seen something in him.


His crosses needed improvement certainly, but we can only go on what Brummie say because he sees him week in week out, and if he thinks Milner has been superb over recent games, it would suggest that Villa's management/coaching are getting more out of him than NUFC did - and that wouldn't surprise me one bit..

I also think that the player probably feels more settled(and wanted)at a club which is clearly on the up and ambitious ; whatever the merits of Ashley & Lerner, the American is clearly coming out on top as a club owner right now, and Villa are the only club with a realistic chance of breaking the Top 4 monopoly for the foreseeable future.

If Pennant has an attitude problem, Milner will turn out to be the bigger success over the years - he has time on his side too...


Give over man.


You could probably count the number of folk who at the time then wouldn't want MON on one hand and still have some left.


Milner is doing no more than he did here, the only difference is he's in a better team. You've said it yourself, his crosses still need improvement.


What next, Zat Knight - the new Maldini?




here i am!!!  wasn't a fan of o'neill & his football in the slightest and don't mind admitting it - celtic & leicester were fucking horrible to watch, anyone says they weren't is a liar or never watched them play...lets face it with celtic he never even had to try, a reasonably competent manager can manage one of them two and clean up, see Strachan, Gordon


that said, i'd have had him here in a heartbeat as you knew you'd end up competing at the very worst


seems to me now given a good chairman, plenty of backing & time he looks to be approaching what might be his biggest achievement yet and fair play to him as well for it

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Where are all those now who said they didn't rate MON as a manager OR his style of football AND they didn't want him as manager at NUFC...??


Whilst Milner never had great pace, I always thought that O'Neill(and John Robertson, who also lacked great pace as a winger)would get more out of him than we ever saw at SJP - even KK didn't really want him to go, so he must have seen something in him.


His crosses needed improvement certainly, but we can only go on what Brummie say because he sees him week in week out, and if he thinks Milner has been superb over recent games, it would suggest that Villa's management/coaching are getting more out of him than NUFC did - and that wouldn't surprise me one bit..

I also think that the player probably feels more settled(and wanted)at a club which is clearly on the up and ambitious ; whatever the merits of Ashley & Lerner, the American is clearly coming out on top as a club owner right now, and Villa are the only club with a realistic chance of breaking the Top 4 monopoly for the foreseeable future.

If Pennant has an attitude problem, Milner will turn out to be the bigger success over the years - he has time on his side too...


Give over man.


You could probably count the number of folk who at the time then wouldn't want MON on one hand and still have some left.


Milner is doing no more than he did here, the only difference is he's in a better team. You've said it yourself, his crosses still need improvement.


What next, Zat Knight - the new Maldini?




I don't know how long you've been watching this site, but there was a LOT more than 5 people who DIDN'T want O'Neill when he went to Villa..NOT that you are going to get many who admit it, although one has had the grace to do so..!


And maybe it YOU who should 'Give over[...because looking at Brummie's comments, he has clearly seen an improvement over the past few weeks..is that so surprising, just because the 'Theatre of Excellence' that is NUFC can't manage to do the same with players....!?

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Milner looks exactly the same to me tbh. Obviously on a team that features the likes of Ashley Young, Agbonlahor, Gareth Barry, John Carew and now Emile Hesky, he is going to look more useful, as those are some talented players that will get into better positions for him and also help but him in better positions.


I'm still not impressed though and no I'm not just being bitter. I'm being honest. Is he a £12 million player? Not a chance in hell. He cost more than Ashley young for goodness sake. Just think about that.

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Milner looks exactly the same to me tbh. Obviously on a team that features the likes of Ashley Young, Agbonlahor, Gareth Barry, John Carew and now Emile Hesky, he is going to look more useful, as those are some talented players that will get into better positions for him and also help but him in better positions.


I'm still not impressed though and no I'm not just being bitter. I'm being honest. Is he a £12 million player? Not a chance in hell. He cost more than Ashley young for goodness sake. Just think about that.


Carthorse.  :lol:

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And maybe it YOU who should 'Give over[...because looking at Brummie's comments, he has clearly seen an improvement over the past few weeks..is that so surprising, just because the 'Theatre of Excellence' that is NUFC can't manage to do the same with players....!?




so true it hurts

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Milner looks exactly the same to me tbh. Obviously on a team that features the likes of Ashley Young, Agbonlahor, Gareth Barry, John Carew and now Emile Hesky, he is going to look more useful, as those are some talented players that will get into better positions for him and also help but him in better positions.


I'm still not impressed though and no I'm not just being bitter. I'm being honest. Is he a £12 million player? Not a chance in hell. He cost more than Ashley young for goodness sake. Just think about that.


Carthorse.  :lol:


Too much credit parky man!


Cartdonkey more like :snod:

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Where are all those now who said they didn't rate MON as a manager OR his style of football AND they didn't want him as manager at NUFC...??


Whilst Milner never had great pace, I always thought that O'Neill(and John Robertson, who also lacked great pace as a winger)would get more out of him than we ever saw at SJP - even KK didn't really want him to go, so he must have seen something in him.


His crosses needed improvement certainly, but we can only go on what Brummie say because he sees him week in week out, and if he thinks Milner has been superb over recent games, it would suggest that Villa's management/coaching are getting more out of him than NUFC did - and that wouldn't surprise me one bit..

I also think that the player probably feels more settled(and wanted)at a club which is clearly on the up and ambitious ; whatever the merits of Ashley & Lerner, the American is clearly coming out on top as a club owner right now, and Villa are the only club with a realistic chance of breaking the Top 4 monopoly for the foreseeable future.

If Pennant has an attitude problem, Milner will turn out to be the bigger success over the years - he has time on his side too...


Give over man.


You could probably count the number of folk who at the time then wouldn't want MON on one hand and still have some left.


Milner is doing no more than he did here, the only difference is he's in a better team. You've said it yourself, his crosses still need improvement.


What next, Zat Knight - the new Maldini?




I don't know how long you've been watching this site, but there was a LOT more than 5 people who DIDN'T want O'Neill when he went to Villa..NOT that you are going to get many who admit it, although one has had the grace to do so..!


And maybe it YOU who should 'Give over[...because looking at Brummie's comments, he has clearly seen an improvement over the past few weeks..is that so surprising, just because the 'Theatre of Excellence' that is NUFC can't manage to do the same with players....!?


Are you counting those who'll have said they didn't want him (anyway) AFTER he'd gone to Villa which I would put down to a good old fit of pique? (Mr 75 excepted of course)


Right, back to the main point. Milner.


He's always had a 100% work rate, he's always had a great attitude. You say, and I don't think you'll find anyone disagree, he needs to improve on his crossing, so unless MON has injected some pace into him, exactly what has he improved on since he left us?



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