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Shay Given signs for Manchester City for £5.9m plus add-ons

Guest Phil K

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rumours pretty strong about the failed medical mind.


Deal takes longer than expected, no wonder there were loads of rumours going around. Seem to remember a few "failed medical" stories for some of our transfers that took a little longer than expected (Dyer, Emre..).


Both with superb injurys records mind.

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Guest Stephen927

Could be an undisclosed fee incase some of our deals fall through and we don't spend as much as anticipated.


Or big bad Ashley is taking money out on the sly.

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rumours pretty strong about the failed medical mind.


Deal takes longer than expected, no wonder there were loads of rumours going around. Seem to remember a few "failed medical" stories for some of our transfers that took a little longer than expected (Dyer, Emre..).


And they turned out to be fine specimins of fitness. :lol:


Deals didn't collapse though did they?


People laughed at me earlier when I told you of the problem with his medical. Nicko has confirmed the same problem.  :rant:


Oh Nicko has confirmed it? My apologies.

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good luck to him, he's served us well and is the third loyalest player in our club's entire history, over 11 years and 463 appearances.


he's had plenty of opportunity to jump ship earlier, instead of saying he is leaving us in the lurch it's more accurate to say he's stayed a few seasons more than he should've simply out of loyalty, and is going because a/ this is probably his last chance at a move to a more competitive club b/he's had a far better offer financially and c/ because we're worse than we've ever been and its the straw that has broken the camel's back. players move clubs and if anything Given is the exception - those who stick around for the long term. that's he is leaving says more about us than it does about him.


slagging him off is a bit off imo. club legend as far as im concerned and more than welcome to watch us next season when we're in the championship. and a big thanks to mr ashley for making all this possible.

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Sad day for the club, undoubtedly.


Selling a player who didn't want to be here?




Urgh, ok. A sad situation then, that better?


I'm annoyed he's chosen to walk out on us.


But if he doesn't want to be here then he can f***ing suck eggs. Hope we spend the cash WISEly. ;) 


I'm sad that one of my personal heroes has decided he's had enough of this s*** club. That's what i was getting at. :thup:


Then that's up to you my friend.  :thup:


Personally, I couldn't give a s*** about him (or anyone else who doesn't want to play for Newcastle United for that matter). He doesn't want to see it through, then f*** him. 


People not acknowledging what he has given to NUFC beggars belief. "F*** him"??? Maybe show him some fucking respect.


Had he acted with a bit of honesty and slapped in a transfer request in a month ago then I'd have been easier on him. He didn't. He decided to let his lawyer slag us off and link him with other clubs whilst still under contract.


He can fuck off.

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I can think of only two reasons why the fee is undisclosed:


it is low and Newcastle want to save face.


it was a decent figure but it will not be reinvested in players.



The other one is that Man City and Newcastle are privately owned and therefore are under no obligation to announce transfer fees paid or received.

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People laughed at me earlier when I told you of the problem with his medical. Nicko has confirmed the same problem.  :rant:


Nicko knows f*** all.


bit of a coincidence though? surely?


So let me get this straight,


NUFC: We want about £8m and this player

MCFC: But he's just failed his medical. How about £3m and not a penny more.

NUFC: Done!



Yeah, whatever.

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People laughed at me earlier when I told you of the problem with his medical. Nicko has confirmed the same problem.  :rant:


Nicko knows f*** all.


bit of a coincidence though? surely?


Not really, these rumours spread like wildfire these days. One person says it, someone overhears and texts him mates, they text their mates, someone posts it on a forum soon you have heard the rumour from 12 different sources. Doesn't make it any more true.

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People laughed at me earlier when I told you of the problem with his medical. Nicko has confirmed the same problem.  :rant:


Nicko knows f*** all.


bit of a coincidence though? surely?


So let me get this straight,


NUFC: We want about £8m and this player

MCFC: But he's just failed his medical. How about £3m and not a penny more.

NUFC: Done!



Yeah, whatever.


i'm merely commenting on the failed medical rumour, not the money side of it.


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We're dreaming if we think Bent is coming up here. Spuds won't sell and if he had a choice between us and the Mackems I don't think he'd come here.


Spurs won't sell?  Redknapp compared his finishing with that of his wife's in public!

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People laughed at me earlier when I told you of the problem with his medical. Nicko has confirmed the same problem.  :rant:


Nicko knows f*** all.


bit of a coincidence though? surely?


So let me get this straight,


NUFC: We want about £8m and this player

MCFC: But he's just failed his medical. How about £3m and not a penny more.

NUFC: Done!



Yeah, whatever.


i'm merely commenting on the failed medical rumour.



and I'm just saying it doesn't add up. Don't take it the wrong away or anything.  :thup:

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