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The Premiership - too predictable ?

Guest thenorthumbrian

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Guest thenorthumbrian

So it looks like the premiership is going to be bought by Man U again.

No surprise there then.

All their glory hunting fans, most of who weren’t born within 50 miles of old trafford,  will be jumping on the bandwagon to enjoy the completely meaningless reflected success.

And the fans of the other 3 members of the “big four” will demand that their managers are sacked because they didn’t win the title.

That’s what the premiership has become, certainly at the top end.



And predictable. 

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So it looks like the premiership is going to be bought by Man U again.

No surprise there then.

All their glory hunting fans, most of who weren’t born within 50 miles of old trafford,   will be jumping on the bandwagon to enjoy the completely meaningless reflected success.

And the fans of the other 3 members of the “big four” will demand that their managers are sacked because they didn’t win the title.

That’s what the premiership has become, certainly at the top end.



And predictable.  




Professional footballers

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If man u are to win the league I wouldn't say they have bought it, they have had to spend a lot more recently because of Chelsea.  Its a shame really as Chelsea slow their spending down Man Us cross town rivals suddenly become the richest club in the world.



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While I don't wish any specific ill will towards Man U or its "real" supporters, I do giddily look forward to the day when Ferguson fucks off and they finish 5th the next year.  God, just imagining the faces of those distraught plastic fuckwits.  It gives me a semi, it really does

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i do get sick of hearing on 606 "jon on the m25"    "im a man u supporter and im just getting home from the game" in the cockney accent.

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While I don't wish any specific ill will towards Man U or its "real" supporters, I do giddily look forward to the day when Ferguson f***s off and they finish 5th the next year.  God, just imagining the faces of those distraught plastic fuckwits.  It gives me a semi, it really does

yeah, me too.. hopefully I'll be around to witness the day the old hacker retires..

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Surely this has been the least predictable season for a while, the league is so tight and Liverpool are making a decent fist of it. And Villa's performance has been beyond expectations. Maybe Man Utd will win it again, but I don't think it's been boring at all.

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Surely this has been the least predictable season for a while, the league is so tight and Liverpool are making a decent fist of it. And Villa's performance has been beyond expectations. Maybe Man Utd will win it again, but I don't think it's been boring at all.

Agree :thup: It's only been recently that Man U has been in a great run, before that it was very much anyone can beat anyone.

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Guest diddimz

The top is predictable, Man Utd is unstoppable at the minute, but Aston Villa being in the top 3is a great suprise, if i had been told at the start of the season that they would be less then a half dozen points from the top of the table come Feb, I would've laughed at them. Also good to see liverpool finally mount a somewhat serious challenge, though they better not win it, or we won't hear the end until they win it again, 20 years down the track.


The bottom is the exact opposite though, completely up in the air, 2 bad results and relegation looks a certainty, with anything able to happen, I'd enjoy watching it, if we weren't in it, but it looks like most clubs, upon realising they can't be champions, are pushing for the championship instead.

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every season that passes is another season liverpool have never won it in x number of years....thats gotta be something for the present swing of things

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i do get sick of hearing on 606 "jon on the m25"    "im a man u supporter and im just getting home from the game" in the cockney accent.


Prefer the Bristol based Liverpool fans who unfortunately couldn't make it to the game today but Rafa out! Fucking muppets

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Guest timmy boy

If Man Utd win it this year, will that mean they are as successful as Liverpool in terms of league title wins?


Liverpool 18 titles Man U have 17 so they will be equal.


It's mad to think before Ferguson was there they had only won the league 7 times, 3 more than us. Their trophy haul under him is amazing.


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Besides Man Utd going well so far this has being the least predictable season so far.Villa in third 5 pts off top,Hulls great start,the mighty spurs struggling,Arsenal fading well away from the top 4,Chelsea in fourth place and struggling

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Besides Man Utd going well so far this has being the least predictable season so far.Villa in third 5 pts off top,Hulls great start,the mighty spurs struggling,Arsenal fading well away from the top 4,Chelsea in fourth place and struggling



Not to mention the fucking bizzare goings on at Newcastle United.

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Guest diddimz

If Man Utd win it this year, will that mean they are as successful as Liverpool in terms of league title wins?


Liverpool 18 titles Man U have 17 so they will be equal.


It's mad to think before Ferguson was there they had only won the league 7 times, 3 more than us. Their trophy haul under him is amazing.



And to think people were calling for his head a couple of years back saying he had lost the plot.

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Man U could go on a bad run, loads of 1-0's which suggests that if their form dips and / or they lost a couple of key players, it could get very interesting. Only 2 points in it at the moment anyway!


Villa being in the mix and the utter madness at the bottom makes this an interesting year for me. Just wish we werent part of the shambles.

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Guest Mucky01

Can't wait until Fergie jacks it in


Then when someone else starts to f*** it all up we'll see the scum fans suddenly start to dwindle.


and all their players bugger off to Real/Barca for the glory of playing for a big club.


“I would love it”.

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The thing that Sky don't realise is that they are encouraging a whole generation to support Man U and the like and in 20 years time the top 4 could be playing each other 20 times a season, like what happens in Scotland. There'll be a top 4 mini league and the rest.


I never forget the woman who phoned 606 on one of the rare occasions when Man U lost at home and she declared in a Surrey accent, "I didn't buy my season ticket at Old Trafford to see them LOSE!"


What's the betting a few of the muppets will be phoning these talk shows complaining how boring it is they're only winning 1-0 these days?


It would be fairer (and more exciting) if the German system came in - no debts allowed at all by any club, and therefore no club has a monopoly of 30 million buys like Man U and Chelsea etc. The leaders in the German League change every year and that's the reason.

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