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BOYCOTT the protest rally !!

Benwell Lad

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Just a word about this forum being very pro-Ashley...I don't think that's accurate at all. I have a feeling 90% would be over the moon if a new owner took over in the summer with big plans for the club. I know I would.


Unless that is going to happen though I'd rather Mike Ashley stayed enthusiastic while he's here and i don't see how hostile fans is going to persuade him to invest more cash, or keep morale up at the club.




It's a marvellous world where a t*** can take the piss out of his customers year after year and they worry about upsetting him if they complain.


Is that what you say? Ok let's take a hypothetical situation, where by you were a Newcastle supporter living in a remote mountain range, doing research for years, and did not have access to television to watch your beloved NUFC. Would you stop following the club? Do you follow the club purely for the entertainment value? Or do you support the club in a competitive spirit, wanting it to be the best and win every game? Movie-goers are customers, theater-goers are customers, if you go to a restaurant you're a customer. If a restaurant was badly run and managed, you'd stop going, end of. We are fucking football supporters! There is none of this customer service shite, regardless of how much you pay for your ST, corporate box, or Sky subscription. This is why, what Ashley does is of paramount importance, as it affects the club, and our lives. In turn, and since he owns the bloody damn thing, it is even more important that we establish a good relationship with him and his people, for the good of Newcastle United.


Ah fuck it. Wrote the above post in between 5 phonecalls at work. Dunno if it still makes any bloody sense.


Just because we don't stop going, doesn't mean we can't complain.


Say my brother was running the family restaurant, which had been with us for generations, and I had to keep going back, but he was doing a really shit job, I'd tell him what wasn't working and what would, and I'd keep telling him until he got it right, and if he kept getting it wrong I'd complain louder and louder, and if he still looked like going under, I'd plead with him to sell to someone that knew what they were doing.


Or I could just keep eating whatever slop he served up and wait it out until it all went down the pan.


"Lanky's Baked Tattie-parlour"?


I'd tell him to stop drinking all the Stella-related profits.

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Just a word about this forum being very pro-Ashley...I don't think that's accurate at all. I have a feeling 90% would be over the moon if a new owner took over in the summer with big plans for the club. I know I would.


Unless that is going to happen though I'd rather Mike Ashley stayed enthusiastic while he's here and i don't see how hostile fans is going to persuade him to invest more cash, or keep morale up at the club.




It's a marvellous world where a twat can take the piss out of his customers year after year and they worry about upsetting him if they complain.


In that case why are you insisting it's a rally not a protest? Go ahead and fly the Cockney Mafia out banners in his face at the ground, if he's a twat taking the piss out of his customers he deserves it. No need for the PC double talk about working with the club if that's the case is there?



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Guest Micktoon

Personally I fail to see what can be achieved. I firmly believe that Ashley is aware that there is a portion of our support who will only be happy when he's face down in the Tyne. The press are also aware of this. He tried to sell and no bugger wanted it.


I'm neither pro or anti ashley I am however pro Newcastle United and as such i fail to see what or who will benefit from a rally.


Anyhoo what time does the rally start and can i bring me car, always fancied doing a handbrake arund the Eldon monument

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Guest toonlass

Anyone know what the aims of the rally is yet?


It's a means of pretending that moaning a lot is actually "doing something" constructive.




NE5 should feel right at home then

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Guest Brummiemag

Just been out with a crowd of Wolves , Blues and Villa fans tonight . Had a serious discusion with them and not one of them thought that Ashley had the slightest interest in the future of NUFC.

I really hope im wrong about this but most outsiders can see that he dont give a flying fuck about our club

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Just been out with a crowd of Wolves , Blues and Villa fans tonight . Had a serious discusion with them and not one of them thought that Ashley had the slightest interest in the future of NUFC.

I really hope im wrong about this but most outsiders can see that he dont give a flying fuck about our club


And how the fuck would they know?

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Guest Brummiemag

Just been out with a crowd of Wolves , Blues and Villa fans tonight . Had a serious discusion with them and not one of them thought that Ashley had the slightest interest in the future of NUFC.

I really hope im wrong about this but most outsiders can see that he dont give a flying f*** about our club


And how the f*** would they know?


Im not saying they do know but there all intelligent lads and there all proper football supporters and they all think Ashley is a joke .

Maybe there wrong and maybe im wrong (I hope so) but they all think Ashley doesnt want to be there and he's doing all he can to recoup every penny he's invested. I fucking hope there wrong but it seems like that to me as well 

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Just been out with a crowd of Wolves , Blues and Villa fans tonight . Had a serious discusion with them and not one of them thought that Ashley had the slightest interest in the future of NUFC.

I really hope im wrong about this but most outsiders can see that he dont give a flying f*** about our club

you dont put that much cash in without being bothered about the future of that concern wether it be profit motivated or whatever.
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Just been out with a crowd of Wolves , Blues and Villa fans tonight . Had a serious discusion with them and not one of them thought that Ashley had the slightest interest in the future of NUFC.

I really hope im wrong about this but most outsiders can see that he dont give a flying f*** about our club


And how the f*** would they know?


Im not saying they do know but there all intelligent lads and there all proper football supporters and they all think Ashley is a joke .

Maybe there wrong and maybe im wrong (I hope so) but they all think Ashley doesnt want to be there and he's doing all he can to recoup every penny he's invested. I fucking hope there wrong but it seems like that to me as well 


Fair play. I think there's a notable difference however between not caring for something (as you're suggesting), and caring for it but doing a poor job of it.


People mention Doug Ellis as an example from time to time, and Shepherd for that matter. Both had their issues and both messed up at times, but it wouldn't be fair to accuse either of not caring for their clubs. Ashley has for the most part shown himself not to have a clue, but I wouldn't for a minute accuse him of not caring for us. You don't put the money has he put in if you don't care about it. I felt he cared for us when he stood with the fans in the terraces but didn't have a hands-on approach to running the club, and I still feel he cares now he much more of a say in what goes on.

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Just been out with a crowd of Wolves , Blues and Villa fans tonight . Had a serious discusion with them and not one of them thought that Ashley had the slightest interest in the future of NUFC.

I really hope im wrong about this but most outsiders can see that he dont give a flying f*** about our club


And how the f*** would they know?


Im not saying they do know but there all intelligent lads and there all proper football supporters and they all think Ashley is a joke .

Maybe there wrong and maybe im wrong (I hope so) but they all think Ashley doesnt want to be there and he's doing all he can to recoup every penny he's invested. I fucking hope there wrong but it seems like that to me as well 


Please explain exactly what's wrong with the man wanting to recoup his investment?

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Guest Brummiemag

Just been out with a crowd of Wolves , Blues and Villa fans tonight . Had a serious discusion with them and not one of them thought that Ashley had the slightest interest in the future of NUFC.

I really hope im wrong about this but most outsiders can see that he dont give a flying f*** about our club


And how the f*** would they know?


Im not saying they do know but there all intelligent lads and there all proper football supporters and they all think Ashley is a joke .

Maybe there wrong and maybe im wrong (I hope so) but they all think Ashley doesnt want to be there and he's doing all he can to recoup every penny he's invested. I f***ing hope there wrong but it seems like that to me as well 


Fair play. I think there's a notable difference however between not caring for something (as you're suggesting), and caring for it but doing a poor job of it.


People mention Doug Ellis as an example from time to time, and Shepherd for that matter. Both had their issues and both messed up at times, but it wouldn't be fair to accuse either of not caring for their clubs. Ashley has for the most part shown himself not to have a clue, but I wouldn't for a minute accuse him of not caring for us. You don't put the money has he put in if you don't care about it. I felt he cared for us when he stood with the fans in the terraces but didn't have a hands-on approach to running the club, and I still feel he cares now he much more of a say in what goes on.


Yeah I know what your saying, I was standing 2 yards away from him at half time at coventry and at the time I thought great,  there he was in his newcastle top having a beer, but I just dont know anymore, was it genuine? 

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Look,now isn't the time for protest...we should all be pissing in the same pot...Newcastle United's existence as a Premiership club is paramount.

true. any protest now cant make ashley spend any more as the window has shut. support is whats needed, if you want to protest make it when something can be done about it.
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Look,now isn't the time for protest...we should all be pissing in the same pot...Newcastle United's existence as a Premiership club is paramount.

true. any protest now cant make ashley spend any more as the window has shut. support is whats needed, if you want to protest make it when something can be done about it.



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Guest Brummiemag

Just been out with a crowd of Wolves , Blues and Villa fans tonight . Had a serious discusion with them and not one of them thought that Ashley had the slightest interest in the future of NUFC.

I really hope im wrong about this but most outsiders can see that he dont give a flying f*** about our club


And how the f*** would they know?


Im not saying they do know but there all intelligent lads and there all proper football supporters and they all think Ashley is a joke .

Maybe there wrong and maybe im wrong (I hope so) but they all think Ashley doesnt want to be there and he's doing all he can to recoup every penny he's invested. I f***ing hope there wrong but it seems like that to me as well 


Please explain exactly what's wrong with the man wanting to recoup his investment?


If he wants to recoup his investment then it shows he hasnt got the best interest of the club at heart, surely even you can see that?

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If he wants to recoup his investment then it shows he hasnt got the best interest of the club at heart, surely even you can see that?


He's taking nothing at the minute, he's still handing money over to the club.

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Just been out with a crowd of Wolves , Blues and Villa fans tonight . Had a serious discusion with them and not one of them thought that Ashley had the slightest interest in the future of NUFC.

I really hope im wrong about this but most outsiders can see that he dont give a flying f*** about our club


And how the f*** would they know?


Im not saying they do know but there all intelligent lads and there all proper football supporters and they all think Ashley is a joke .

Maybe there wrong and maybe im wrong (I hope so) but they all think Ashley doesnt want to be there and he's doing all he can to recoup every penny he's invested. I f***ing hope there wrong but it seems like that to me as well 


Please explain exactly what's wrong with the man wanting to recoup his investment?


If he wants to recoup his investment then it shows he hasnt got the best interest of the club at heart, surely even you can see that?


these guys will defend Ashley all the way to the 3rd division mate, just so long as he doesn't "embarrass" them.


Unbelievable isn't it.



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Just been out with a crowd of Wolves , Blues and Villa fans tonight . Had a serious discusion with them and not one of them thought that Ashley had the slightest interest in the future of NUFC.

I really hope im wrong about this but most outsiders can see that he dont give a flying f*** about our club


And how the f*** would they know?


Im not saying they do know but there all intelligent lads and there all proper football supporters and they all think Ashley is a joke .

Maybe there wrong and maybe im wrong (I hope so) but they all think Ashley doesnt want to be there and he's doing all he can to recoup every penny he's invested. I f***ing hope there wrong but it seems like that to me as well 


Please explain exactly what's wrong with the man wanting to recoup his investment?


If he wants to recoup his investment then it shows he hasnt got the best interest of the club at heart, surely even you can see that?


No, I'm sorry, you'll have to explain a little better than that.


The last lot recouped their investment many times over. Was that a problem too?

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Just been out with a crowd of Wolves , Blues and Villa fans tonight . Had a serious discusion with them and not one of them thought that Ashley had the slightest interest in the future of NUFC.

I really hope im wrong about this but most outsiders can see that he dont give a flying f*** about our club


And how the f*** would they know?


Im not saying they do know but there all intelligent lads and there all proper football supporters and they all think Ashley is a joke .

Maybe there wrong and maybe im wrong (I hope so) but they all think Ashley doesnt want to be there and he's doing all he can to recoup every penny he's invested. I f***ing hope there wrong but it seems like that to me as well 


Please explain exactly what's wrong with the man wanting to recoup his investment?


If he wants to recoup his investment then it shows he hasnt got the best interest of the club at heart, surely even you can see that?


these guys will defend Ashley all the way to the 3rd division mate, just so long as he doesn't "embarrass" them.


Unbelievable isn't it.




So I take it your suggestion for an NUSC banner would be something like



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Just been out with a crowd of Wolves , Blues and Villa fans tonight . Had a serious discusion with them and not one of them thought that Ashley had the slightest interest in the future of NUFC.

I really hope im wrong about this but most outsiders can see that he dont give a flying f*** about our club


And how the f*** would they know?


Im not saying they do know but there all intelligent lads and there all proper football supporters and they all think Ashley is a joke .

Maybe there wrong and maybe im wrong (I hope so) but they all think Ashley doesnt want to be there and he's doing all he can to recoup every penny he's invested. I f***ing hope there wrong but it seems like that to me as well 


Please explain exactly what's wrong with the man wanting to recoup his investment?


If he wants to recoup his investment then it shows he hasnt got the best interest of the club at heart, surely even you can see that?


these guys will defend Ashley all the way to the 3rd division mate, just so long as he doesn't "embarrass" them.


Unbelievable isn't it.




So I take it your suggestion for an NUSC banner would be something like




with a tiny, tiny little bit at the bottom saying unless you're a hall or shepherd, in which case take 146m

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